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[SOLVED] Php Search Mysql.. and displaying.


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Hey i have created a Image Upload. and i want to add a search... to it


I made it so when users upload they have to enter keywords inside it gose into a table called images and than into the keywords row..


Also i have another row inside table that called basename witch has the url to the image..


So what i wanted to do is make a php form to search for images that searchs for keywords...


And displays the picture as a thumbnail... in a neat way on the page..


Anyone can help?



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Let me get this clear:

A table column `keywords` will contain keywords relating to the image in this format:

anime cartoons sailor moon


A table coumn `basename` that contains the url to the image in this format:


Such that if you placed in a url on the page that has the search form, they should be able to access it.


You want to search `keywords` for a certain keyword and return all images that contain this keyword?

Note: Check out tutorials for making thumbnails really...


The following code will take user input and apply it to a search, create a while() loop that you can use to output the data in a "neat way on the page".

$keyword_query = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['keyword_query']);//we need to sanitize ANY and ALL user input, to prevent sql injection and yada-yada

$query = @mysql_query("SELECT basename,keywords FROM images WHERE keywords LIKE '%$keyword_query%' ") or die(mysql_error());

if(!mysql_num_rows($query)){//0 = false, 1 or more = true
die("I'm sorry, no results were found for $keyword_query.");
//if it gets to here, that means there were some matches...

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)){
$basename = $row['basename'];
$keywords = $row['keywords'];//you can do fancy stuff with this one, explode into arrays, etc...
echo "<img src='$basename' alt='$keywords' /><br>Keywords: $keyworks<br>";
mysql_free_result($query);//clear off memory of all data from this query, just in case it returns a lot of results and takes up memory on the sever, helps w/ server load


This would most likely be what you want o_o and of course, I assume you know how to create a simple form method='post' and etc...

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Qucik Question :P


Right when it displays it gose down in a straigh line..


Is their anyway i can make it display 3 images and than per line


so like this


- represents and image


- - -

- - -

- - -


and so on...


Also is their a way to make the images all 100 px by 100 px


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try this


echo "<table><tr>";
$intCounter = 1;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)){

$basename = $row['basename'];
$keywords = $row['keywords'];//you can do fancy stuff with this one, explode into arrays, etc...
echo "<td><img src='$basename' alt='$keywords' /><br>Keywords: $keywords</td>";
if ($intCounter%3==0) { echo "</tr><tr>";}
echo "</tr></table>";

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Hey that worked  ;D


I have one more question back about the image search code..


When you go the the page it will display all of the images, and thats okay


But some images dont have basenames and keywords so you have a whole bunch of images that are blank and have the broken image display on them...


Is their a way to only display images with that the basename is not null or something similar if you understand me.




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here you go


echo "<table><tr>";
$intCounter = 1;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)){

$basename = $row['basename'];
$keywords = $row['keywords'];//you can do fancy stuff with this one, explode into arrays, etc...
if ($basename)
echo "<td><img src='$basename' alt='$keywords' /><br>Keywords: $keywords</td>";
if ($intCounter%3==0) { echo "</tr><tr>";}
echo "</tr></table>";

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Alright! that worked!


Now one last question lol!


I followed a Tutorial for a rating system..


Now it uses ids to keep track of what has what rating...


$rater_item_name='Item 1';


Now the image table has id and a file name field.. so how can i call it so it gose on the raiting system..


If you understand the rows in the images are called id and filename



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Sure.. it's a single file called rater.php



// User settings
$rater_ip_voting_restriction = true; // restrict ip address voting (true or false)
$rater_ip_vote_qty=1; // how many times an ip address can vote
$rater_already_rated_msg="You have already rated this item. You were allowed ".$rater_ip_vote_qty." vote(s).";
$rater_not_selected_msg="You have not selected a rating value.";
$rater_thankyou_msg="Thankyou for voting.";
$rater_generic_text="this item"; // generic item text
$rater_end_of_line_char="n"; // may want to change for different operating systems

if(!isset($rater_id)) $rater_id=1;
if(!isset($rater_item_name)) $rater_item_name=$rater_generic_text;


// Rating action
  $rater_ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); 
  $rater_str = rtrim(fread($rater_file, 1024*,$rater_end_of_line_char);
    foreach($rater_data as $d){
if($rater_ip_vote_count > ($rater_ip_vote_qty - 1)){

// Get current rating
$rater_str = fread($rater_file, 1024*;
  foreach($rater_data as $d){
  $rater_rating=number_format(($rater_sum/$rater_votes), 2, '.', '');

// Assign star image
if ($rater_rating <= 0  ){$rater_stars = "./img/00star.gif";$rater_stars_txt="Not Rated";}
if ($rater_rating >= 0.5){$rater_stars = "./img/05star.gif";$rater_stars_txt="0.5";}
if ($rater_rating >= 1  ){$rater_stars = "./img/1star.gif";$rater_stars_txt="1";}
if ($rater_rating >= 1.5){$rater_stars = "./img/15star.gif";$rater_stars_txt="1.5";}
if ($rater_rating >= 2  ){$rater_stars = "./img/2star.gif";$rater_stars_txt="2";}
if ($rater_rating >= 2.5){$rater_stars = "./img/25star.gif";$rater_stars_txt="2.5";}
if ($rater_rating >= 3  ){$rater_stars = "./img/3star.gif";$rater_stars_txt="3";}
if ($rater_rating >= 3.5){$rater_stars = "./img/35star.gif";$rater_stars_txt="3.5";}
if ($rater_rating >= 4  ){$rater_stars = "./img/4star.gif";$rater_stars_txt="4";}
if ($rater_rating >= 4.5){$rater_stars = "./img/45star.gif";$rater_stars_txt="4.5";}
if ($rater_rating >= 5  ){$rater_stars = "./img/5star.gif";$rater_stars_txt="5";}

// Output
echo '<div class="hreview">';
echo '<form method="post" action="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'">';
echo '<h3 class="item">Rate <span class="fn">'.$rater_item_name.'</span></h3>';
echo '<div>';
echo '<span  class="rating"><img src="'.$rater_stars.'?x='.uniqid((double)microtime()*1000000,1).'" alt="'.$rater_stars_txt.' stars" /> Ave. rating: '.$rater_stars_txt.'</span> from <span class="reviewcount"> '.$rater_votes.' votes</span>.';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div>';
echo '<label for="rate5_'.$rater_id.'"><input type="radio" value="5" name="rating_'.$rater_id.'[]" id="rate5_'.$rater_id.'" />Excellent</label>';
echo '<label for="rate4_'.$rater_id.'"><input type="radio" value="4" name="rating_'.$rater_id.'[]" id="rate4_'.$rater_id.'" />Very Good</label>';
echo '<label for="rate3_'.$rater_id.'"><input type="radio" value="3" name="rating_'.$rater_id.'[]" id="rate3_'.$rater_id.'" />Good</label>';
echo '<label for="rate2_'.$rater_id.'"><input type="radio" value="2" name="rating_'.$rater_id.'[]" id="rate2_'.$rater_id.'" />Fair</label>';
echo '<label for="rate1_'.$rater_id.'"><input type="radio" value="1" name="rating_'.$rater_id.'[]" id="rate1_'.$rater_id.'" />Poor</label>';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="rs_id" value="'.$rater_id.'" />';
echo '<input type="submit" name="rate'.$rater_id.'" value="Rate" />';
echo '</div>';
if($rater_msg!="") echo "<div>".$rater_msg."</div>";
echo '</form>';
echo '</div>';




Than you put


$rater_item_name='Item 1';


It makes a file called rater_1.rank that stores the ranking. and you can change the rater number.. so you can use more the one ranker.


so i thought all i have to do is pull the id from the image column.



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Ok, I assume the database columns are formatted like this:


id = an autoincrement integer of the image

basename = filename.extension (IE: someimage.gif, another.jpeg, heylook.png)

keywords = keyword1 keyword2 keyword3 (separated by spaces)


XSS fix (I have not tested it, just did a simple google search):



Well, it seems like you have to use the include() alot, so here's my suggestion.


On the page that echos out the arrays, a while/foreach loop (or however I did it above), add this to the top of the page, before ANYTHING.


<?php//start of file
ob_start();//output buffering


That's all you need to filter out your outputs so you can use more than 1 include() safely w/o any errors. This is considered a dirty fix, which is good enough in this situation.


Then, you need this code for the loop:


$keyword_query = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['keyword_query']);//we need to sanitize ANY and ALL user input, to prevent sql injection and yada-yada

$query = @mysql_query("SELECT id,basename,keywords FROM images WHERE keywords LIKE '%$keyword_query%' ") or die(mysql_error());

if(!mysql_num_rows($query)){//0 = false, 1 or more = true
die("I'm sorry, no results were found for $keyword_query.");
//if it gets to here, that means there were some matches...
echo "<table><tr>";
$intCounter = 1;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)){

$basename = $row['basename'];
list($filename,$extension) = explode(".",$basename);//something.ext to something & ext
$keywords = $row['keywords'];//you can do fancy stuff with this one, explode into arrays, etc...
if ($basename)
echo "<td><img src='$basename' alt='$keywords' /><br>Keywords: $keywords<br><br>";

$rater_item_name=ucfirst($filename);//capitalize filename for rating

echo "</td>";
if ($intCounter%3==0) { echo "</tr><tr>";}
echo "</tr></table>";
mysql_free_result($query);//clear off memory of all data from this query, just in case it returns a lot of results and takes up memory on the sever, helps w/ server load


This will output 3 table data cells per row. Image on top, rating below it (in the same table cell).


|   IMAGE HERE   |
|    KEYWORDS   |
|                      |
|      RATING      |


3 of those in each row, etc...

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Hey ratings work but the display of the image are messed up...


It looks like this



|  -        -  -              |

|  -        -  -              |

|  -        -  -              |

|  -        -  -              |

|  -        -  -              |



- represents a image and rate and keyword..


The first row looks good but than thier a big gap in the middle and the second and thrid row are all meesed up ..

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Oh wait hold on..


I got the search form named


search.html and than


the php code witch is at search2.php


if i search using the html form it goes and and its in neat columns but when i go to search2.php directly it  displays all images with keywords witch is good but looks all messed up like how i described it on the top.

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<table><tr><td><img src='http://www.mysite.net/uploads/9ec8160b5f' width='100' hight='100'  alt='cows,other sutff'  /><br>Keywords: sex,porn,cows,other sutff<br><br><p><div class="hreview"><form method="post" action="/search2.php"><h3 class="item">Rate <span class="fn">this item</span></h3><div><span  class="rating"><img src="./img/35star.gif?x=366061472d000b596251.32619175" alt="3.5 stars" /> Ave. rating: 3.5</span> from <span class="reviewcount"> 2 votes</span>.</div><div><label for="rate5_691"><input type="radio" value="5" name="rating_691[]" id="rate5_691" />Excellent</label><label for="rate4_691"><input type="radio" value="4" name="rating_691[]" id="rate4_691" />Very Good</label><label for="rate1_691"><input type="radio" value="1" name="rating_691[]" id="rate1_691" />Poor</label><input type="hidden" name="rs_id" value="691" /><input type="submit" name="rate691" value="Rate" /></div></form></div></td><td><img src='http://www.mysite.net/uploads/8ee44f994f' width='100' hight='100'  alt='gay kid, josh, goins, faggit'  /><br>Keywords: gay kid, josh, goins, faggit<br><br><p><div class="hreview"><form method="post" action="/search2.php"><h3 class="item">Rate <span class="fn">this item</span></h3><div><span  class="rating"><img src="./img/00star.gif?x=392738472d000b5fe4c5.76961743" alt="Not Rated stars" /> Ave. rating: Not Rated</span> from <span class="reviewcount"> 0 votes</span>.</div><div><label for="rate5_695"><input type="radio" value="5" name="rating_695[]" id="rate5_695" />Excellent</label><label for="rate4_695"><input type="radio" value="4" name="rating_695[]" id="rate4_695" />Very Good</label><label for="rate1_695"><input type="radio" value="1" name="rating_695[]" id="rate1_695" />Poor</label><input type="hidden" name="rs_id" value="695" /><input type="submit" name="rate695" value="Rate" /></div></form></div></td></tr><tr></tr><tr><td><img src='http://www.mysite.net/uploads/d405282029' width='100' hight='100'  alt='Motorcyle, Motor Bike, Fast Ride, Yellow Motocyle'  /><br>Keywords: Motorcyle, Motor Bike, Fast Ride, Yellow Motocyle<br><br><p><div class="hreview"><form method="post" action="/search2.php"><h3 class="item">Rate <span class="fn">this item</span></h3><div><span  class="rating"><img src="./img/45star.gif?x=405333472d000b62f718.89196922" alt="4.5 stars" /> Ave. rating: 4.5</span> from <span class="reviewcount"> 2 votes</span>.</div><div><label for="rate5_693"><input type="radio" value="5" name="rating_693[]" id="rate5_693" />Excellent</label><label for="rate4_693"><input type="radio" value="4" name="rating_693[]" id="rate4_693" />Very Good</label><label for="rate1_693"><input type="radio" value="1" name="rating_693[]" id="rate1_693" />Poor</label><input type="hidden" name="rs_id" value="693" /><input type="submit" name="rate693" value="Rate" /></div></form></div></td><td><img src='http://www.mysite.net/uploads/a01eec932d' width='100' hight='100'  alt='alert ("This is a Javascript Alert")'  /><br>Keywords: alert ("This is a Javascript Alert")<br><br><p><div class="hreview"><form method="post" action="/search2.php"><h3 class="item">Rate <span class="fn">this item</span></h3><div><span  class="rating"><img src="./img/00star.gif?x=408995472d000b63dbd7.37621054" alt="Not Rated stars" /> Ave. rating: Not Rated</span> from <span class="reviewcount"> 0 votes</span>.</div><div><label for="rate5_696"><input type="radio" value="5" name="rating_696[]" id="rate5_696" />Excellent</label><label for="rate4_696"><input type="radio" value="4" name="rating_696[]" id="rate4_696" />Very Good</label><label for="rate1_696"><input type="radio" value="1" name="rating_696[]" id="rate1_696" />Poor</label><input type="hidden" name="rs_id" value="696" /><input type="submit" name="rate696" value="Rate" /></div></form></div></td><td><img src='http://www.mysite.net/uploads/a0f6ff8cca' width='100' hight='100'  alt='alert ("This is a Javascript Alert")'  /><br>Keywords: alert ("This is a Javascript Alert")<br><br><p><div class="hreview"><form method="post" action="/search2.php"><h3 class="item">Rate <span class="fn">this item</span></h3><div><span  class="rating"><img src="./img/00star.gif?x=412319472d000b64abd3.68771796" alt="Not Rated stars" /> Ave. rating: Not Rated</span> from <span class="reviewcount"> 0 votes</span>.</div><div><label for="rate5_697"><input type="radio" value="5" name="rating_697[]" id="rate5_697" />Excellent</label><label for="rate4_697"><input type="radio" value="4" name="rating_697[]" id="rate4_697" />Very Good</label><label for="rate1_697"><input type="radio" value="1" name="rating_697[]" id="rate1_697" />Poor</label><input type="hidden" name="rs_id" value="697" /><input type="submit" name="rate697" value="Rate" /></div></form></div></td></tr><tr></tr><tr><td><img src='http://www.mysite.net/uploads/98f350d75b' width='100' hight='100'  alt='<IMG SRC=javascript:alert('XSS')>'  /><br>Keywords: <IMG SRC=javascript:alert('XSS')><br><br><p><div class="hreview"><form method="post" action="/search2.php"><h3 class="item">Rate <span class="fn">this item</span></h3><div><span  class="rating"><img src="./img/00star.gif?x=415657472d000b657c62.69101973" alt="Not Rated stars" /> Ave. rating: Not Rated</span> from <span class="reviewcount"> 0 votes</span>.</div><div><label for="rate5_699"><input type="radio" value="5" name="rating_699[]" id="rate5_699" />Excellent</label><label for="rate4_699"><input type="radio" value="4" name="rating_699[]" id="rate4_699" />Very Good</label><label for="rate1_699"><input type="radio" value="1" name="rating_699[]" id="rate1_699" />Poor</label><input type="hidden" name="rs_id" value="699" /><input type="submit" name="rate699" value="Rate" /></div></form></div></td><td><img src='http://www.mysite.net/uploads/fa23781089' width='100' hight='100'  alt='<IMG SRC=javascript:alert('XSS')>'  /><br>Keywords: <IMG SRC=javascript:alert('XSS')><br><br><p><div class="hreview"><form method="post" action="/search2.php"><h3 class="item">Rate <span class="fn">this item</span></h3><div><span  class="rating"><img src="./img/00star.gif?x=420210472d000b6698c2.05786591" alt="Not Rated stars" /> Ave. rating: Not Rated</span> from <span class="reviewcount"> 0 votes</span>.</div><div><label for="rate5_700"><input type="radio" value="5" name="rating_700[]" id="rate5_700" />Excellent</label><label for="rate4_700"><input type="radio" value="4" name="rating_700[]" id="rate4_700" />Very Good</label><label for="rate1_700"><input type="radio" value="1" name="rating_700[]" id="rate1_700" />Poor</label><input type="hidden" name="rs_id" value="700" /><input type="submit" name="rate700" value="Rate" /></div></form></div></td><td><img src='http://www.mysite.net/uploads/98bad70ed6' width='100' hight='100'  alt='<IMG SRC=http://a512.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/46/s_4059ce62f31297cacb823b4d968a7a0f.jpg>'  /><br>Keywords: <IMG SRC=http://a512.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/46/s_4059ce62f31297cacb823b4d968a7a0f.jpg><br><br><p><div class="hreview"><form method="post" action="/search2.php"><h3 class="item">Rate <span class="fn">this item</span></h3><div><span  class="rating"><img src="./img/00star.gif?x=425674472d000b67ee92.39889669" alt="Not Rated stars" /> Ave. rating: Not Rated</span> from <span class="reviewcount"> 0 votes</span>.</div><div><label for="rate5_701"><input type="radio" value="5" name="rating_701[]" id="rate5_701" />Excellent</label><label for="rate4_701"><input type="radio" value="4" name="rating_701[]" id="rate4_701" />Very Good</label><label for="rate1_701"><input type="radio" value="1" name="rating_701[]" id="rate1_701" />Poor</label><input type="hidden" name="rs_id" value="701" /><input type="submit" name="rate701" value="Rate" /></div></form></div></td></tr><tr><td><img src='http://www.mysite.net/uploads/aec448645c' width='100' hight='100'  alt='';alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//\';alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//";alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//\";alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//--></SCRIPT>">'><SCRIPT>alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))</SCRIPT>'  /><br>Keywords: ';alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//\';alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//";alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//\";alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//--></SCRIPT>">'><SCRIPT>alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))</SCRIPT><br><br><p><div class="hreview"><form method="post" action="/search2.php"><h3 class="item">Rate <span class="fn">this item</span></h3><div><span  class="rating"><img src="./img/00star.gif?x=430019472d000b68fe20.77975258" alt="Not Rated stars" /> Ave. rating: Not Rated</span> from <span class="reviewcount"> 0 votes</span>.</div><div><label for="rate5_702"><input type="radio" value="5" name="rating_702[]" id="rate5_702" />Excellent</label><label for="rate4_702"><input type="radio" value="4" name="rating_702[]" id="rate4_702" />Very Good</label><label for="rate1_702"><input type="radio" value="1" name="rating_702[]" id="rate1_702" />Poor</label><input type="hidden" name="rs_id" value="702" /><input type="submit" name="rate702" value="Rate" /></div></form></div></td><td><img src='http://www.mysite.net/uploads/ad31945c17' width='100' hight='100'  alt='motorcycle'  /><br>Keywords: motorcycle<br><br><p><div class="hreview"><form method="post" action="/search2.php"><h3 class="item">Rate <span class="fn">this item</span></h3><div><span  class="rating"><img src="./img/5star.gif?x=434864472d000b6a2ca7.73119216" alt="5 stars" /> Ave. rating: 5</span> from <span class="reviewcount"> 1 votes</span>.</div><div><label for="rate5_703"><input type="radio" value="5" name="rating_703[]" id="rate5_703" />Excellent</label><label for="rate4_703"><input type="radio" value="4" name="rating_703[]" id="rate4_703" />Very Good</label><label for="rate1_703"><input type="radio" value="1" name="rating_703[]" id="rate1_703" />Poor</label><input type="hidden" name="rs_id" value="703" /><input type="submit" name="rate703" value="Rate" /></div></form></div></td><td><img src='http://www.mysite.net/uploads/e3b885bb20' width='100' hight='100'  alt='sex'  /><br>Keywords: not sure<br><br><p><div class="hreview"><form method="post" action="/search2.php"><h3 class="item">Rate <span class="fn">this item</span></h3><div><span  class="rating"><img src="./img/00star.gif?x=438175472d000b6afbb1.32041063" alt="Not Rated stars" /> Ave. rating: Not Rated</span> from <span class="reviewcount"> 0 votes</span>.</div><div><label for="rate5_704"><input type="radio" value="5" name="rating_704[]" id="rate5_704" />Excellent</label><label for="rate4_704"><input type="radio" value="4" name="rating_704[]" id="rate4_704" />Very Good</label><label for="rate1_704"><input type="radio" value="1" name="rating_704[]" id="rate1_704" />Poor</label><input type="hidden" name="rs_id" value="704" /><input type="submit" name="rate704" value="Rate" /></div></form></div></td></tr><tr><td><img src='http://www.mysite.net/uploads/15aa00a9a6' width='100' hight='100'  alt='motorcycle'  /><br>Keywords: motorcycle<br><br><p><div class="hreview"><form method="post" action="/search2.php"><h3 class="item">Rate <span class="fn">this item</span></h3><div><span  class="rating"><img src="./img/00star.gif?x=441615472d000b6bd329.73963960" alt="Not Rated stars" /> Ave. rating: Not Rated</span> from <span class="reviewcount"> 0 votes</span>.</div><div><label for="rate5_705"><input type="radio" value="5" name="rating_705[]" id="rate5_705" />Excellent</label><label for="rate4_705"><input type="radio" value="4" name="rating_705[]" id="rate4_705" />Very Good</label><label for="rate1_705"><input type="radio" value="1" name="rating_705[]" id="rate1_705" />Poor</label><input type="hidden" name="rs_id" value="705" /><input type="submit" name="rate705" value="Rate" /></div></form></div></td></tr></table>



Their might be some Xss code in the keywords that was just for testing

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Debugged, it's adding a second <tr></tr> combination per row, the suggested code from the other person had a bug in it, ironically. (not mine xD)




Fixed the code, copy the following instead:


$keyword_query = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['keyword_query']);//we need to sanitize ANY and ALL user input, to prevent sql injection and yada-yada

$query = @mysql_query("SELECT id,basename,keywords FROM images WHERE keywords LIKE '%$keyword_query%' AND basename != null ") or die(mysql_error());

if(!mysql_num_rows($query)){//0 = false, 1 or more = true
die("I'm sorry, no results were found for $keyword_query.");
//if it gets to here, that means there were some matches...
echo "<table><tr>";
$rowcounter = 0;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)){

$basename = $row['basename'];
list($filename,$extension) = explode(".",$basename);//something.ext to something & ext
$keywords = $row['keywords'];//you can do fancy stuff with this one, explode into arrays, etc...

if (!$rowcounter%3){echo "<tr>";}//if 1 or 2, nothing happens, if 0, it echos <tr>

echo "<td><img src='$basename' alt='$keywords' /><br>Keywords: $keywords<br><br>";

$rater_item_name=ucfirst($filename);//capitalize filename for rating

echo "</td>";


if (!$rowcounter%3){echo "</tr>";}//if 1 or 2, nothing happens, if 0, it echos </tr>

echo "</table>";
mysql_free_result($query);//clear off memory of all data from this query, just in case it returns a lot of results and takes up memory on the sever, helps w/ server load


Here's what I did, and it may work or not... I added a new condition in the query of AND basename != null (to get rid of those blank results) so we don't have to worry about checking... That was the main cause of it all, really.

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ob_start();//output buffering

$keyword_query = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['keyword_query']);//we need to sanitize ANY and ALL user input, to prevent sql injection and yada-yada

$query = @mysql_query("SELECT id,basename,keywords FROM images WHERE keywords LIKE '%$keyword_query%' ") or die(mysql_error());

if(!mysql_num_rows($query)){//0 = false, 1 or more = true
die("I'm sorry, no results were found for $keyword_query.");
//if it gets to here, that means there were some matches...
echo "<table><tr>";
$rowcounter = 0;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)){

$basename = $row['basename'];
list($filename,$extension) = explode(".",$basename);//something.ext to something & ext
$keywords = $row['keywords'];//you can do fancy stuff with this one, explode into arrays, etc...

if (!$rowcounter%3){echo "<tr>";}//if 1 or 2, nothing happens, if 0, it echos <tr>
if ($basename)
echo "<td><img src='$basename' witdh='100' hight'100' alt='$keywords' /><br>Keywords: $keywords<br><br>";
$rater_item_name=ucfirst($filename);//capitalize filename for rating

echo "</td>";


if (!$rowcounter%3){echo "</tr>";}//if 1 or 2, nothing happens, if 0, it echos </tr>

echo "</table>";
mysql_free_result($query);//clear off memory of all data from this query, just in case it returns a lot of results and takes up memory on the sever, helps w/ server load


Fixed it myself!


Wow I love this forum.. i learned so much just from all this..


Is their any tutorial for Having it create dynamic pages.. so when it echos it makes it so you can click the link and go to a page that displays the image that was clicked... if you understand me correctly.

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If you imagine, dynamic pages are simply pages that echo out data based on an input... So...

if(is_numeric($_GET['image_id']) && $_GET['page'] == "viewimage"){//display the image

//insert query here to get image information, use a LIMIT 1 (at the end of the query to return only the one result)

$image_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['image_id']);//make it sanitized for database input

$query = "SELECT blah blah blah WHERE image_id = '$image_id' LIMIT 1";
if(!mysql_num_rows($query)){//this returned 0, so die
die("I'm sorry, we cannot find the image in the database.");

$row = mysql_fetch_array($query);
echo $row['stuff'];
echo $row['otherstuff'];

} else {//they do not want to view an image, so just show them something else

//stuff here



The url would look something like this:




You should be able to read this and understand how it works, commented out for you.


I am ultimately surprised that the code you supposedly fixed, actually works, here's why.


$rowcounter = 0;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)){

$basename = $row['basename'];
list($filename,$extension) = explode(".",$basename);//something.ext to something & ext
$keywords = $row['keywords'];//you can do fancy stuff with this one, explode into arrays, etc...

if (!$rowcounter%3){echo "<tr>";}//if 1 or 2, nothing happens, if 0, it echos <tr>
if ($basename)
echo "<td><img src='$basename' witdh='100' hight'100' alt='$keywords' /><br>Keywords: $keywords<br><br>";
$rater_item_name=ucfirst($filename);//capitalize filename for rating

echo "</td>";


if (!$rowcounter%3){echo "</tr>";}//if 1 or 2, nothing happens, if 0, it echos </tr>



Think about it, $rowcounter increments by one each time there is a row in the database being read, whether or not it has a basename. This means that each time it loops 3 times, it creates a new row (not dependent on how many table data cells were made per row). Double-check to see if this generates the HTML correctly, and I believe it DOESN'T

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Bare with me let me know if i did this right...



ob_start();//output buffering

if(is_numeric($_GET['image_id']) && $_GET['page'] == "viewimage"){//display the image

$image_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['image_id']);//make it sanitized for database input

    $query = "select pkey from images where image_id = '$image_id' LIMIT 1";
if(!mysql_num_rows($query)){//this returned 0, so die
die("I'm sorry, we cannot find the image in the database.");

$row = mysql_fetch_array($query);
echo $row['stuff'];
echo $row['otherstuff'];

} else {//they do not want to view an image, so just show them something else

//stuff here



If i use the code like that is just a blank white page.. no image their.


and if i put in a wrong pkey it shows


Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in line 11 witch is


if(!mysql_num_rows($query)){//this returned 0, so die

and than the  I'm sorry, we cannot find the image in the database

So you know...


The Image colum is has the following in it..


id  filename  ipaddress  date  status  pkey  user keywords basename


if you follow me..


the filename stores it like this 921fsf2.jpg and the pkey is just the name 921fsf2


basename is the imge url such as http://www.mysite.net/uploads/d405282029

and it displays the image.


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You also need to format those outputs $row['stuff'] and $row['otherstuff'] for images, etc...


Table Images:

id  filename  ipaddress  date  status  pkey  user keywords basename


ob_start();//output buffering

if(is_numeric($_GET['image_id']) && $_GET['page'] == "viewimage"){//display the image

$image_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['image_id']);//make it sanitized for database input

    $query = "SELECT filename,pkey,basename FROM images where image_id = '$image_id' LIMIT 1";
if(!mysql_num_rows($query)){//this returned 0, so die
die("I'm sorry, we cannot find the image in the database.");

$row = mysql_fetch_array($query);
echo "<img src=".$row['basename']." alt=".$row['filename']."><br>";
echo "<b>Viewing image: ".$row['pkey']."</b>";

} else {//they do not want to view an image, so just show them something else

echo "Show something else here, we're not looking at a specific image...";


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