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[SOLVED] League - On The Fly Position


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Hello all,


Im currently coding a league and became stuck with a bit of the code.


I have 2 tables. Users & Played.


User -










Games -







Here's the code : Report.php


// Update Winner 
mysql_query("UPDATE user SET wins = wins + 1, losses = losses, points = points + 2, games = games + 1 WHERE username='".$_POST['winner']."'");

// Update Loser
mysql_query("UPDATE user SET wins = wins, losses = losses + 1, points = points - 1, games = games + 1 WHERE username='".$_POST['loser']."'");


For the Standings - Standings.php


$position = 0;

$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user ORDER BY rank ASC");

while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {

$position = $position + 1;

// Display the data


Now, as you can see the position is just statically predefined.


Im not that great with maths which is why im having problems! :D Im pretty sure this is all to do with maths but if someone could maybe help me out or point me in the right direction?


Any help would be greatly appreciated.





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Sorry, Rank = Position.


mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user ORDER BY position ASC");


I basically have pages where it gets the users position i.e


SELECT * FROM user WHERE position='1'


The standings will be ordered by points but what im trying to achieve is that in report.php that it does some calculation to determine what their rank will be and then update their "position" field in the database. Is that any clearer?





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At the moment i have been using :


$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user ORDER BY points DESC LIMIT 0,1");


How do i get a specific user's info and get their position? A simple WHERE username='$username' wont bring up their position. Im not sure what you mean by "To get player whose position is x, you just query for the player/s who has x-1 players with more points."





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League table

SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*)+1 FROM users b WHERE b.points > a.points) as position, a.username, a.points
FROM users a
ORDER BY (SELECT COUNT(*)+1 FROM users b WHERE b.points > a.points)


Get user at position 5

SELECT a.username, a.points
FROM users a
WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*)+1 FROM users b WHERE b.points > a.points) = 5


Get position of user 'x'

SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*)+1 FROM users b WHERE b.points > a.points) as position, a.points
FROM users a
WHERE username = 'x'



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Thanks that helps alot however still have a few problems.


In my league, a Win is +2 points and a loss is -1 point. This affects the query as when it gets to negative numbers it just displays the users unique userid, eg


1 - User1 - 50

2 - User2 - 20

3 - User3 - 15

4 - User4 - 10

215 - User5 - -10

216 - User6 - -20



Thanks for all your help.




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??? ???

My test query

SELECT a.id, a.score,
(SELECT COUNT(*)+1 FROM ratings b WHERE b.score > a.score) as position FROM ratings a
ORDER BY (SELECT COUNT(*)+1 FROM ratings b WHERE b.score > a.score)


My test results


id  | score  |  pos


1  |  75  |  1

2  |  74  |  2

7  |  70  |  3

8  |  66  |  4

3  |  63  |  5

5  |  54  |  6

6  |  49  |  7

4  |  -5  |  8

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Here is what i have :


$sql = mysql_query("SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*)+1 FROM user b WHERE b.points > a.points) as position, a.username, a.points, a.country, a.games, a.wins, a.losses, a.streakwins, a.streaklosses, a.userid
FROM user a WHERE games > 0
ORDER BY (SELECT COUNT(*)+1 FROM user b WHERE b.points > a.points)"); 


Here is the output :









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Because you don't have 1 person ranked 19th, you have 196 of them, all with more points than the next lowest, and 18 more above them.


Your ranking reflects how many people are above you.


if there are five teams and 4 score 100 points and you score 99, sorry you came last out of 5, not second.

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