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[SOLVED] checking if user already exists before adding them


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hey people!


err it will probably look very very stupid to anyone that knows SQL but yea here is my failed attempt:

 INSERT INTO `users`
`loginName` ,
`createDate` ,
`password` ,
'Kelz', '11.12.07', MD5( 'hello' ) , '', '', 'lala@yahoo.com'


I was trying for ages and searching google but to be honest I'm not really sure what I'm looking for  ::) how do I insert this data if it's not already there?  ???

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You definitely don't want to do it like that. There is no way to guarantee that every single person who will register has a different password and the createDate I am assuming it's the Day they register, what if two people register on the same Day?


Here's an excerpt for a sign in file I made a while ago...


if (empty($_POST['mem_dname']))
    die('You didn\'t enter a Display name.');
    $mem_dname = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['mem_dname']);

$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `gs_mem` WHERE `mem_dname` = '".$mem_dname."'");
$fetch = mysql_fetch_object($query);
if($fetch->mem_dname == $mem_dname)
    die('The Display name you have chosen is already in use.');

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$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users`") or die(mysql_error());
while( $row = mysql_fetch_array($query))
$loginName = $row['loginName'];
$email = $row['email'];

if ("Kelz" == $loginName || "lala@yahoo.com" == $email)

You can add: md5('hello') == $password || $createDate = "11.12.07" but think about it,
if 2 users have registered on the same date and with the same password,
you don't want it to block 1 of em because he chose the same password or registered on the same date the other one did. 
if you still want it to be like this, also add $password = $row['password']; and $createDate = $row['createDate'];

echo "loginName::Kelz already exists OR email::lala@yahoo.com is already in use.";

/* **** OR : ****
// (same thing, just look it it)

if("Kelz" == $loginName) echo "loginName:: Kelz already exists";
if("lala@yahoo.com == $email) echo "email::lala@yahoo.com is already in use.";

// Insert values...

mysql_query("INSERT INTO `users` (`loginName`, `createDate`, `password`, `email`) VALUES ('Kelz', '11.12.07', md5('hello'), 'lala@yahoo.com'"));

// BTW, your query was wrong -> after md5('hello') you typed ' ' and then ' ' again which is wrong - SQL thinks it's another value.
// Look at the query I typed, this one works.



If you seem that the code I typed is really long - it's not, I just typed a lot of comments to explain you things, lol.

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