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Remove Element


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Hi all,


I have an array I have included below, it is created by whatever is posted from the previous page.  I would like it to remove all of the blank elements if possible.


The original array is...


    [r11score1] => gh
    [r12score1] => ghg
    [r13score2] => 
    [r14score2] => 
    [r15score3] => fgh
    [r16score3] => fgh
    [r17score4] => 
    [r18score4] => 
    [r19score5] => 
    [r110score5] => 
    [r111score6] => 
    [r112score6] => 
    [r113score7] => 
    [r114score7] => 
    [r115score8] => 
    [r116score8] => 
    [r117score9] => fgh
    [r118score9] => gfh
    [r119score10] => 
    [r120score10] => 
    [r121score11] => 
    [r122score11] => 
    [r123score12] => 
    [r124score12] => 
    [r125score13] => 
    [r126score13] => 
    [r127score14] => 
    [r128score14] => 
    [r129score15] => 
    [r130score15] => 
    [r131score16] => 
    [r132score16] => 
    [tid] => 1


I need it to look like..


    [r11score1] => gh
    [r12score1] => ghg
    [r15score3] => fgh
    [r16score3] => fgh
    [r117score9] => fgh
    [r118score9] => gfh
    [tid] => 1


The code that I have wrote to do this doesn't work, it is as follows..








Also, is there a way to find out the original variable name?  For example in the above array if I want to know $_POST[4] it will tell me r117score9


Many thanks!

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OK I have the following array which is shown if I use print_r($_POST)


    [r131score16] => 3
    [r132score16] => 2
    [tid] => 1


Now, there is no way I know what them array keys are going to be.  I know it will always start with r and have score in the middle but the numbers are assigned depending on which text input field is filled in and a row ID in the database.  So I need to get them numbers out so I can use them further on in the script.


For example I have 16 on the end of both the above keys.  I need it to do something similar to this...


$rowid="" // Whatever that number is, it will always be different.

$sql="update table set score='$score' where uid='$rowid'";

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Can you explain what every single number means? Example:

r<num1>score<num2> = <num3>


num1 is the row number, num2 is the score and num3 is what??


The following script does:

$sql="update table set score='<num2>' where uid='<num1>'";



//Delete the empty ones:
$empty = array_keys($_POST, "");
foreach($empty as $k)

//Take all those that match the r<num>score<num> and do sql-stuff
foreach($_POST as $key => $val)
if(preg_match("/r(\d+)score(\d+)/i", $key, $matches))
	$score = $matches[2];
	$rowid = $matches[1];
	$sql="update table set score='$score' where uid='$rowid'";





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