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[SOLVED] Arrays Are In The Loop!


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Okay I got my arrays set up so they look like:

   <td>" . $xml['FSHOST']['0']['FLIGHTPLANS']['0']['FLIGHTPLAN']['0']['STATUSTEXT']['0']['VALUE'] . "</td>
   <td>" . $xml['FSHOST']['0']['FLIGHTPLANS']['0']['FLIGHTPLAN']['0']['PLAYERNAME']['0']['VALUE'] . "</td>
   <td>" . $xml['FSHOST']['0']['FLIGHTPLANS']['0']['FLIGHTPLAN']['0']['TIMEFILEDTEXT']['0']['VALUE'] . "</td>
   <td>" . $xml['FSHOST']['0']['FLIGHTPLANS']['0']['FLIGHTPLAN']['0']['TIMEOPENED']['0']['VALUE'] . "</td>
   <td>" . $xml['FSHOST']['0']['FLIGHTPLANS']['0']['FLIGHTPLAN']['0']['TIMECLOSED']['0']['VALUE'] . "</td>
   <td>" . $xml['FSHOST']['0']['FLIGHTPLANS']['0']['FLIGHTPLAN']['0']['OPENTIMETEXT']['0']['VALUE'] . "</td>

but how would I go about setting this pattern up in a loop to get all of the arrays, and of course the ['0'] part in each array will change by going up one number... but if someone could enlighten me on how to stick the arrays in a for while statement that would be awesome!

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I do not have control over the size of the array because it is a dump from a video game, well not the array there was an XML dump but I used PHP to translate it over to an array. But how would I got about doing it s that it would increase 0 to 1 and 1 to 2 if there was that number in the array, like if it 4 to 5 and there was no 5 then it would roll back and stay at 4, just so that I can display the arrays nicely on a table.  ;D

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How to increase the number and check if it is valid.


$count = 0;
while($variable == $condition) {
      if (is_array($array[$count])) 
           // execute


This array is just has to many dimensions to be able to loop it out(completely), without timing out the script(will also take a while).

I suggest you just use the good old print_r function, it's your best bet if you want to view the whole array.

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By the looks of it you have a 4 dimensional array there (or more), so you need $i,$j,$k,$q to iterate your loop.

Sample :

  $flightplans = $xml['FSHOST'][$i]['FLIGHTPLANS'];

    $flightplan = $flightplans[$j]['FLIGHTPLAN'];

      $statustext = $flightplan[$k]['STATUSTEXT'][0]['VALUE'];
      $playername = $flightplan[$k]['PLAYERNAME'][0]['VALUE'];
      $timefiledtext = $flightplan[$k]['TIMEFILEDTEXT'][0]['VALUE'];
      $timeopened = $flightplan[$k]['TIMEOPENED'][0]['VALUE'];
      $timeclosed = $flightplan[$k]['TIMECLOSED'][0]['VALUE'];
      $opentimetext = $flightplan[$k]['OPENTIMETEXT'][0]['VALUE'];




By the way i'm making a HUGE assumption here, in that once you get to the flightplan it's only got 1 status, 1 playername, 1 timefiledtext, 1 timeopened, 1 timeclosed, 1 opentimetext .


You work out where you want your <tr><td> 's...



All i can say is that XML is REALLY badly formed and if you have PHP5+ consider using SimpleXMLElement instead of loops.

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I think I figured it out, but I wont know until someone connects to multiplayer later today. But heres what I got Maybe look it over and tell me if its okay?

<table width='80%' border='0'>
    <td colspan='6'>Open Flight Plans On Our Multiplayer Servers!</td>
    <td>Player Name:</td>
<td>Time Filed:</td>
    <td>Time Opened:</td>
    <td>Time Closed:</td>
    <td>Total Time:</td>
  $arraynum = '0';
  while (is_array($xml['FSHOST']['0']['FLIGHTPLANS']['0']['FLIGHTPLAN'][$arraynum])){
echo "
    <td>" . $xml['FSHOST']['0']['FLIGHTPLANS']['0']['FLIGHTPLAN'][$arraynum]['STATUSTEXT'][$arraynum]['VALUE'] . "</td>
    <td>" . $xml['FSHOST']['0']['FLIGHTPLANS']['0']['FLIGHTPLAN'][$arraynum]['PLAYERNAME'][$arraynum]['VALUE'] . "</td>
    <td>" . $xml['FSHOST']['0']['FLIGHTPLANS']['0']['FLIGHTPLAN'][$arraynum]['TIMEFILEDTEXT'][$arraynum]['VALUE'] . "</td>
    <td>" . $xml['FSHOST']['0']['FLIGHTPLANS']['0']['FLIGHTPLAN'][$arraynum]['TIMEOPENED'][$arraynum]['VALUE'] . "</td>
    <td>" . $xml['FSHOST']['0']['FLIGHTPLANS']['0']['FLIGHTPLAN'][$arraynum]['TIMECLOSED'][$arraynum]['VALUE'] . "</td>
    <td>" . $xml['FSHOST']['0']['FLIGHTPLANS']['0']['FLIGHTPLAN'][$arraynum]['OPENTIMETEXT'][$arraynum]['VALUE'] . "</td>
echo "</table>";

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