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[SOLVED] Should i be worried


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Hi guys


I have my images in a folder called h-images


i.e. www.mysite.com/h-images/


I link to my images simply by <IMG src="/h-images/1.gif" border="0">


I have 100 webpages, and increasing


I am worried that one day, whoever is in change! might decide that folders can not contain -


So, i will have to change my whole pages because of that


is this possible that one day in the future, folders must not contain -

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What you could do is just set up a global system that tells you where your folder points.


You can use .htaccess or a method of php to solve this.


# php
$dash_switch = 1;

$folder = ($dash_switch == 1) ? "himages" : "h-images";

# if 1 folder = himages ;;; no hyphens
# if 0 folder = h-images ;; hyphens.


.htaccess wise


RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule ^/himages/([^*]*).gif$ /h-images/$1.gif [L]

# or an opposite way
RewriteRule ^/h-images/([^*]*).gif$ /himages/$1.gif [L]

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This could be turned around. If you made a new folder and copied all the images to it. Then using a basic editor like notepad (I have to because php designer dosn't work for me here). Open each one in notebad and do a search replace. It would take time. but when done delete the old folder.

Pay some kid a few quid to do it.




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ohh, thanks


well, i can see there are many ways of doing it


yep, i think ill propably edit all my files with notepad and make another folder name (images)


iam lucky i only have only about 60 pages now or less actually  :)

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