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I am a third year student and i am looking into my final year project. I was looking into the possibility in creating a chat program. As i am a systems design student and not a programmer i am trying to stick to what i know, i.e php and mysql. I plan to have a database that stores information about friends and port information. I know chat programs work via sending messages directly to another computer, via ports.


This is my question. Is it possible to use php to send a message to another computer, via ports? if so what ports do i use.


Sorry if this sounds silly but i dont have a lot of php knowledge or coding knowledge in general.

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Because it is browser based it ALWAYS need to be between the client -> server , i.e. the client is asking the server for the latest information, unless you want to create a java applet, but that's a long dark road...


Pretty much the same way those scripts that revraz pointed you to do. You have the client querying for new messages every so often. In theory the request is small, the updated message is small, the database query (if you are using one) ought to be relatively simple also.


My advice (as a former final year Comp Sci. student), is to not think up your own project but take one of the ones that is on offer. Yes they seem harder but it'll prompt you to work better and not rely on the knowledge you already have.


If you are really adament about doing a chat program then take it out of the browser and make it standalone (like MSN/Yahoo Chat).

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