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[SOLVED] Delete or post to print txt file or pdf


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i have a file that loads all my records from a table in my database.

What i want is to add the option of posting the info in a selected record to a file, either a pdf or text file so that it is printer friendy.

At the moment the only option available is to delete the record, can i add another button to my form to do what i am aiming?

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Thats probably not a bad idea.

At the moment my client gets to browse his application form records through his admin section.

Its all layed out and looks real stylish, i originally wanted to be able to give an option to post to pdf so he could print out his proccessed application forms for his records. He could then delete the record from his database.

Is this a big process?

If so i can have the info just post to  a simple php file without the graphics and make it printer friendy that way.

Can i just add a button beside the delete button (print) and have it post the form data to another file?


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you could dynamically display a pdf file with PHP/MySQL by creating a PHP page and setting the header("Content-type: application/pdf") for the PHP header and query your database to insert the content you wish to display for the printer friendly version.



check out the manual for more about PDFs in PHP: http://us2.php.net/pdf.

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I cant get the rest of the info to post, only the id?

is this because it was added to the button?

Can i get the rest of the info to post accross or can i draw it from the database using the id number to display the right record?

thanks so much for your help



database is your best bet for getting the rest of your variables.

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$results = mysql_query("select * from tblName where id='$id'");
while($puller=mysql_fetch_array($results)) {

// List Your Variables Like This And So On......

// Then Echo Out The Above Variables Where Ever You Want Them
echo "$variable1";



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Thanks heaps for your help

Pasted this code in my page and it shows a blank page



$results = mysql_query("select * from application where id='$id'");
while($puller=mysql_fetch_array($results)) {

// List Your Variables Like This And So On......

// Then Echo Out The Above Variables Where Ever You Want Them
echo "$variable1";



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Fixed it up

had to put an extra line of code it

$id = $_GET['id'];
$results = mysql_query("select * from application where id='$id'");
while($puller=mysql_fetch_array($results)) {

// List Your Variables Like This And So On......

// Then Echo Out The Above Variables Where Ever You Want Them
echo "$variable1";

echo "$variable2";


Your the best.

Thanks :-*

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