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Hi there,


I get the following error message when using what i think should be the correct php script for my contact form.


Error 405 Method Not Allowed


The requested method POST is not allowed for URL /contact.php



How can I solve this?




Contact form html is:



  <p align="left"><FORM ACTION="contact.php" METHOD="post">  
<div align="left">
	<table border="0" 	cellspacing="1" style="border-collapse: collapse" >
	<tbody class="body_main">

				<b><font face="Tahoma" size="2" color="#FF6600">Name:</font></b></td>
				<td class="body_small">

					<input type="text" name="name" size="20" /> </td>


				<b><font face="Tahoma" size="2" color="#FF6600">Contact Tel:</font></b></td>
				<td class="body_small">

					<input type="text" name="tel" size="20" /> </td>


				<b><font face="Tahoma" size="2" color="#FF6600">Email:</font></b></td>
				<td class="body_small">

					<input type="text" name="email" size="30" /> <br>

				<td valign="top"><b>

                    <font face="Tahoma" size="2" color="#FF6600">Message:</font></b></td>

					<td class="body_small">
					<textarea cols="44" rows="5" input type="text" name="message" /></textarea><br>


<p><div align = "center">
<font face="Verdana"><input value="Submit" type="submit"></div> 



PHP code is:



error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);
ini_set('track_errors', true);

function DoStripSlashes($FieldValue) 
if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) { 
  if (is_array($FieldValue) ) { 
   return array_map('DoStripSlashes', $FieldValue); 
  } else { 
   return stripslashes($FieldValue); 
} else { 
  return $FieldValue; 

# FilterCChars:

function FilterCChars($TheString)
return preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1F]/', '', $TheString);

if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
} else {

$FTGT1 = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['T1'] );
$FTGT2 = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['T2'] );
$FTGS1 = DoStripSlashes( $_REQUEST['S1'] );

# Redirect user to the error page

if ($ValidationFailed === true) {

header("Location: http://www.itstravel.co.uk/ITS/contactfailed");

# Email to Form Owner

$emailSubject = FilterCChars("Enquiry from ITS Website");

$emailBody = "Name : $FTGT1\n"
. "Email : $FTGT2\n"
. "Phone : $FTGS1\n"
. "";
$emailTo = "ITS <[email protected]>";
$emailFrom = FilterCChars("$FTGT2");
$emailHeader = "From: $emailFrom\n"
  . "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  . "Content-type: text/plain; charset=\"ISO-8859-1\"\n"
  . "Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit\n";
mail($emailTo, $emailSubject, $emailBody, $emailHeader);

# Redirect user to success page

header("Location: http://www.itstravel.co.uk/ITS/thankyou");

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Hey there poleman,


You should learn to use google, it has allot of nice links..


    * The action attribute of a form does not point to an executable script or there is no file specified for the action (in which case, the action field in the Property inspector is blank).

    * The form’s action attribute points to an HTML file.

    * A developer saves web pages with an HTM or HTML file extension instead of ASP, PHP, CFM or JSP file extensions, and specifies HTM or HTML as the default file extension in the site definition.

Source: http://vijaymodi.wordpress.com/2007/03/31/method-not-allowed-the-requested-method-post-is-not-allowed-for-the-url/

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I don't understand.


The form says:

<p align="left"><FORM ACTION="contact.php" METHOD="post">  


It is talking to the php file contact.php. This file has been hosted on the server so it all should work.


Not sure what is the problem?


Thanks for your help...

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Is your error message coming from Apache or your application?

I would guess by the number (405) that it's an Apache error. Meaning it was unable to process the script possibly? Have you tried a simple script to see if PHP is installed/working?




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what do you mean by "Have you tried a simple script to see if PHP is installed/working?"

how would i try out a tester script?


Please would you be able to rewrite the script for me that I could try out and see if it works.

I not, maybe a new error message will appear that will give us more clues..


thanks for your help....

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He did give you a script to try, look at the code box in his post.


Copy/paste that code into a new .php file and run it.


what do you mean by "Have you tried a simple script to see if PHP is installed/working?"

how would i try out a tester script?


Please would you be able to rewrite the script for me that I could try out and see if it works.

I not, maybe a new error message will appear that will give us more clues..


thanks for your help....

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