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regex for matching any number of chars in string


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I know

[a-z]{3} will match:



I want to say [a-z]{any number of chars}


the reason is i'm parsing through a php file and want to match all functions


here's a sample string


function funcName(list of args) {

code body




any ideas with this?




this doesnt quite work:

/[fF]unction (.*) \((.*)\) \{(.*)\}/

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I'm not really sure what you mean, but to match any number of characters in a given character range you use *:




The above regex will match 'asdfaslekehe', 'a', '' ect. Any number of characters as you said.

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well... I dont know how to put this without sound as if I want you to write it for me.. :)



I want to match any number of the following patterns in a php file

function funcName(list of arguments) {

code body



look familiar, well its the pattern for writing functions in php :)


funcName can be a-z lowercase or upper and any number of chars

list of arguments is the same except it includes some other special chars like ',' and '='

code body is just about anything and any number of chars

and it ends with a final }


how to differentiate between last brackets (}) of the code body than the real last bracket of the actual function, i'm clueless


but if you show me some regex to match that above describe pattern, I will most def. learn from it :)


-thank you

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I tried this:


$string = '
$bla = \'this other code\';
function funcName(list of arguments) {
if (lala) {
} else {
return $set;
$find = preg_match_all('/function ([a-zA-Z0-9_]*) \{(.*)\}[^}]*/', $string, $matches);



it returned this:



[0] => Array




[1] => Array




[2] => Array




[3] => Array








what do I need to change?

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This should do what you want:



$string = 'function tisoglol($lol="dild", $laks="fersk")';

$regex = "/^function ([a-z]+)\(([a-z=, \"\$]*)\)$/i";




It will match bad function syntax though since the argument part is only specified as a string of 0 or more occurrences of $, a-z, ", ,(comman).


So this will match too:


"function somefunction("lol=fer$sk)"

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thanks for the interest


but you've misunderstood me (I need to work on this)


your regex grabs the function name and the arguments of the function

I want to grab the function name, the arguments, and the code body of the function

in other words the whole pattern, like I mentioned in the above posts


verbatim what I mean is this:

$bla = \'this other code\';

function funcName(list of arguments) {

if (lala) {


} else {



return $set;



I would want to put

function funcName(list of arguments) {

code body



into an array, where in each array it grabs another pattern like this, this particular example (since there is only 1 function in the string) should produce an array with 1 element in it


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