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[SOLVED] Help with an error


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I am working on rebuilding a page.this is the page that has the problem.http://bellavista.madtek.com/testgallery.php

the new page gallery is not working.

here is the working gallery http://bellavista.madtek.com/2005gallery.php?Which=2005all&ID=4


here is the not working gallery php hasnt change there in the same folder on the same server. php just wont run on the new page.


I know the page doesnt look right that why i am having to rebuild it


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where are you seeing that. heres the code from each page



$Limit = 4;
$LimitA = $Limit-1;
$Gallery = "/inetpub/lefthemisphere/bellavista/public_html/galleries/".$Which.".txt";
$Open = fopen($Gallery, "r")  or die("Cannot open file $Gallery!");
if ($Open) {
$Images = file($Gallery);
$Total = count($Images);
$Final = $Total-1;
for ($n = 0; $n < count($Images); $n++){
$Image = each ($Images);
$Mod = $Image[key] % $Limit;
if ( ($Mod == 0) AND ($Image[key] == $Final) )



$Limit = 4;
$LimitA = $Limit-1;
$Gallery = "/inetpub/lefthemisphere/bellavista/public_html/galleries/".$Which.".txt";
$Open = fopen($Gallery, "r")  or die("Cannot open file $Gallery!");
if ($Open) {
$Images = file($Gallery);
$Total = count($Images);
$Final = $Total-1;
for ($n = 0; $n < count($Images); $n++){
$Image = each ($Images);
$Mod = $Image[key] % $Limit;
if ( ($Mod == 0) AND ($Image[key] == $Final) )


these are just the litle snippets from where i am seeing in the view source where the php wont execute

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here is the working page

$Which = urlencode($Which);
$ID = urlencode($ID);


<title> Bella Vista Steamboat | Private Luxury Lodging Steamboat Springs, Colorado </title>
<LINK REL="StyleSheet" HREF="includes/styles.css">

<?php include "includes/2005javascript.php"; ?>

function popimage(imagesrc,winwidth,winheight){
var look='width='+winwidth+',height='+winheight+','
popwin.document.write('<title>Click to close</title><body topmargin=0 rightmargin=0 leftmargin=0 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100% height=100%><tr><td align=center><A HREF=javascript:window.close()><img src="'+imagesrc+'" border=0 alt=\"Click to close\" width="'+winwidth+'" height="'+winheight+'"></a></td></tr></table></body>')

<style type="text/css">

if ($Which == '2005weddings') {
$head = "<img src=\"images/ttl-specialevents2.gif\" alt=\"Weddings and Special Events\" width=\"523\" height=\"63\">";
if ($Which == '2005all') {
$head = "<img src=\"images/ttl-gallery.gif\" alt=\"Bella Vista Photo Gallery\" width=\"523\" height=\"63\">";

<?php include "includes/nav2.php"; ?>
<!--START table A-->
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 align=center width=800>
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<!--END table A-->
<!--START table B-->
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 align=center width=800>
	<td><a href="specials.php" onMouseOver = "if (br == 'n3') document.spec.src = specb.src" onmouseout = "if (br == 'n3') document.spec.src = speca.src;"><img src="images/specials-a.gif" width="211" height="32" border="0" alt="Seasonal Specials" name=spec></a></td>
	<td><img src="images/tableB-2.gif" width="564" height="32" border="0" alt=""></td>
<!--END table B-->
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 align=center width=800>
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<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=24 align=center width=523>


$Limit = 4;
$LimitA = $Limit-1;
$Gallery = "/inetpub/lefthemisphere/bellavista/public_html/galleries/".$Which.".txt";
$Open = fopen($Gallery, "r")  or die("Cannot open file $Gallery!");
if ($Open) {
$Images = file($Gallery);
$Total = count($Images);
$Final = $Total-1;
for ($n = 0; $n < count($Images); $n++){
$Image = each ($Images);
$Mod = $Image[key] % $Limit;
if ( ($Mod == 0) AND ($Image[key] == $Final) )

$ph = $Image[value];
$ph = trim($ph);
$photo = "/inetpub/lefthemisphere/bellavista/public_html/gallery2005/".$ph.".jpg";
if (file_exists($photo)) { 
$photoSize = getimagesize($photo);	
	print ("<tr><td align=center><a href=\"gallery2005/$ph.jpg\" onClick=\"popimage('gallery2005/$ph.jpg',$photoSize[0],$photoSize[1]);return false\"><img border=1 src=\"gallery2005/thumbs/$ph.jpg\" height=\"88\" width=\"88\"></a><img src=\"images/side-ph.gif\" width=\"10\" height=\"87\" border=\"0\" alt=side><br><img src=\"images/bottom-ph.gif\" width=\"98\" height=\"10\" border=\"0\" alt=bottom></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>");
	} elseif ( ($Mod == 1) AND ($Image[key] == $Final) )
$ph = $Image[value];
$ph = trim($ph);
$photo = "/inetpub/lefthemisphere/bellavista/public_html/gallery2005/".$ph.".jpg";
if (file_exists($photo)) { 
$photoSize = getimagesize($photo);	
	print ("<td align=center><a href=\"gallery2005/$ph.jpg\" onClick=\"popimage('gallery2005/$ph.jpg',$photoSize[0],$photoSize[1]);return false\"><img border=1 src=\"gallery2005/thumbs/$ph.jpg\" height=\"88\" width=\"88\"></a><img src=\"images/side-ph.gif\" width=\"10\" height=\"87\" border=\"0\" alt=side><br><img src=\"images/bottom-ph.gif\" width=\"98\" height=\"10\" border=\"0\" alt=bottom></td><td></td><td></td></tr>");
	} elseif ( ($Mod == 2) AND ($Image[key] == $Final) )
$ph = $Image[value];
$ph = trim($ph);
$photo = "/inetpub/lefthemisphere/bellavista/public_html/gallery2005/".$ph.".jpg";
if (file_exists($photo)) { 
$photoSize = getimagesize($photo);	
	print ("<td align=center><a href=\"gallery2005/$ph.jpg\" onClick=\"popimage('gallery2005/$ph.jpg',$photoSize[0],$photoSize[1]);return false\"><img border=1 src=\"gallery2005/thumbs/$ph.jpg\" height=\"88\" width=\"88\"></a><img src=\"images/side-ph.gif\" width=\"10\" height=\"87\" border=\"0\" alt=side><br><img src=\"images/bottom-ph.gif\" width=\"98\" height=\"10\" border=\"0\" alt=bottom></td><td></td></tr>");
	} elseif ( ($Mod == 3) AND ($Image[key] == $Final) )
$ph = $Image[value];
$ph = trim($ph);
$photo = "/inetpub/lefthemisphere/bellavista/public_html/gallery2005/".$ph.".jpg";
if (file_exists($photo)) { 
$photoSize = getimagesize($photo);	
	print ("<td align=center><a href=\"gallery2005/$ph.jpg\" onClick=\"popimage('gallery2005/$ph.jpg',$photoSize[0],$photoSize[1]);return false\"><img border=1 src=\"gallery2005/thumbs/$ph.jpg\" height=\"88\" width=\"88\"></a><img src=\"images/side-ph.gif\" width=\"10\" height=\"87\" border=\"0\" alt=side><br><img src=\"images/bottom-ph.gif\" width=\"98\" height=\"10\" border=\"0\" alt=bottom></td></tr>");
	} elseif ($Mod == 0)
$ph = $Image[value];
$ph = trim($ph);
$photo = "/inetpub/lefthemisphere/bellavista/public_html/gallery2005/".$ph.".jpg";
if (file_exists($photo)) { 
$photoSize = getimagesize($photo);	
	print ("<tr><td align=center><a href=\"gallery2005/$ph.jpg\" onClick=\"popimage('gallery2005/$ph.jpg',$photoSize[0],$photoSize[1]);return false\"><img border=1 src=\"gallery2005/thumbs/$ph.jpg\" height=\"88\" width=\"88\"></a><img src=\"images/side-ph.gif\" width=\"10\" height=\"87\" border=\"0\" alt=side><br><img src=\"images/bottom-ph.gif\" width=\"98\" height=\"10\" border=\"0\" alt=bottom></td>");
	} elseif ( ($Mod == $LimitA) || ($Image[key] == $Final) )
$ph = $Image[value];
$ph = trim($ph);
$photo = "/inetpub/lefthemisphere/bellavista/public_html/gallery2005/".$ph.".jpg";
if (file_exists($photo)) { 
$photoSize = getimagesize($photo);	
	print ("<td align=center><a href=\"gallery2005/$ph.jpg\" onClick=\"popimage('gallery2005/$ph.jpg',$photoSize[0],$photoSize[1]);return false\"><img border=1 src=\"gallery2005/thumbs/$ph.jpg\" height=\"88\" width=\"88\"></a><img src=\"images/side-ph.gif\" width=\"10\" height=\"87\" border=\"0\" alt=side><br><img src=\"images/bottom-ph.gif\" width=\"98\" height=\"10\" border=\"0\" alt=bottom></td></tr>");
	} else 
$ph = $Image[value];
$ph = trim($ph);
$photo = "/inetpub/lefthemisphere/bellavista/public_html/gallery2005/".$ph.".jpg";
if (file_exists($photo)) { 
$photoSize = getimagesize($photo);	
	print ("<td align=center><a href=\"gallery2005/$ph.jpg\" onClick=\"popimage('gallery2005/$ph.jpg',$photoSize[0],$photoSize[1]);return false\"><img border=1 src=\"gallery2005/thumbs/$ph.jpg\" height=\"88\" width=\"88\"></a><img src=\"images/side-ph.gif\" width=\"10\" height=\"87\" border=\"0\" alt=side><br><img src=\"images/bottom-ph.gif\" width=\"98\" height=\"10\" border=\"0\" alt=bottom></td>");


<img src="images/spacer.gif" width="41" height="1" border="0" alt=""></td>
<td> </td>

<?php include "includes/2005footer.php"; ?>



Here iss the not working page


$Which = urlencode($Which);
$ID = urlencode($ID);

<title> Bella Vista Steamboat | Private Luxury Lodging Steamboat Springs, Colorado </title>

function popimage(imagesrc,winwidth,winheight){
var look='width='+winwidth+',height='+winheight+','
popwin.document.write('<title>Click to close</title><body topmargin=0 rightmargin=0 leftmargin=0 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100% height=100%><tr><td align=center><A HREF=javascript:window.close()><img src="'+imagesrc+'" border=0 alt=\"Click to close\" width="'+winwidth+'" height="'+winheight+'"></a></td></tr></table></body>')

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if ($Which == '2005weddings') {
$head = "<img src=\"images/ttl-specialevents2.gif\" alt=\"Weddings and Special Events\" width=\"523\" height=\"63\">";
if ($Which == '2005all') {
$head = "<img src=\"images/ttl-gallery.gif\" alt=\"Bella Vista Photo Gallery\" width=\"523\" height=\"63\">";

<!--START table A-->
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 align=center width=775>
	<td><a href="index.php"><img src="images/tableA-1.gif" width="365" height="109" border="0" alt="Bella Vista Steamboat"></a></td>
<!--END table A-->
<!--START table B-->
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 align=center width=775>
	<td><a href="specials.php" onMouseOver = "if (br == 'n3') document.spec.src = specb.src" onmouseout = "if (br == 'n3') document.spec.src = speca.src;"><img src="images/specials-a.gif" width="211" height="32" border="0" alt="Seasonal Specials" name=spec></a></td>
	<td><img src="images/tableB-2.gif" width="564" height="32" border="0" alt=""></td>
<!--END table B--><center><div id="mainbody">
<div id="nav"><ul id="nav">
<li><a href="2005location.php?ID=3">LOCATION</a><img src="images/bullet.gif" /> </li>
<li><a href="/2005accommodations.php">ACCOMMODATIONS</a><img src="images/bullet.gif" /> </li>
<li><a href="2005gallery.php?Which=2005all&ID=4">IMAGE GALLERY</a><img src="images/bullet.gif" /> </li>
<li><a href="2005summeractivities.php">SUMMER ACTIVITIES</a><img src="images/bullet.gif" /> </li>
<li><a href="/2005skiseason.php?ID=14">SKI SEASON</a><img src="images/bullet.gif" /> </li>
<li><a href="2005specialevents.php?ID=14">FAMILY GATHERINGS</a><img src="images/bullet.gif" /> </li>
<li><a href="2005corporateretreats.php?ID=12">COPORATE EVENTS</a><img src="images/bullet.gif" /> </li>
<li><a href="2005weddings.php?ID=5">WEDDINGS</a><img src="images/bullet.gif" /> </li>
<li><a href="2005reservations.php?ID=7">RATES</a><img src="images/bullet.gif" /> </li>
<li><a href="2005specials.php?ID=8">SPECIALS</a><img src="images/bullet.gif" /> </li>
<li><a href="2005testimonials.php?ID=6">TESTIMONIALS</a><img src="images/bullet.gif" /> </li>
<li><a href="2005contact.php?ID=11">RESERVATIONS</a><img src="images/bullet.gif" /> </li>

<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=24 align=center width=523>

$Limit = 4;
$LimitA = $Limit-1;
$Gallery = "/inetpub/lefthemisphere/bellavista/public_html/galleries/".$Which.".txt";
$Open = fopen($Gallery, "r")  or die("Cannot open file $Gallery!");
if ($Open) {
$Images = file($Gallery);
$Total = count($Images);
$Final = $Total-1;
for ($n = 0; $n < count($Images); $n++){
$Image = each ($Images);
$Mod = $Image[key] % $Limit;
if ( ($Mod == 0) AND ($Image[key] == $Final) )

$ph = $Image[value];
$ph = trim($ph);
$photo = "/inetpub/lefthemisphere/bellavista/public_html/gallery2005/".$ph.".jpg";
if (file_exists($photo)) { 
$photoSize = getimagesize($photo);	
	print ("<tr><td align=center><a href=\"gallery2005/$ph.jpg\" onClick=\"popimage('gallery2005/$ph.jpg',$photoSize[0],$photoSize[1]);return false\"><img border=1 src=\"gallery2005/thumbs/$ph.jpg\" height=\"88\" width=\"88\"></a><img src=\"images/side-ph.gif\" width=\"10\" height=\"87\" border=\"0\" alt=side><br><img src=\"images/bottom-ph.gif\" width=\"98\" height=\"10\" border=\"0\" alt=bottom></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>");
	} elseif ( ($Mod == 1) AND ($Image[key] == $Final) )
$ph = $Image[value];
$ph = trim($ph);
$photo = "/inetpub/lefthemisphere/bellavista/public_html/gallery2005/".$ph.".jpg";
if (file_exists($photo)) { 
$photoSize = getimagesize($photo);	
	print ("<td align=center><a href=\"gallery2005/$ph.jpg\" onClick=\"popimage('gallery2005/$ph.jpg',$photoSize[0],$photoSize[1]);return false\"><img border=1 src=\"gallery2005/thumbs/$ph.jpg\" height=\"88\" width=\"88\"></a><img src=\"images/side-ph.gif\" width=\"10\" height=\"87\" border=\"0\" alt=side><br><img src=\"images/bottom-ph.gif\" width=\"98\" height=\"10\" border=\"0\" alt=bottom></td><td></td><td></td></tr>");
	} elseif ( ($Mod == 2) AND ($Image[key] == $Final) )
$ph = $Image[value];
$ph = trim($ph);
$photo = "/inetpub/lefthemisphere/bellavista/public_html/gallery2005/".$ph.".jpg";
if (file_exists($photo)) { 
$photoSize = getimagesize($photo);	
	print ("<td align=center><a href=\"gallery2005/$ph.jpg\" onClick=\"popimage('gallery2005/$ph.jpg',$photoSize[0],$photoSize[1]);return false\"><img border=1 src=\"gallery2005/thumbs/$ph.jpg\" height=\"88\" width=\"88\"></a><img src=\"images/side-ph.gif\" width=\"10\" height=\"87\" border=\"0\" alt=side><br><img src=\"images/bottom-ph.gif\" width=\"98\" height=\"10\" border=\"0\" alt=bottom></td><td></td></tr>");
	} elseif ( ($Mod == 3) AND ($Image[key] == $Final) )
$ph = $Image[value];
$ph = trim($ph);
$photo = "/inetpub/lefthemisphere/bellavista/public_html/gallery2005/".$ph.".jpg";
if (file_exists($photo)) { 
$photoSize = getimagesize($photo);	
	print ("<td align=center><a href=\"gallery2005/$ph.jpg\" onClick=\"popimage('gallery2005/$ph.jpg',$photoSize[0],$photoSize[1]);return false\"><img border=1 src=\"gallery2005/thumbs/$ph.jpg\" height=\"88\" width=\"88\"></a><img src=\"images/side-ph.gif\" width=\"10\" height=\"87\" border=\"0\" alt=side><br><img src=\"images/bottom-ph.gif\" width=\"98\" height=\"10\" border=\"0\" alt=bottom></td></tr>");
	} elseif ($Mod == 0)
$ph = $Image[value];
$ph = trim($ph);
$photo = "/inetpub/lefthemisphere/bellavista/public_html/gallery2005/".$ph.".jpg";
if (file_exists($photo)) { 
$photoSize = getimagesize($photo);	
	print ("<tr><td align=center><a href=\"gallery2005/$ph.jpg\" onClick=\"popimage('gallery2005/$ph.jpg',$photoSize[0],$photoSize[1]);return false\"><img border=1 src=\"gallery2005/thumbs/$ph.jpg\" height=\"88\" width=\"88\"></a><img src=\"images/side-ph.gif\" width=\"10\" height=\"87\" border=\"0\" alt=side><br><img src=\"images/bottom-ph.gif\" width=\"98\" height=\"10\" border=\"0\" alt=bottom></td>");
	} elseif ( ($Mod == $LimitA) || ($Image[key] == $Final) )
$ph = $Image[value];
$ph = trim($ph);
$photo = "/inetpub/lefthemisphere/bellavista/public_html/gallery2005/".$ph.".jpg";
if (file_exists($photo)) { 
$photoSize = getimagesize($photo);	
	print ("<td align=center><a href=\"gallery2005/$ph.jpg\" onClick=\"popimage('gallery2005/$ph.jpg',$photoSize[0],$photoSize[1]);return false\"><img border=1 src=\"gallery2005/thumbs/$ph.jpg\" height=\"88\" width=\"88\"></a><img src=\"images/side-ph.gif\" width=\"10\" height=\"87\" border=\"0\" alt=side><br><img src=\"images/bottom-ph.gif\" width=\"98\" height=\"10\" border=\"0\" alt=bottom></td></tr>");
	} else 
$ph = $Image[value];
$ph = trim($ph);
$photo = "/inetpub/lefthemisphere/bellavista/public_html/gallery2005/".$ph.".jpg";
if (file_exists($photo)) { 
$photoSize = getimagesize($photo);	
	print ("<td align=center><a href=\"gallery2005/$ph.jpg\" onClick=\"popimage('gallery2005/$ph.jpg',$photoSize[0],$photoSize[1]);return false\"><img border=1 src=\"gallery2005/thumbs/$ph.jpg\" height=\"88\" width=\"88\"></a><img src=\"images/side-ph.gif\" width=\"10\" height=\"87\" border=\"0\" alt=side><br><img src=\"images/bottom-ph.gif\" width=\"98\" height=\"10\" border=\"0\" alt=bottom></td>");



<?php include "includes/2005footer.php"; ?>


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Should it not be like this:



$Limit = 4;
$LimitA = $Limit-1;
$Gallery = "/inetpub/lefthemisphere/bellavista/public_html/galleries".$Which."./".$TextFileVariableHere.".txt";
$Open = fopen($Gallery, "r")  or die("Cannot open file $Gallery!");
if ($Open) {
$Images = file($Gallery);
$Total = count($Images);
$Final = $Total-1;
for ($n = 0; $n < count($Images); $n++){
$Image = each ($Images);
$Mod = $Image[key] % $Limit;
if ( ($Mod == 0) AND ($Image[key] == $Final) )



The IMG SRC for your first image (on your working page) is: http://bellavista.madtek.com/gallery2005/thumbs/howelsen-winter-carnival.jpg


if you do this:


$Gallery = "/inetpub/lefthemisphere/bellavista/public_html/galleries".$Which."./".$idVariableHere.".txt";


I think will correct your path issue.



This is what your have: /inetpub/lefthemisphere/bellavista/public_html/galleries./.txt


This is what you should have: /inetpub/lefthemisphere/bellavista/public_html/galleries2005/images.txt

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n~ link=topic=167289.msg737129#msg737129 date=1194841896]

I think you are fetching the picture path from a text file. Here the problem is that your text file is not found.


Those files are in the same location and the working file is finding that folder and file


this is why its confusing me

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Should it not be like this:



$Limit = 4;
$LimitA = $Limit-1;
$Gallery = "/inetpub/lefthemisphere/bellavista/public_html/galleries".$Which."./".$idVariableHere.".txt";
$Open = fopen($Gallery, "r")  or die("Cannot open file $Gallery!");
if ($Open) {
$Images = file($Gallery);
$Total = count($Images);
$Final = $Total-1;
for ($n = 0; $n < count($Images); $n++){
$Image = each ($Images);
$Mod = $Image[key] % $Limit;
if ( ($Mod == 0) AND ($Image[key] == $Final) )



The IMG SRC for your first image should (on your working page) is: http://bellavista.madtek.com/gallery2005/thumbs/howelsen-winter-carnival.jpg


if you do this:


$Gallery = "/inetpub/lefthemisphere/bellavista/public_html/galleries".$Which."./".$idVariableHere.".txt";


I think will correct your path issue.




I tryed it and it didnt work



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Correct me if I am wrong but it seems to me that your old page is receiving the variable from another page.


But when you test your new page you are just running the direct link which does not contain the needed variable for $which.


Are you talking about the first 4 lines

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You are missing this on your testgalary.php



Also, you may also have to add this to you top code.


$Which = $_GET[Which];
$ID= $_GET[id];

$Which = urlencode($Which);
$ID = urlencode($ID);

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You are missing this on your testgalary.php



Also, you may also have to add this to you top code.


$Which = $_GET[Which];
$ID= $_GET[id];

$Which = urlencode($Which);
$ID = urlencode($ID);

It still doesnt work though

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