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Need some Array help


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First of all I am not a programmer, just someone who knows enough to be dangerous. Smile I have a script that was made by others that I need to extract some information from the array and I don't know how to do it. So here is the code I have provided all the code from the page I believe where the array is created.







global $adb,$app_strings;


$sql="select currency_symbol from vtiger_currency_info";

$result = $adb->query($sql);

$currency_symbol = $adb->query_result($result,0,'currency_symbol');


// would you like and end page?  1 for yes 0 for no



$focus = new Quotes();


$account_name = getAccountName($focus->column_fields[account_id]);


if($focus->column_fields["hdnTaxType"] == "individual") {

        $product_taxes = 'true';

} else {

        $product_taxes = 'false';



// **************** BEGIN POPULATE DATA ********************

$account_id = $focus->column_fields[account_id];



// Quote Information

$valid_till = $focus->column_fields["validtill"];

$valid_till = getDisplayDate($valid_till);

$bill_street = $focus->column_fields["bill_street"];

$bill_city = $focus->column_fields["bill_city"];

$bill_state = $focus->column_fields["bill_state"];

$bill_code = $focus->column_fields["bill_code"];

$bill_country = $focus->column_fields["bill_country"];

$contact_name =getContactName($focus->column_fields["contact_id"]);


$ship_street = $focus->column_fields["ship_street"];

$ship_city = $focus->column_fields["ship_city"];

$ship_state = $focus->column_fields["ship_state"];

$ship_code = $focus->column_fields["ship_code"];

$ship_country = $focus->column_fields["ship_country"];


$conditions = from_html($focus->column_fields["terms_conditions"]);

$description = from_html($focus->column_fields["description"]);

$status = $focus->column_fields["quotestage"];


// Company information

$add_query = "select * from vtiger_organizationdetails";

$result = $adb->query($add_query);

$num_rows = $adb->num_rows($result);


if($num_rows > 0)


        $org_name = $adb->query_result($result,0,"organizationname");

        $org_address = $adb->query_result($result,0,"address");

        $org_city = $adb->query_result($result,0,"city");

        $org_state = $adb->query_result($result,0,"state");

        $org_country = $adb->query_result($result,0,"country");

        $org_code = $adb->query_result($result,0,"code");

        $org_phone = $adb->query_result($result,0,"phone");

        $org_fax = $adb->query_result($result,0,"fax");

        $org_website = $adb->query_result($result,0,"website");


        $logo_name = $adb->query_result($result,0,"logoname");




//Population of Product Details - Starts


//we can cut and paste the following lines in a file and include that file here is enough. For that we have to put a new common file. we will do this later

//NOTE : Removed currency symbols and added with Grand Total text. it is enough to show the currency symbol in one place


//we can also get the NetTotal, Final Discount Amount/Percent, Adjustment and GrandTotal from the array $associated_products[1]['final_details']


//getting the Net Total

$price_subtotal = number_format($focus->column_fields["hdnSubTotal"],2,'.',',');


//Final discount amount/percentage

$discount_amount = $focus->column_fields["hdnDiscountAmount"];

$discount_percent = $focus->column_fields["hdnDiscountPercent"];


if($discount_amount != "")

        $price_discount = number_format($discount_amount,2,'.',',');

else if($discount_percent != "")


//This will be displayed near Discount label - used in include/fpdf/templates/body.php

        $final_price_discount_percent = "(".number_format($discount_percent,2,'.',',')." %)";

        $price_discount = number_format((($discount_percent*$focus->column_fields["hdnSubTotal"])/100),2,'.',',');



        $price_discount = "0.00";



$price_adjustment = number_format($focus->column_fields["txtAdjustment"],2,'.',',');

//Grand Total

$price_total = number_format($focus->column_fields["hdnGrandTotal"],2,'.',',');



//get the Associated Products for this Invoice

$focus->id = $focus->column_fields["record_id"];

$associated_products = getAssociatedProducts("Quotes",$focus);

$num_products = count($associated_products);


//This $final_details array will contain the final total, discount, Group Tax, S&H charge, S&H taxes and adjustment

$final_details = $associated_products[1]['final_details'];


//To calculate the group tax amount

if($final_details['taxtype'] == 'group')


        $group_tax_total = $final_details['tax_totalamount'];

        $price_salestax = number_format($group_tax_total,2,'.',',');


        $group_total_tax_percent = '6.00';

        $group_tax_details = $final_details['taxes'];



                $group_total_tax_percent = $group_total_tax_percent+$group_tax_details[$i]['percentage'];




//S&H amount

$sh_amount = $final_details['shipping_handling_charge'];

$price_shipping = number_format($sh_amount,2,'.',',');


//S&H taxes

$sh_tax_details = $final_details['sh_taxes'];

$sh_tax_percent = '0.00';



        $sh_tax_percent = $sh_tax_percent + $sh_tax_details[$i]['percentage'];


$sh_tax_amount = $final_details['shtax_totalamount'];

$price_shipping_tax = number_format($sh_tax_amount,2,'.',',');



//This is to get all product details as row basis



        $product_name[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['productName'.$i]."\n".$associated_products[$i]['comment'.$i];


        //$prod_description[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['productDescription'.$i];

        $product_id[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['hdnProductId'.$i];

        $qty[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['qty'.$i];

        $unit_price[$i] = number_format($associated_products[$i]['unitPrice'.$i],2,'.',',');

        $list_price[$i] = number_format($associated_products[$i]['listPrice'.$i],2,'.',',');

        $list_pricet[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['listPrice'.$i];

        $discount_total[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['discountTotal'.$i];

        //added for 5.0.3 pdf changes

        $product_code[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['hdnProductcode'.$i];


        $taxable_total = $qty[$i]*$list_pricet[$i]-$discount_total[$i];

        $producttotal = $taxable_total;

        $total_taxes = '0.00';

        if($focus->column_fields["hdnTaxType"] == "individual")


                $total_tax_percent = '6.00';

                //This loop is to get all tax percentage and then calculate the total of all taxes



                        $tax_percent = $associated_products[$i]['taxes'][$tax_count]['percentage'];

                        $total_tax_percent = $total_tax_percent+$tax_percent;

                        $tax_amount = (($taxable_total*$tax_percent)/100);

                        $total_taxes = $total_taxes+$tax_amount;


                $producttotal = $taxable_total+$total_taxes;

                $product_line[$j]["Tax"] = number_format($total_taxes,2,'.',',')."\n ($total_tax_percent %) ";


        $prod_total[$i] = number_format($producttotal,2,'.',',');


        $product_line[$j]["Product Code"] = $product_code[$i];

        $product_line[$j]["Product Name"] = from_html($product_name[$i]);

        $product_line[$j]["Qty"] = $qty[$i];

        $product_line[$j]["Price"] = $list_price[$i];

        $product_line[$j]["Discount"] = $discount_total[$i];

        $product_line[$j]["Total"] = $prod_total[$i];


//echo '<pre>Product Details ==>';print_r($product_line);echo '</pre>';

echo '<pre>';print_r($associated_products);echo '</pre>';



//Population of Product Details - Ends



// ************************ END POPULATE DATA ***************************8



$pdf = new PDF( 'P', 'mm', 'A4' );










        if($num_pages == $page_num)



        while($current_product != $page_num*$products_per_page)










//if bottom > 145 then we skip the Description and T&C in every page and display only in lastpage

//if you want to display the description and T&C in each page then set the display_desc_tc='true' and bottom <= 145 in pdfconfig.php

        if($display_desc_tc == 'true')

        if($bottom <= 145)







        if (($endpage) && ($lastpage))









//added file name to make it work in IE, also forces the download giving the user the option to save

$pdf->Output('Proposal # '.$quote_id.' For '.$account_name.'.pdf','D');






Here is a representation of what the array will output. I found a line commented out that would show me what the array has in it.




    [1] => Array


            [hdnProductId1] => 993

            [productName1] => 6-Amp Power Supply

            [hdnProductcode1] => 550.0104

            [productDescription1] =>

            [comment1] =>

            [qtyInStock1] =>

            [qty1] => 1.00

            [listPrice1] => 234

            [unitPrice1] => 234.00

            [productTotal1] => 234

            [discount_percent1] => 0

            [discount_amount1] => 0

            [checked_discount_zero1] =>  checked

            [discountTotal1] => 0.00

            [totalAfterDiscount1] => 234

            [taxTotal1] => 0.00

            [netPrice1] => 234

            [taxes] => Array


                    [0] => Array


                            [taxname] => tax2

                            [taxlabel] => Sales

                            [percentage] => 6.000





            [final_details] => Array


                    [taxtype] => individual

                    [discount_type_final] => zero

                    [discount_percentage_final] => 0

                    [discount_amount_final] => 0

                    [discountTotal_final] => 0.00

                    [taxes] => Array


                            [0] => Array


                                    [taxname] => tax2

                                    [taxlabel] => Sales

                                    [percentage] => 6.000

                                    [amount] => 104.1768





                    [tax_totalamount] => 104.1768

                    [shipping_handling_charge] => 0

                    [shtax_totalamount] => 0.00

                    [adjustment] => 0

                    [grandTotal] => 1736.28





    [2] => Array


            [delRow2] => Del

            [hdnProductId2] => 1425

            [productName2] => Inter-Tel DE-5200 Digital Expansion Interface (DEI

            [hdnProductcode2] => 580.1001

            [productDescription2] =>

            [comment2] =>

            [qtyInStock2] =>

            [qty2] => 2.00

            [listPrice2] => 702

            [unitPrice2] => 702.00

            [productTotal2] => 1404

            [discount_percent2] => 0

            [discount_amount2] => 0

            [checked_discount_zero2] =>  checked

            [discountTotal2] => 0.00

            [totalAfterDiscount2] => 1404

            [taxTotal2] => 0.00

            [netPrice2] => 1404

            [taxes] => Array


                    [0] => Array


                            [taxname] => tax2

                            [taxlabel] => Sales

                            [percentage] => 6.000









If someone could show me how to get a total or sum of the "totalafterdiscount" so I can use it to get a tax amount I would be very appreciative!


Thanks alot

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