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[SOLVED] error with simple mysql query


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if ($free) {
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM vids WHERE number='$free'") or die("cant get free vid info");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($query) or die("error with this row");
$videourlfree = $row['videourl'];
$imgurlfree = $row['imgurl'];


The code stops and displays the message: error with this row  -any ideas???

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You should not put a die on the fetch since there might not be any data returned as is that is not really considered an error.


The number column might be a reserved word in MySQL so you should enclose it in back tick marks. Also, display any MySQL errors to help yourself solve the problem.





if ($free) {
    $free = mysql_real_escape_string($free);
    $strSql = "SELECT * FROM `vids` WHERE `number` = '$free'";
    $objResult = mysql_query($strSql);
    if ($objResult) {
        $arrRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($objResult);
        if ($arrRow) {
            $videourlfree = $arrRow['videourl'];
            $imgurlfree    = $arrRow['imgurl'];
        } else {
             echo 'No data matched your query';
    } else {
        die('SQL: ' . $strSql . ' Error: ' . mysql_error());


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