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[SOLVED] omg it's gotten so confusing!


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hey.. I got myself into such a mess^^ All i wanted to do was make a random question in a drop menu thing and then place the questions in a random order into the drop menu with the answer to that question in a random place in the drop menu aswell, confused?.. it's such a messy script and it just...doesn't work! lol it's evil! beware :P


srand((float) microtime() * 10000000);
$Q1='The water is in the ';
$Q2='Open the ';
$Q3='A animal with four legs ';
$Q4='A person is a ';
$Q5='A cat chases ';
$Q=''; $S='';
$ANS = '';
$input = array("The water is in the ", "Open the ", "A animal with four legs", "A person is a ", "A cat chases ");
$rnd = array_rand($input, 2);
IF ($Q == $input[0]) $ANS = 'Sea';
IF ($Q == $input[1]) $ANS = 'Door';
IF ($Q == $input[2]) $ANS = 'Cat';
IF ($Q == $input[3]) $ANS = 'Human';
IF ($Q == $input[4]) $ANS = 'Mouse';
for ($i=0;$i < 6; $i++) {
$arr = array("blue", "green", "orange", "purple", "white", "red", "gray", "yellow", "pink");
$rand = array_rand($arr, 2);
$S.='<option>' . $arr[$rand[0]] . '</option> ';
$out = '';
$t = 0;
$pieces = explode(" ", $S);
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { 
    $out .= $pieces[$i].'<br>'; 
    while ($p < 100 && $t == 0) {
        if (rand(5, 10)==6) {
            $out .= ' ' . $ANS.'<br> ';
		echo $out;
            $t = 1;

$menu = <<<HERE
echo $menu;



I was trying for like an hour and 30 minutes in my lunch break (im so anti-social) it's all PHP's fault!! I'm in my IT class now and I'm actually supposed to be doing work in excel but i hate it so much! lol ok he wont catch me *i hope*.

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$results = array (
    'Sea'   => 'The water is in the',
    'Door'  => 'Open the',
    'Cat'   => 'An animal with four legs',
    'Human' => 'A person is a',
    'Mouse' => 'A cat chases a'

$questions = $results;
$q_select = $_POST['question'];

$answers = array_keys($results); 
$a_select = $_POST['answer'];

echo "<form method=\"POST\">\n";

echo "Question: <select name=\"question\">\n";
foreach ($questions as $question) {
  $selected = ($q_select==$question) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
  echo "  <option value=\"$question\"$selected>$question</option>/n";
echo "</select><br>\n";

echo "Answer: <select name=\"answer\">\n";
foreach ($answers as $answer) {
  $selected = ($a_select==$answer) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
  echo "  <option value=\"$answer\"$selected>$answer</option>/n";
echo "</select><br><br>\n";
echo "<button type=\"submit\">Submit</button>\n";
echo "</form>\n";

if (!empty($q_select) && !empty($a_select)) {

  echo "Your response: \"$q_select $a_select\"<br><br>\n";

  if ($results[$a_select]==$q_select) {
    echo "Correct answer.";
  } else {
    echo "Wrong answer, try again.";



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OMG your so clever and I'm so jealous and it's so totally unfair! you made it like 1000 lines shorter! now i feel bad because it's like i had to get someone else to do something for me instead of me doing it, you didn't have to waste your time doing all that but yesh it was nice of you <3 although I would be happy with hints or tips and .. stuff^^

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Well, I had some difficulty trying to understand what you were trying to accomplish by looking at your code - I have no idea what the array of colors was for. So, I just wrote some code based upon your explanation.


Rather than explain the code line-by-line, let me know if you have any specific questions and I can respond.

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to revraz: don't LOL'd at me :'(


to the person that told me to click "topic solved": will you go through a million posts and tell everyone else to do it too? it's not exactly solved yet, I might have another question about this, who knows?^^


to mjdamato: sry, I even confused myself and I don't know why i have colors there, they got there themself.. I really can't remember..


to santa: i want an nintendo ds for xmas and an ipod (i will also accept money for these items instead).

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to the person that told me to click "topic solved": will you go through a million posts and tell everyone else to do it too? it's not exactly solved yet, I might have another question about this, who knows?^^



then you make a new thread about your new problem... the people who dont topic solve tend to not get help if they develop a rep of not helping everyone else.

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I wasn't, I was laughing at Burnside poking fun at you :)


Oh, and Santa doesn't give money.  I've been trying for years to get it out of him.


to revraz: don't LOL'd at me :'(


to santa: i want an nintendo ds for xmas and an ipod (i will also accept money for these items instead).

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