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[SOLVED] User Defined Function - MySQL Queries


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I am trying to write a function that builds list of different query results, but the mysql_fetch_assoc function isn't working properly within my function. If anyone cares to take a gander and let us know what I may be missing.


my function

// Build list for over/index page
function overview_list($category, $query_result, $query_numrows, $heading) {
echo '<h3>'.$heading.'</h3>';
echo '<p class="list_description">'.$description.'</p>';
if ($query_numrows == 0) {
	switch ($category) {
	case 'proof':
		echo '<p>There are currently no jobs waiting to be proofed. <a href="submit_job.php">Click here to submit a new job!</a></p>';
	case 'approval':
		echo '<p>There are currently no jobs for you to approve.</p>';
	case 'mailing':
		echo '<p>There are currently no jobs scheduled for mailing today</p>';
else {
echo '<ul>';
	while ($$category_rows = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_result)) {
	echo '<li>';
		echo '<h4 class="job_description"><span class="job_label">'.$$category_rows['association_name'].'</span><span class="tracking_num">'.$category.'_rows["tracking_num"]</span></h4>';
		echo '<ul class="job_details">';
			echo '<li class="qty">'.$$category_rows['pieces_cnt'].'</li>';
			echo '<li class="date_submitted">'.$category.'_rows["date_submitted"]</li>';
			echo '<li class="desired_maildate">'.$category.'_rows["desired_maildate"]</li>';
			echo '<li class="date_mailed">'.$category.'_rows["date_mailed"]</li>';
		echo '</ul>';
	echo '</li>';
echo '</ul>';


the query

		$proof_sql = "SELECT d_jobs.*, job_label AS 'association_name', d_status.*, date_format(d_jobs.desired_maildate, '%m-%d-%y') AS desired_maildate, date_format(d_status.date, '%m-%d-%y') AS status_date, d_jobs.id AS job_id FROM d_jobs, d_status WHERE d_jobs.login_id = 5 AND d_jobs.current_status = 'Submitted' AND d_status.job_id = d_jobs.id AND d_status.label = 'Submitted' ORDER BY d_status.date";
	$proof_result = mysql_query($proof_sql) or die('Sorry, but we could not establish a connection with our database. Please try again later.');
	$proof_numrows = mysql_num_rows($proof_result);
	overview_list('proof', $proof_result, $proof_numrows, 'Jobs Awaiting Soft Proof From Optimal'); 

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Where you supposed to be using a variable variable in these few lines?:


	while ($$category_rows = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_result)) {
	echo '<li>';
		echo '<h4 class="job_description"><span class="job_label">'.$$category_rows['association_name'].'</span><span class="tracking_num">'.$category.'_rows["tracking_num"]</span></h4>';
		echo '<ul class="job_details">';
			echo '<li class="qty">'.$$category_rows['pieces_cnt'].'</li>';


I assume not, since you then use a normal variable later on - and $category_rows is undefined. Try using a single $ sign.



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