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Need to click the browser reload to get correct result from Ajax


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The following code returns the correct results from the server but the web page at the client does not display the correct information until the browser(IE6) reload button is clicked.

Please tell me how I fix this.

As you can see I have tried history.go(0); as well all without success.


function getXMLHttpRequest ()
    try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch(e) {};
    try { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch(e) {};
    try { return new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch(e) {};
    return null;

// Make the XMLHttpRequest object
    var xhr = getXMLHttpRequest();

function progExe(CommandString)
//    alert("Mandy");
    xhr.open("GET", CommandString, true);
    xhr.onreadystatechange = ServerResponse;

function ServerResponse()
//    alert("entered ServerResponse()");
/* The full list of the readyState values is as follows:
    * 0 (uninitialized)
    * 1 (loading)
    * 2 (loaded)
    * 3 (interactive)
    * 4 (complete)
    if(xhr.readyState == 0)
        document.getElementById("loadingNode").innerHTML = "Uninitialized........";
    if(xhr.readyState == 1)
        document.getElementById("loadingNode").innerHTML = "Loading........";
    if(xhr.readyState == 2)
        document.getElementById("loadingNode").innerHTML = "Loaded........";
    if(xhr.readyState == 3)
        document.getElementById("loadingNode").innerHTML = "Interactive........";
    if(xhr.readyState == 4)
        if (xhr.status == 200)
            var parts = xhr.responseText.split("|");
//           alert("0 = "+parts[0]+" 1 = "+parts[1]);

            if (parts[0] == "X")
                document.getElementById("loadingNode").innerHTML = " ";
                document.getElementById("DIssued").innerHTML = parts[1];
                document.getElementById("DSuggestion").innerHTML = parts[2];
                document.getElementById("CIssued").innerHTML = parts[3];
                document.getElementById("CSuggestion").innerHTML = parts[4];
                document.getElementById("LIssued").innerHTML = parts[5];
                document.getElementById("LSuggestion").innerHTML = parts[6];
                document.getElementById("XIssued").innerHTML = parts[7];
                document.getElementById("XSuggestion").innerHTML = parts[8];
                document.getElementById("IIssued").innerHTML = parts[9];
                document.getElementById("ISuggestion").innerHTML = parts[10];
                document.getElementById("BundleNum").value = "";
                var SlotsValue = (parts[11])*1;
                var TableValue = (parts[12])*1;
                var BonusTickets = (parts[13])*1;
                var SlotsIssued = (parts[14])*1;
                var TableIssued = (parts[15])*1;
                var BonusIssued = (parts[16])*1;
        // alert("SlotsValue = "+SlotsValue+" TableValue = "+TableValue+" BonusTickets = "+BonusTickets+"\nTotal Issued = "+TotalIssued+" Remaining Tickets = "+RemainingTickets);
        // Calculate Remaining tickets
                var RemainingTickets = ((SlotsValue*1 + TableValue*1 + BonusTickets*1) - (SlotsIssued*1 + TableIssued*1 + BonusIssued*1));
                document.getElementById("TablesValue").innerHTML = RemainingTickets;
        // Calculate Total Issued
                var TotalIssued = SlotsIssued*1 + TableIssued*1 + BonusIssued*1;
                document.getElementById("Total").innerHTML = TotalIssued;
                document.getElementById("ErrorMessage").innerHTML = parts[17];;
//              history.go(0);

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Rajiv, appreciate your answer but do not understand it.

What URL are you speaking of? Ajax does not call a URL as the effected page is already displayed.

As the page were the data is to be displayed is already on the client machine how does the web server get involved?

As far as I understand how Ajax works is that an HTML(on click or whatever) calls Ajax which in turn calls an application on the server which returns data to Ajax which then displays that data on an existing page.

What am I misunderstanding? 

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