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Create a no-scroll list with page numbers ?


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I have a site that lets users select a list of music based on genre etc. so each list could be made up of different tracks every time (www.makin-trax.co.uk), especially as I'm adding new tracks each month.


I'd really like a way to stop all lists from scrolling, if they are longer than the visible page. I know everyone has a different amount of viewable space on their monitors, so I need a way of restricting the list to a max of about 15 tracks per page, and a way for the user to select which page from that list they'd like to view (eg prev \ next \ first \ last \ particular page number etc.)


This is a fairly new music site, so at the moment the only list that goes past the bottom of the page is the dance genre but, as I mentioned earlier, I'm adding new tracks so all genres will become too long for a single page at some point.


I believe I have mysql databases (I'm not a programmer, but I try to do as much as I can with my limited skill) and I was told by a mod at htmlcodetutorial.com that I need to use some PHP code to create these page numbers. (He directed me here.)


I will be very grateful for any help \ pointers.


Tab !

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