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PHP + Big Array


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I have a xml file that I can convert into an array for use in my website.  My problem is I only need one chunk of this data.  The array can be seen here: http://www.godlikegaming.net/xml2.php That xml2.php holds the class that turns my xml into an array for me.  The part I need to access is this:


[29] => Array
        [name] => TOTAL
        [attrs] => Array
                [KILLS_PER_MINUTE] => 0.56112336339019
                [XP_PER_HOUR] => 210.607211052958
                [XP] => 2095.60025198
                [KILLS] => 335
                [ACCURACY] => 24.7323252962812
                [TIME_PLAYED] => 35821
                [DEATHS] => 496
                [KILL_DEATH_RATIO] => 0.675403225806452



Can anyone help me with this?  I'd like to turn all those values into variables that I can use in my code.  Thanks for your help.

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I have one more question about this.


I also need to get the data from this part of the array.


[24] => Array
    [name] => XP
    [child] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [name] => ENGINEER
                    [attrs] => Array
                            [XP] => 998.335088002
                            [LEVEL_1] => 17
                            [LEVEL_2] => 11
                            [LEVEL_3] => 4
                            [LEVEL_4] => 0


            [1] => Array
                    [name] => FIELDOPS
                    [attrs] => Array
                            [XP] => 0.0
                            [LEVEL_1] => 0
                            [LEVEL_2] => 0
                            [LEVEL_3] => 0
                            [LEVEL_4] => 0


            [2] => Array
                    [name] => MEDIC
                    [attrs] => Array
                            [XP] => 4.0
                            [LEVEL_1] => 0
                            [LEVEL_2] => 0
                            [LEVEL_3] => 0
                            [LEVEL_4] => 0


            [3] => Array
                    [name] => SOLDIER
                    [attrs] => Array
                            [XP] => 43.6412493289
                            [LEVEL_1] => 2
                            [LEVEL_2] => 0
                            [LEVEL_3] => 0
                            [LEVEL_4] => 0


            [4] => Array
                    [name] => COVERTOPS
                    [attrs] => Array
                            [XP] => 130.829147577
                            [LEVEL_1] => 1
                            [LEVEL_2] => 1
                            [LEVEL_3] => 1
                            [LEVEL_4] => 0





Can you help me with this as well?

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that did work for some reason.  When I do a var_dump it comes back NULL.


$arrEngXP = fnGetExperience($p->output,'ENGINEER');
$arrFOXP = fnGetExperience($p->output,'FIELDOPS');
$arrMedXP = fnGetExperience($p->output,'MEDIC');
$arrSolXP = fnGetExperience($p->output,'SOLDIER');
$arrCOXP = fnGetExperience($p->output,'COVERTOPS');


function fnGetExperience($arrData,$strType)
foreach ($arrData[0]['child'] as $strKey =>$arrValues)
	if ($arrValues['name']== $strType)
		return $arrValues['attrs'];


Not sure why. I think Engineer is a child node of a child node.  How can I get the value of a child nodes child?

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try this new function


function fnGetExperience($arrData,#strArrayKeyReturn,$strType)
foreach ($arrData[0]['child'] as $strKey =>$arrValues)
	if ($arrValues['name']== $strType)
		return $arrValues[#strArrayKeyReturn];

$arrCOXP = fnGetExperience(fnGetExperience($p->output,'child','XP'),'attr','COVERTOPS');

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That actually returned an error:


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/t/o/m/tommyready/html/xml2.php on line 50





function fnGetExperience($arrData,$strArrayKeyReturn,$strType)
foreach ($arrData[0]['child'] as $strKey =>$arrValues) <--- Line 50
	if ($arrValues['name']== $strType)
		return $arrValues[$strArrayKeyReturn];

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here you go



function fnGetExperience($arrData,$strArrayKeyReturn,$strType)
foreach ($arrData[$strArrayKeyReturn] as $strKey =>$arrValues) <--- Line 50
	if ($arrValues['name']== $strType)
		return $arrValues[$strArrayKeyReturn];


this should work


calling should be



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No, that still didn't work.  I tried alot of different ways of doing this and can't figure it out.  If I give you the full files do you think that might help figure out whats going on?


Here is the page the parses the XML and Reads the array to give me the stats I want


$p =& new xmlParser();

$xml = "http://stats.enemyterritory.com/profile/SmoothKilla?xml=true";

if (!fopen($xml,"r")) {
          die("Cannot open XML data file: $xml");
}else {
$arrTotal = fnGetTotals($p->output);
$arrUserInfo = fnGetUserInfo($p->output);

$arrCOXP = fnGetExperience(fnGetExperience($p->output[0],'child','XP'),'attr','COVERTOPS');
//echo "<pre>";
//echo "</pre><br /><br />";
echo '<br />'. $arrCOXP['XP'] . '<br />';

function fnGetTotals($arrData)
foreach ($arrData[0]['child'] as $strKey =>$arrValues)
	if ($arrValues['name']=='TOTAL')
		return $arrValues['attrs'];

function fnGetUserInfo($arrData)
foreach ($arrData[0]['child'] as $strKey =>$arrValues)
	if ($arrValues['name']=='USER_INFO')
		return $arrValues['attrs'];

function fnGetExperience($arrData,$strArrayKeyReturn,$strType)
foreach ($arrData[$strArrayKeyReturn] as $strKey =>$arrValues)
	if ($arrValues['name']== $strType)
		return $arrValues[$strArrayKeyReturn];

class xmlParser{
   var $xml_obj = null;
   var $output = array();
   var $attrs;

   function xmlParser(){
       $this->xml_obj = xml_parser_create();
       xml_set_character_data_handler($this->xml_obj, 'dataHandler');
       xml_set_element_handler($this->xml_obj, "startHandler", "endHandler");

   function parse($path){
       if (!($fp = fopen($path, "r"))) {
           die("Cannot open XML data file: $path");
           return false;

       while ($data = fread($fp, 4096)) {
           if (!xml_parse($this->xml_obj, $data, feof($fp))) {
               die(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d",

       return true;

   function startHandler($parser, $name, $attribs){
        $_content = array();
        $_content['name'] = $name;
            $_content['attrs'] = $attribs;
        array_push($this->output, $_content);

   function dataHandler($parser, $data){
        if(!empty($data) && $data!="\n") {
            $_output_idx = count($this->output) - 1;
            $this->output[$_output_idx]['content'] .= $data;

   function endHandler($parser, $name){
        if(count($this->output) > 1) {
            $_data = array_pop($this->output);
            $_output_idx = count($this->output) - 1;
            $add = array();
                $this->output[$_output_idx]['child'] = array();
            array_push($this->output[$_output_idx]['child'], $_data);


That is the whole thing.

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