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Slow website speed during searches & category browsing (speed tips!!!)


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I have a modified oscommerce website which works fine during checkout, going to the contact page, returns page, etc..., however, when it comes to navigating through the product categories or performing searches the website is extremely slow.


Here is some basic info about my website.  The website is being hosted on a dedicated not a shared server; so there aren't any other websites being hosted on the server.  I do have a lot of products around 60,000 in my "products" table in mysql; which is where I think my problem is with my category & search speed issues.


I've had programmers work on the website to increase the category navigation & search speeds; which helped a little but never got as fast as websites like amazon, buy, etc...  Some things they told me they did was create indexes, query optimizations, and query caches.


I don't want to keep on spending money without getting the results I'm looking for when it comes to category navigation & search speeds.  Is there anything else I can try doing to improve the performance of these 2 issues??  I will give anything a try because I know having a slow website is very annoying to customers.


Thank you,





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There are tools to help benchmark a site's performance and simulate N numer of users accessing the site. These will identify any hardware constraints - over CPU or memory utilization. However, the tools we use in my company are fairly expensive.


If you have desktop access to the server you could do a poor man's benchmark by remoting into the desktop and bringing up performance monitor (assuming it is a Windows box). Then have someone access the problem pages and see if there are any spikes in networ, CPU, memory, etc.


However, 60,000 is not that many for any decently equiped machine. I would suspect that there are some inefficiencies in the database queries.

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If you are spending money but not getting the results you are looking for, then you are not communicating with your sub-contractors. You should have an agreement, and it should be in writing. A programmer should be able to look over your DB and give you a fair estimate of what he can do to speed things up. If he does it, pay him. If he fails, don't pay him.


Your website is more mission-critical than the average questions we get around here, so in all honesty, you would serve yourself well to get involved in website/webmaster support groups that focus on commerce sites. I'd also get an account at rent-a-coder. You'll get good results there, because they use a feedback system ala eBay, so it greatly reduces the chance of being ripped off.


On topic, the thing that slows down MySQL more than ANY other item (barring extremely poorly written queries) is the amount and speed of the memory in your dedicated server. If you can post your server CPU and memory specs, I might offer an opinion there.




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the solution to your issue could be a very simple one or a very elobrate one depending  on your exact system, since you seem to have such a large amount of scripts, I would suggest posting this in a freelance site/ or here in freelance as you will not be able to easily diagnostic this without a good deal of php knowledge.

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Thank you for all your replies!!!


I do have access to the webmin of my server.  Is there anything in there that would help me benchmark the server's cpu speed, memory, etc...?  I don't know if this is where my problem is but i guess it doesn't hurt to take a look.


I've used programmers from getafreelancer.com in the past, and some of them did a fairly good job but the speed results I wanted were never achieved.  I should definitely setup an agreement for future projects I start.


I think that my problem most likely lies in my database queries not being written efficiently; like was stated above.  I guess I'll try posting this in the freelance section to see if someone can take a look at my scripts & database queries and hopefully they can fix them so the website runs a lot faster. :-)


Thank you,



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