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reading an array of $_POST[deposits]


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ok I have a question. My forum is setup so it dynamically posts 1 or more direct deposits depending on how many the user enters. The problem is it is only writing the first $POST to mySQL and not the subsequent ones. Do I need to store all the same $_POSTS[same name] in an array or can I do a $_POST[same name] +new_Count.  Can i do this without using arrays, how does the $_POST variables. Look at my psudeo code to see what I mean, the syntax is right at work, but this is the best I can remember at home.


here is some psuedo code

[i]Forum code:[/i]

..... code adds another Row to table....

new_count= 0;
each time this function iss called
new_count ++

table.cell.innerHTML = "<select name ='deposit_select" +new_count+" ' id = 'deposit select" +new_count+" 'onchange = insertNewRowfunction()><option>none</option><option>direct deposit</option>"
table.cell.innerHTML = "<input mask ="$######.##" name='deposit_amt"+new_count+ " 'id ='deposit_amt" + new_count+ '>"
table.cell.innerHTML = "<input name='routeNumber" +new_count " ' id = 'routeNumber"+new_count+" '>"
table.cell.innerHtML = "<input name ='accNumber" +new_count+ " ' id ='accNumber" +new_count +" '>"

etc ...
<td>Deposit Amt</td>
<td>Routing Number</td>
<td>account number</td>
<td> <select name ="deposit_select" id = "deposit select" onchange = insertNewRowfunction()><option>none</option><option>direct deposit</option>
<td> <input mask ="$######.##" name="deposit_amt" id ="deposit_amt"></td>
<td> <input name"routeNumber" id = "routeNumber"></td>
</td> <input name ="accNumber" id ="accNumber"></td>

[i]php code in a different file[/i]


open database

$deposit_amt = array()
$deposit_amt = $_POST['deposit_Amt']
$deposit_query = select deposit_amt  from depositsTable 

foreach($deposit_amt as $amount)
execute $deposit_query

Now this code will only write to mySQL database on the first $_POST['deposit_amt'] all other subsequent 
$_POST['deposit_amt'] are completely ignored.

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You have to use


"deposit_Amt[]" in your form (not "deposit_Amt")


That way all of your values will go into the array: $_POST['deposit_Amt']


use: print_r($deposit_Amt);


to see the array.


you can pull info from the array by using:








etc etc

etc etc

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