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    function uplinepyramid($upline2){
    	echo "<br> enter function";
    	echo "<br> upline id=".$upline2;

    	    $result2=mysql_query("SELECT * from gamecard ORDER BY Serial");
    	   	while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2,MYSQL_ASSOC)){//finding match upline
    	      		echo "</br>upline id=".$row2[serialnum];
    	      		$sql="INSERT INTO gptran (GpTID)
    	      		if(!empty($row2[upline])){// loop this function back
    	      		}//enf if
    	      	}//end if
    	  	}//end while
    }//end function






enter function

upline id=AAA0006

upline id=AAA0006

Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in D:\xampplite\htdocs\EN\menu\UsrCard\usraddc.php on line 174


enter function

upline id=AAA0001

upline id=AAA0001

Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in D:\xampplite\htdocs\EN\menu\UsrCard\usraddc.php on line 174

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wat i want to do is....finding all the card's upline(tree mode db) from a reverse way, when find one upline then record its serial into a transaction table and record this upline earn 10 point ..

like this




			$sql = "CREATE TABLE gamecard

		Serialnum varchar(13),
		Serial varchar(13),
		Initial varchar(13),
		Activatecode varchar(13),
		Ownerid varchar(13), 
		Status varchar(13),
		Downleft varchar(13),
		Downright varchar(13),
		Upline varchar(13),
		Expireddate datetime,
		Createdate datetime,
		Point integer(20),
		Golden varchar(15),
		Primary Key(Serialnum)



the cards table

Try this :


// Recursive pyramid function.
function uplinePyramid($upline){	

// Array of data.
$data = array();

// Grab all the game cards.
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * from gamecard WHERE Serialnum = '{$upline}' ORDER BY serial");

// Have we got any results?
if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){
	// Build dataset.
	while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
		$data[] = $row;
} else {
	// Return from this function // i.e. no more upline???

foreach($data as $d){


function insertGptran($upline){
// Insert info.
$sql = "INSERT INTO gptran(GpTID) VALUES($upline)";


Obviously you still need to define the initial upline/serial, and it recurses as you want.

Now i'll take a look at your table. Any chance of some sample data?

Try this :


// Recursive pyramid function.
function uplinePyramid($upline){	

// Array of data.
$data = array();

// Grab all the game cards.
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * from gamecard WHERE Serialnum = '{$upline}' ORDER BY serial");

// Have we got any results?
if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){
	// Build dataset.
	while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
		$data[] = $row;
} else {
	// Return from this function // i.e. no more upline???

foreach($data as $d){


function insertGptran($upline){
// Insert info.
$sql = "INSERT INTO gptran(GpTID) VALUES($upline)";


Obviously you still need to define the initial upline/serial, and it recurses as you want.

Now i'll take a look at your table. Any chance of some sample data?


cant put

$sql = "INSERT INTO gptran(GpTID) VALUES($upline)";

into uplinepyramid(); function rite? but why?


i modified to below code. ..but the array data can echo inside this function,but when i echo after this function then become null. why?

   function uplinepyramid($upline2,$arraycount){
    	echo "<br> enter uplinepyramid function";
    	echo "<br> upline id(variable)=".$upline2;
    	echo "<br> array count=".$arraycount;

    	    $result2=mysql_query("SELECT * from gamecard ORDER BY Serial");
    	   	while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2,MYSQL_ASSOC)){//finding match upline
    	      		echo "</br>upline id(row)=".$row2[serialnum];
    	      		echo "</br>array in function=".$uplinepy[$arraycount];
    	      		//$sql="INSERT INTO gptran (GpTID)
                   //     VALUES
                   //   ('$_POST[upline]')";
                   //     mysql_query($sql,$con);
    	      		if(!empty($row2[upline])){// loop this function back
    	      		}//enf if
    	      	}//end if
    	  	}//end while
    }//end function

bro, solution found!


change to



...but why? weird..





then  occur error msg

Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in D:\xampplite\htdocs\EN\menu\UsrCard\usraddc.php on line 212


but why? weird... ???

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