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formatting text for a textarea


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im trying to format text for a textarea - the text comes from files which are (in essense) the same just what different content

however the textarea is a part of a form so when it gets submitted it needs to be formatted for javascript


so as far as i understand i need to strip the string for carriage returns (anything else?) but when i try this...


$parsha = $parsha = preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "",$parsha);


so this manages to work for about half of the files... but the other half are still not working...


the truth is that i dont know if this is getting every carriage return - im not so clued up on regex...


can someone please help me out here?



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i tried nl2br() and still not working


im trying to set up a file editing thing where you select a file and it populates a textarea with the contents of the file


sometimes it seems though that when i try to use onclick when the save button is hit... basically the data is not passed through


so like i said if i do a

 $editFile = preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\\n",$file); 


now about half the files are accepted by the javascript function (i mean the function actually executes...) at the moment it doesnt even get into the function if theres something wrong with the format of the variable it seems...



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a text area will auto wrap if a strings length > then the cols, as for forced break lines it is I think a \r\n so what you actualyl want to do is do br2nl not nl2br it isn't a function so you wlil ened to do

str_replace("<br />","\r\n",$string) and str_replace("<br>",\r\b",$string); or a regex version to cover all.

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when you replied and said i need a br2nl and said i need the code:




i assume you meant



however im still getting the same problems... i think it could be the \r\b... when i try




the X's dont show up... am i doing something wrong?



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