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[SOLVED] Help me!!! I'm still a noob =(


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hi, in my code, im trying to get the poll answers out of my database.

Poeple have voted in the poll, their answers are in the database table named poll_ip(id, ip, poll_ant = answer), and now I want to make a top 3 out of that.

I think I was thinking to complicated when I was trying to make that top 3, bcuz I am selecting everything from poll_ip, order it by poll_ant descending and limit it 0,3. Then I make a loop with while.


Anyway, when I output this, I have indeed everything descended, but i wanted only one answer of each kind. I know I have to add some row to my table with count, but I really don't know how to use that.


The next thing I tried, was getting the link to one of the top3 out of the database, from another table called link(lid, link, image). I tried to have the link id (lid) the same as poll_ant but that didn't work.


Can anyone please help me getting the top3 part up? I need to finish this 4 school..

Here is the part of that code: 


case "top3":
echo "<span>De wedstrijden in de top 3!</span>";
echo"<div class=\"stream-ads\">";
	echo"<div class=\"ads\">";
	echo"<img src=\"/goal.jpg\">";	
		echo"<div class=\"c pt\">";			
	echo"<div class=\"stream\">";
	$query = "SELECT * FROM poll_ip ORDER BY poll_ant DESC LIMIT 0,3";
	$result = mysql_query ($query);
	$nummer = 1;
	echo "<br/><br/><br/></div><br/><div class=\"stream2\">";
	echo "<center><table><tr><td>";
		while ($rij = mysql_fetch_array ($result))
			echo "<br /><br /><table><tr><td>Nummer ".$nummer.": <tr /><td><b>Wedstrijd nummer:</b><td><b>".$rij ['poll_ant']."</b>";
			$query = "SELECT * FROM link WHERE lid ='$rij ['poll_ant']'";
			$result = mysql_query ($query);
			$rij = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
			echo "<tr><td><a href=".$rij ['link'].">Bekijk wedstrijd</a><tr></table>";		
		echo "</td></tr></table></center>";

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I have 15 answers in the poll, and all of them are valued as numbers (1-15) thats what I meant by each kind

say that 13 people voted on number 3, 11 on number 1 and 6 on number 8. Now i want to show number 3 in first, number 1 on second, and number 8 on third, because its a top 3, but it shows just the first three records in my table, because i don't have anything that can count all of the same numbers (example 13 of number 3) in the database, and i realy don't know how to.

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thanks, that solves one of my problems =)

and btw that site is very nice, im reading it to solve further problems of the same kind in the future :)


the next thing was that I tried to get something out of a database while the loop is still on, so i have a table with links called link(lid, link, image)

I'm using a mysql query in a: while ($row = $query){  $row = $some other query to get the links out of the other table  }, But ill get an error when I do so:

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in E:\Program Files\wamp\www\Index.php on line *


Here is the code again, please have a look at it (only posting the while part)

while ($rij = mysql_fetch_array ($result))
	echo "<br /><br /><table><tr><td>Nummer ".$nummer.": <tr /><td><b>Wedstrijd nummer: </b><td><b>".$rij ['poll_ant']."</b>";
	$query = "SELECT * FROM link WHERE lid ='$rij ['poll_ant']'";
	$result = mysql_query ($query);
	$rij = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
	echo "<tr><td><a href=".$rij ['link'].">Bekijk wedstrijd</a><tr></table>";


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nvm, solved, I had to change the second $query, $result and $rij to $query1, $result1, $rij1 and change the query from


$query = "SELECT * FROM link WHERE lid ='$rij['poll_ant']'";




$query = "SELECT * FROM link WHERE lid ='".$rij['poll_ant']."'";


tnx to daukan for the query change

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