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Can't figure out how to go about it.


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Currently I have a list of blog entries on my website. The problem is that the bloggers are writing multiple entries and knocking others off the list. I want to make it so that no one can have have more than one entry on the list.


Below is the cut of code generating the list. After the php code I have an example of the output.



$db_host = "********";

$db_user = "********";

$db_pwd = "***********";

$db_name = "******************";

$connection = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pwd) or die("Blogs are Updating");

mysql_select_db($db_name) or die("Blogs are Updating");




$query = "SELECT bhost_entries.e_id,bhost_entries.title,bhost_entries.contents,bhost_users.username,bhost_users.display_name, bhost_weblogs.weblog FROM bhost_entries,bhost_users, bhost_weblogs WHERE bhost_entries.author_u_id = bhost_users.u_id AND bhost_weblogs.u_id = bhost_users.u_id AND privacy='3' AND bhost_entries.draft = 0 ORDER BY bhost_entries.e_id DESC LIMIT 25";

$result = mysql_query($query);



function summarise($paragraph, $limit)



  $textfield = strtok($paragraph, " ");



  $text .= " $textfield";


  if(($words >= $limit))


  //  && ((substr($textfield, -1) == "!")||(substr($textfield, -1) == ".")||(substr($textfield, -1) == "")||(substr($textfield, -1) == ",")||(substr($textfield, -1) == "?")||(substr($textfield, -1) == ";"))


  $textfield = strtok(" ");


  return ltrim($text); 





echo mysql_error();

while(list($id,$title,$contents,$username,$user, $blogname) = mysql_fetch_array($result))



$title = "Untitled Entry";



echo "


<td><div class=\"arrow\"></div></td>

<td><div class=\"blog_title\"><a href=\"/blog/?w=$blogname&e_id=$id/\" title=\"$title\">$blogname</a></div></td>



<td colspan=\"2\"><div class=\"blog_text\"><a href=\"/blog/?w=$blogname&e_id=$id/\" title=\"$title\">$title</a></div></td>






The output reads as follows:



Pink, Pink and Yes more Pink!!



CWD monitoring for 2007



Photo Teachers are EVIL



answer questions for deer season



CRP and the farm bill



deer season Q & A



Why can't you put a pumpkin in a garbage disposal?



hunting at 14


Notice how this dougleier guy has 5 entries on the list? I only want him to have 1 entry so that other people can have a chance to be featured on the list too.


Thanks in advance for your help!


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I think I am missing the point, do you want only ever a maximum of 1, or the fact that someone else must have blogged again before he can? Way I would do it is through a combination of an autoincremental "recID" field in SQL so can find last blogs and compare with the 1 going in, or otherwise if only 1 entry allow why not "select count(*) where"

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