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[SOLVED] Drop Down Boxes selecting selected option


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Hi Guys,


I have this code to allow me to get the selected option selected in the dropdown. The option is stored in url variable the code i currently have is selecting everything. I am doing something wrong?



$connection = mysql_connect('localhost','user','pass');


$query = "SELECT * FROM deals GROUP BY MakeName ASC";

$result = mysql_query($query);

if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 

while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))

if($_GET['MakeName'] == $row['MakeName'])
	$selected = 'selected';
	$selected = '';

	echo "<option value='".$row['11']."' $selected>".$row['11']."</option>"; 



echo '';



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You could put $selected = '';

above the if statment and not use elseor any brackets


$selected = '';

if($_GET['MakeName'] == $row['MakeName'])

    $selected = 'selected';


Having said that, you could also echo out $row['MakeName'] to see if it is diffrent.  There dosn't seem to anything wrong with the if statment like only having one = sign.


if($_GET['MakeName'] = $row['MakeName']) That would cause it.

What is the value of $_GET['MakeName'] ? you could override the value of it to 'ABC'

then nothing should be selected.




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Hello Everyone,


I finally got my drop down boxes working but i have a small issue, When someone selects something with two or more words the system has a bit of trouble. As the script has it as say "Sony+Ericsson" but the database knows it as "Sony Ericsson" I have tried to str_replace it but not had any luck can someone help me out please?



$query = "SELECT * FROM deals GROUP BY MakeName ASC";

$result = mysql_query($query);

if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 

while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))

	$selected = 'selected';
	$selected = '';
	echo "<option value=\"".$row['11']."\" $selected>".$row['11']." $sub</option>"; 




echo '';



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well try this code



$connection = mysql_connect('localhost','user','pass');
$query = "SELECT * FROM deals GROUP BY MakeName ASC";
$result = mysql_query($query);

if (mysql_num_rows($result) >  0)

while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
$arrSelected[$_GET['MakeName']] = " selected ";
echo "<option value='".$row['11']."' ".@$arrSelected[$row['11']].">".$row['11']."</option>"; 


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this should work for sure  :P, let me know if you face any problems



$connection = mysql_connect('localhost','user','pass');
$query = "SELECT * FROM deals GROUP BY MakeName ASC";
$result = mysql_query($query);

if (mysql_num_rows($result) >  0)

while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
$arrSelected[urldecode($_GET['MakeName'])] = " selected ";
echo "<option value='".$row['11']."' ".@$arrSelected[$row['11']].">".$row['11']."</option>"; 


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try this and tell me what you get in the output (viewsource)



$connection = mysql_connect('localhost','user','pass');
$query = "SELECT * FROM deals GROUP BY MakeName ASC";
$result = mysql_query($query);

if (mysql_num_rows($result) >  0)

while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
$arrSelected[urldecode($_GET['MakeName'])] = " selected ";

print $arrSelected[urldecode($_GET['MakeName'])]."<BR>-<BR>-". $row['11']."-"; 
echo "<option value='".$row['11']."' ".@$arrSelected[$row['11']].">".$row['11']."</option>"; 


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This is the output

						  <select name="MakeName" id="MakeName" onChange="ajaxSearchBrand()">
						<option value="">Any Mobile Phone</option>							

selected <BR>-<BR>-3-<option value='3' >3</option> selected <BR>-<BR>-Blackberry-<option value='Blackberry' >Blackberry</option> selected <BR>-<BR>-E-ten-<option value='E-ten' >E-ten</option> selected <BR>-<BR>-HTC-<option value='HTC' >HTC</option> selected <BR>-<BR>-I-Mate-<option value='I-Mate' >I-Mate</option> selected <BR>-<BR>-Levi-<option value='Levi' >Levi</option> selected <BR>-<BR>-LG-<option value='LG' >LG</option> selected <BR>-<BR>-Lobster-<option value='Lobster' >Lobster</option> selected <BR>-<BR>-Mandarina Duck-<option value='Mandarina Duck' >Mandarina Duck</option> selected <BR>-<BR>-Motorola-<option value='Motorola' >Motorola</option> selected <BR>-<BR>-Nokia-<option value='Nokia' >Nokia</option> selected <BR>-<BR>-O2-<option value='O2' >O2</option> selected <BR>-<BR>-Orange-<option value='Orange' >Orange</option> selected <BR>-<BR>-PalmOne-<option value='PalmOne' >PalmOne</option> selected <BR>-<BR>-Qtek-<option value='Qtek' >Qtek</option> selected <BR>-<BR>-Samsung-<option value='Samsung' >Samsung</option> selected <BR>-<BR>-Sony Ericsson-<option value='Sony Ericsson' >Sony Ericsson</option> selected <BR>-<BR>-T-Mobile-<option value='T-Mobile' >T-Mobile</option> selected <BR>-<BR>-Toshiba-<option value='Toshiba' >Toshiba</option> selected <BR>-<BR>-Vodafone-<option value='Vodafone' >Vodafone</option>							

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