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Thumbnail Creation help


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Hi Guys,


mion cracked it, but this isn't creating a thumbnail the original is uploading fine but the thumbnail isn't being created:


  ## See if it's a first time user
  $query_user = "SELECT `photo` FROM `users` WHERE `id`='$var_loggedinuserid'";
  $results_user = mysql_query($query_user) or die ("Error getting photo 1"); 
  $row = mysql_fetch_array($results_user) or die ("Error getting the photo array");
  $photouploaded = $row['photo'];
  ## HTML form  
  echo ('<div style="border: 1px solid black;padding:10px; background: yellow; color: #000000; font-size: 12px;"><b>Upload your main profile headshot here.</b></div><br />');
  echo ("<form action=\"uploadphoto.php\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" />"); 
  echo ("<table class=\"sub_table\" width=\"500\" border=\"1\" align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\">");
  echo ("<tr>");
  echo ("<td colspan=\"2\" class=\"edit\" align=\"left\"><img src=\"images/upload_headshot.jpg\"></td>");
  echo ("</tr>");
  echo ("<tr>");
  echo ("<td align=\"center\"><b>Select a photo to upload</b></td><td align=\"center\"><input name=\"usersphoto\" type=\"file\" size=\"50\" /></td>");
  echo ("</tr>");
  echo ("<tr>");
  echo ("<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"right\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Upload Photo\" /></td>");
  echo ("</tr>");
  echo ("</table>");
  ## HTML form  
  ## Deal with the submission
  if($_POST['submit']) {
    $filesize = $_FILES['usersphoto']['size'];
    $filetype = $_FILES['usersphoto']['type'];
    $filetemp = $_FILES['usersphoto']['tmp_name'];
    $filename = $_FILES['usersphoto']['name'];
    ## vars
    $maxheight = 500;
    $maxwidth = 500;
    $randomnumber = $var_loggedinuser. "-" .time();
    ## Allowed file types
    $allowed_types = array('image/pjpeg','image/gif','image/png','image/jpeg'); 
    if($filesize == 0) {
     stderr("Upload Failed","No file was uploaded.");
    if(!in_array($filetype, $allowed_types)) {
     stderr("Upload Failed","The file you uploaded is not one of the allowed types only .gif and .jpg are allowed.");
    $imagedimensions = getimagesize($filetemp);
    $width = $imagedimensions[0];
    $height = $imagedimensions[1];
    if($width > $maxwidth || $maxheight > 500) {
     stderr("Upload Failed","Images cannot be larger than $maxwidth  x $maxheight, yours was ($width) width and ($height) height, please try again.");
    ## Rename the file
    $renamedimage = $randomnumber.".".substr($_FILES["usersphoto"]["name"],strtolower(strlen($_FILES["usersphoto"]["name"]))-3,3); 
    $uploaddirectory = "uploads/".$renamedimage;
    ## Upload code
    if(move_uploaded_file($filetemp, $uploaddirectory)) {
    ## insert the photo in the database
    $photoquery = mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `photo`='$renamedimage' WHERE `id`='$var_loggedinuserid'");
    stderr("Upload Successful","Your image has been uploaded successfully.");
    # Thumbnail
    $add = "uploads/$renamedimage";
    ///////// Start the thumbnail generation//////////////
    $n_width = 300;          // Fix the width of the thumb nail images
    $n_height = 300;         // Fix the height of the thumb nail imaage

    $tsrc="thumbs/$renamedimage";   // Path where thumb nail image will be stored
    /////////////////////////////////////////////// Starting of GIF thumb nail creation///////////
    if (@$userfile_type=="image/gif") {
    $width=ImageSx($im);              // Original picture width is stored
    $height=ImageSy($im);             // Original picture height is stored
    if (function_exists("imagegif")) {
    Header("Content-type: image/gif");
    elseif (function_exists("imagejpeg")) {
    Header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
    ////////// end of gif file thumb nail creation//////////////

    ////////////// starting of JPG thumb nail creation//////////
    if($userfile_type == "image/pjpeg"){
    $width=ImageSx($im);              // Original picture width is stored
    $height=ImageSy($im);             // Original picture height is stored
    ////////////////  End of JPG thumb nail creation //////////
    # Thumbnail



i get no errors telling me whats wrong either, any input would be great





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