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How to layout mysql for simply gallery


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hi i am creating a simple gallery for my personal photos. there will be nousers gallerys only people will login and look.


i want to leave it open for extending in the future though.


how should i create my tables?


at the moment when my script creates all the thumbnail fo an album it inserts all data into 1 tabe "albums"


it has the rows


id, album, image, thumb, date.


to me this seems quit limiting. but i cant think of the best way to lay it out also keeping performance in mind. as there will be a lot of photos. and one day comments and things of the like.

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I'd stire all of the information for the image itself in one table.

you could also record a description of the image..


If your wanting comments at a later date, they can easily be added later as a separate table.

something with columns like:

id, image_id, album, user_id, date.

where the image id corresponds to the id in the 'albums' table for that image, and user_id is obviously the id of the user who left the comment. (I'd advise against using the username to check users, as names can change)

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so do i create a new table for each album?


so i would have


table = album1 cols = , id, imagepath , imagethumbpath, date, description

table = album2 cols = , id, imagepath , imagethumbpath, date, description


do i store theimage path or just name in the db?


at the moment i have a congih file that set the direcotory to the root path and sore the rest of the path in the db






$gal_dir = "mygal";


$root = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/".$gal_dir."/";


//then to call the images


echo <img src=\"".$root.$row['imagepath']."\" alt=\"my text\"/>



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no, just use one table for all the galleries.

table = album; cols = id, album, imagepath , imagethumbpath, date, description


Name the table whatever you like. The column `album` will contain the album name that the image belongs to.

You could just save the image name in the database (i.e: 'image01.png'). and ouput it as you have.


To output all the image in the gallery you could try something like this (this code is very basic):

$album = 'mygal';
$root = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/' . $album . '/';

$sql = "SELECT * FROM `album` WHERE `album` = '" . $album . "'";
	if($sqlres = mysql_query($sql)){
		if(mysql_num_rows($sqlres) > 0){
			while($row - mysql_fetch_assoc($sqlres)){
				echo '<img src="' . $root . $row['imagepath'] . '" alt="my text"/><br />';
			echo 'no images found in that album';
		echo mysql_error();

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