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compare current value in loop to a previous looped value


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Hi Im trying to compare a current value in a loop to all of the previous examples to assertain if a value is unique or not.


Im attempting it like this...

	foreach($content as $temp=>$value)	{

			$bits = explode(" ", $value);
			$log_clientIP[] = $bits[9];

						$find = $log_clientIP;
						if (strpos($log_clientIP[], $find) == true){
						echo 'This ip exists already'; //then do other stuff				

						if (strpos($log_clientIP[], $find) == false){
						echo 'This ip does not currently exist'; // Then do other stuff


This is all contained within a foreach loop which opens and reads lines from a txt file.

I know that the problem is in $log_clientIP[] as I get the Fatal error: Cannot use [] for reading in....


What am I doing wrong? Should I even be using the strpos function for this?

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Im thinking that i have to loop inside the original loop, and then compare the two like so...

				$bitspast = explode(" ", $value);

					$log_clientIPpast[] = $bitspast[9];

					$log_requestpast[] = $bitspast[5];

					foreach ($content as $key2=>$value2){
						$bitspresent = explode(" ", $value2);

						$log_clientIPpresent[] = $bitspresent[9];

							$log_requestpresent[] = $bitspresent[5];

						$hour = substr($value, 11, 2);
						$hour = $hour *60;
						$minute = substr($value, 14, 2);
						$minutes = $minute + $hour; // These are the minutes for this line
						echo "$bitspresent[9] My IP <br/>";
						echo "$minutes - The time (as minutes)<br/>"; //echo the minutes for this day.
						echo "$bitspresent[1] The time<br/>";

						if (array_search('$bitspresent[9]', $bitspast) == true){
						echo 'This is an original ip<br/><br/>';
						else{echo 'I didnt find the ip - which MUST be a lie<br/><br/>';}
					} //end of second foreach statement

			}//end of if strip statement
}//end of first foreach loop


But this just gives me the output of...


Notice: Undefined offset: 9 in D:\home\Default\planetcruise-svr.co.uk\htdocs\pcm\logreader5.php on line 105

Notice: Undefined offset: 5 in D:\home\Default\planetcruise-svr.co.uk\htdocs\pcm\logreader5.php on line 107

Notice: Undefined index: 9 in D:\home\Default\planetcruise-svr.co.uk\htdocs\pcm\logreader5.php on line 114
1410 - The time (as minutes)

Notice: Undefined index: 1 in D:\home\Default\planetcruise-svr.co.uk\htdocs\pcm\logreader5.php on line 116
The time
I didnt find the ip - which MUST be a lie My IP
1410 - The time (as minutes)
23:58:22 The time
I didnt find the ip - which MUST be a lie My IP
1410 - The time (as minutes)
23:58:22 The time
I didnt find the ip - which MUST be a lie My IP
1410 - The time (as minutes)
23:57:54 The time
I didnt find the ip - which MUST be a lie


Has anyone else ever tried to do a comparison like this before???

If so please lend a hand, some advice/help would be great!

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Ok. Here is the full code...


<?php set_time_limit(30);
// Run this script every 15 minutes!

$filename = 'logs/'. 'ex'. date('ymd'). '.log'; // Filename Checker
		// D:\home\Planet Cruise Sites\planetcruise.co.uk\logs\W3SVC10019\
if (file_exists($filename)) // Does the corresponding filename exist - if yes then
	$fp = fopen($filename, "r"); //Open the server log
        $content = fread($fp, filesize($filename));	 // Read the server log	
	$content = explode("\n", $content); // explode into array	
	$content  = array_reverse($content ); // reverse the array

	foreach($content as $temp=>$value)	{

		$findme   = 'Googlebot';
		$googlebot = strpos($value, $findme);

		$findme1   = 'picsearch.com/bot';
		$picsearch = strpos($value, $findme1);

		$findme2   = '/sys-includes';
		$sysincludes = strpos($value, $findme2);

		$findme3   = '/offers/Scat';
		$offersscat = strpos($value, $findme3);

		$findme4   = '/revelex';
		$revelex = strpos($value, $findme4);

		$findme5   = '.gif';
		$gif = strpos($value, $findme5);

		$findme6   = '.jpg';
		$jpg = strpos($value, $findme6);

		$findme7   = '.txt';
		$txt = strpos($value, $findme7);

		$findme8   = '.swf';
		$swf = strpos($value, $findme8);

		$findme9   = '.dll';
		$dll = strpos($value, $findme9);

		$findme10   = '.asp';
		$asp = strpos($value, $findme10);

		$findme11   = '.png';
		$png = strpos($value, $findme11);

		$findme12   = '.css';
		$css = strpos($value, $findme12);

		$findme13   = '.ico';
		$ico = strpos($value, $findme13);

		$findme14   = '.js';
		$js = strpos($value, $findme14);

		$findme15   = '- 200';
		$error = strpos($value, $findme15);

		$findme16   = 'msnbot';
		$msnbot = strpos($value, $findme16);

		$findme17   = 'gigablast.com/spider.html';
		$gigaspider = strpos($value, $findme17);

		$findme18   = 'InternetSeer.com';
		$internetSeer = strpos($value, $findme18);

		$findme19   = '+Slurp';
		$yahoo = strpos($value, $findme19);

		$findme20   = '....../1.0+';
		$msnsneakbot = strpos($value, $findme20);

		$firstcharacter = substr($value, 0, 1); //strip lines beginning with #/null
		$weberror = substr($value, -18, 3); //strip lines beginning with 400/401/403/404/503

	if($googlebot === false && $picsearch === false && $sysincludes === false && $offersscat === false && $revelex === false && $firstcharacter != "#" && $firstcharacter != "" && $weberror != "400" && $weberror != "401" && $weberror != "403" && $weberror != "404" && $weberror != "503" && $gif === false && $jpg === false && $txt === false && $swf === false && $dll === false && $asp === false && $png === false && $css === false && $ico === false && $js === false && $error == true && $msnbot === false && $gigaspider === false && $internetSeer === false && $yahoo === false && $msnsneakbot === false)
			//echo "$value<br/><br/>";
			$bits = explode(" ", $value);
			// $bits[9]
			$log_clientIP[] = $bits[9];
			// $bits[5]
			$log_request[] = $bits[5];

						// Now sort out time range return
						$hour = substr($value, 11, 2);
						$hour = $hour *60;
						$minute = substr($value, 14, 2);
						$minutes = $minute + $hour; // These are the minutes for this line
						echo "$bits[9] My IP <br/>";
						echo "$minutes - The time (as minutes)<br/>"; //echo the minutes for this day.
						echo "$bits[1] The time<br/><br/>";

						//$find = $log_clientIP;
						if (in_array("$log_clientIP", $bits[-1])){
						echo "$key"; // Therefore check if the compared line has the time diff of <7 mins ($minutes) if so then echo ip and visited page else ignore					

						/*if (strpos($log_clientIP[], $find) == false){
						echo 'This ip does not currently exist'; // Therefore echo the ip and the visited page

			} // end of if stripper statement


		} //end of foreach $value command

} //end of original if file exists statement

else {
echo 'This file does not exist!';


And here is an example of the log file its reading in


2007-11-11 00:05:06 W3SVC10019 xx.xxx.xxx.xxx GET /destinations/mexico/index.php - 80 - HTTP/1.1 Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+Googlebot/2.1;++http://www.google.com/bot.html) - - 200 0 22578 257 390


Thanks in advance!


(edited by kenrbnsn to use


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Yes! Ive solved it!


It was actually much easier than I thought. There is a lot to be said for just coming away from your computer sitting down and working around the problem on paper. If anyone comes across this post searching for answers here is my code!


$filename = 'logs/'. 'ex'. date('ymd'). '.log'; // Change the path to your own log file!

if (file_exists($filename)) // Does the corresponding filename exist - if yes then
	$fp = fopen($filename, "r"); //Open the server log
        $content = fread($fp, filesize($filename));	 // Read the server log	
	$content = explode("\n", $content); // explode into array	
	$content  = array_reverse($content ); // reverse the array
	$ip = "";
	$minutes =0;
	$prevurl = "";
	foreach($content as $key=>$value)	{

		$findme   = 'Googlebot';
		$googlebot = strpos($value, $findme);

		$findme1   = 'picsearch.com/bot';
		$picsearch = strpos($value, $findme1);

		$findme2   = '/sys-includes';
		$sysincludes = strpos($value, $findme2);

		$findme3   = '/offers/Scat';
		$offersscat = strpos($value, $findme3);

		$findme4   = '/revelex';
		$revelex = strpos($value, $findme4);

		$findme5   = '.gif';
		$gif = strpos($value, $findme5);

		$findme6   = '.jpg';
		$jpg = strpos($value, $findme6);

		$findme7   = '.txt';
		$txt = strpos($value, $findme7);

		$findme8   = '.swf';
		$swf = strpos($value, $findme8);

		$findme9   = '.dll';
		$dll = strpos($value, $findme9);

		$findme10   = '.asp';
		$asp = strpos($value, $findme10);

		$findme11   = '.png';
		$png = strpos($value, $findme11);

		$findme12   = '.css';
		$css = strpos($value, $findme12);

		$findme13   = '.ico';
		$ico = strpos($value, $findme13);

		$findme14   = '.js';
		$js = strpos($value, $findme14);

		$findme15   = '- 200';
		$error = strpos($value, $findme15);

		$findme16   = 'msnbot';
		$msnbot = strpos($value, $findme16);

		$findme17   = 'gigablast.com/spider.html';
		$gigaspider = strpos($value, $findme17);

		$findme18   = 'InternetSeer.com';
		$internetSeer = strpos($value, $findme18);

		$findme19   = '+Slurp';
		$yahoo = strpos($value, $findme19);

		$findme20   = '....../1.0+';
		$msnsneakbot = strpos($value, $findme20);

		$firstcharacter = substr($value, 0, 1); //strip lines beginning with #/null
		$weberror = substr($value, -18, 3); //strip lines beginning with 400/401/403/404/503

	if($googlebot === false && $picsearch === false && $sysincludes === false && $offersscat === false && $revelex === false && $firstcharacter != "#" && $firstcharacter != "" && $weberror != "400" && $weberror != "401" && $weberror != "403" && $weberror != "404" && $weberror != "503" && $gif === false && $jpg === false && $txt === false && $swf === false && $dll === false && $asp === false && $png === false && $css === false && $ico === false && $js === false && $error == true && $msnbot === false && $gigaspider === false && $internetSeer === false && $yahoo === false && $msnsneakbot === false)

				$bits = explode(" ", $value);
				$overall_array = array("ip" => "$bits[9]", "time" => "$bits[1]", "url" => "$bits[5]");

				$hour = substr($bits[1], 0, 2);
				$hour = $hour *60;
				$minute = substr($bits[1], 3, 2);
				$minute = $minute + $hour; // These are the minutes for this line

				$theminutes = $minutes - $minute;

				if ($ip != $bits[9]){//If ip is not duplicate
				$ip = $overall_array['ip'];// Pass this to sql with time and url
		 		$time = $overall_array['time'];
		 		$url = $overall_array['url'];
				echo "$theminutes - $ip - $time - $url<br/><br/>";

				elseif ($ip = $bits[9] && $theminutes <=7 && $prevurl = $url){// the ip is a duplicate && the time difference is under than 7 mins && the url is the same
				echo "This ip is a duplicate && the time difference from the last iteration is under 7 minutes && the url is the same as the last iteration. DONT PASS TO MYSQL<br/><br/>";
				$url = $overall_array['url'];
				$ip = $overall_array['ip'];// Pass this to sql with time and url
				elseif ($ip = $bits[9] && $theminutes >=7){// the ip is a duplicate and the time difference is over than 7 mins
				$ip = "This is a duplicate ip but the time difference is over 7 mins";
				$time = $overall_array['time'];
		 		$url = $overall_array['url'];
				echo "$theminutes - $ip - $time - $url<br/><br/>";

				$minutes = $minute;
				$prevurl = $url;

			}//end of if strip statement
}//end of first foreach loop
}//end of if file exists

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