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[SOLVED] PHP and MYSQL - Please help!!!!!!


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I tried to get something out of a database while the loop is still on, so i have a table with links called link(lid, link, image)

I'm using a mysql query in a: while ($row = $query){  $row = $some other query to get the links out of the other table  }, But ill get an error when I do so:

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in E:\Program Files\wamp\www\Index.php on line 1739


Here is the code, please have a look at it (only posting the while part)


while ($rij = mysql_fetch_array ($result))
	echo "<br /><br /><table><tr><td>Nummer ".$nummer.": <tr /><td><b>Wedstrijd nummer: </b><td><b>".$rij ['poll_ant']."</b>";
	$query = "SELECT * FROM link WHERE lid ='$rij ['poll_ant']'";
	$result = mysql_query ($query);
	$rij = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
	echo "<tr><td><a href=".$rij ['link'].">Bekijk wedstrijd</a><tr></table>";



as you can see, I use $rij ['link'] out of the link table, and the lid (link id) should be $rij ['poll_ant'] out of the other table. anyway to solve this in php or mysql way?

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Also, learn to properly escape table and field names. This will prevent any future collision with MySQL reserved words.


$query = "SELECT * FROM link WHERE lid ='".$rij['poll_ant']."'";


$query = "SELECT * FROM `link` WHERE `lid` ='".$rij['poll_ant']."'";


Rule of thumb is:

Use backticks around table names and field names, single quotes around string values, nothing around integer values.

So, for instance, ORDER BY is reserved by MySQL. If you had a field in your table named order, this query will fail:

$query = "SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE order > '$some_var'";




$query = "SELECT * FROM `mytable` WHERE `order` > '$some_var'";


will work just fine.


"But I don't have any fields or table names that conflict with MySQL reserved words!"


Cool, but MySQL may decide to grab a few more names and reserve them in the future, which means your script might break in a year or two after a MySQL update. Proper formatting of your code is essential to being a programmer.  ;)



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thanks, I'll change all of my query's right away  :)


I still had to do different names for my $var 's because I had already a $query, $result and $rij in the while loop, so I had to change the ones IN the while loop to $query1, etc.


Thanks for helping me  :)

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