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[SOLVED] PHP Combine Queries


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I really hope someone can help me here please, all I need to do is combine the 2 queries

joining the ratings query into $rs1 which must include the buildsql!


mysql_select_db($database_connDW, $connDW);
$query_rs1 = "SELECT * FROM restaurants WHERE ".$buildsql." AND onhold = '0' OR (accountname LIKE '$outlet' AND onhold = '0') OR (twn LIKE '$town' AND onhold = '0') ORDER BY old_image DESC";
$rs1 = mysql_query($query_rs1, $connDW) or die(mysql_error());
$row_rs1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs1);
$totalRows_rs1 = mysql_num_rows($rs1);

mysql_select_db($database_connDW, $connDW);
$query_overall_rate = "SELECT dine_id, AVG(total_value) FROM ratings GROUP BY dine_id";
$overall_rate = mysql_query($query_overall_rate, $connDW) or die(mysql_error());
$row_overall_rate = mysql_fetch_assoc($overall_rate);
$totalRows_overall_rate = mysql_num_rows($overall_rate);

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Firstly define for me what your relationship between the two tables is,  and on what key.


restaurants ==== has many ===> ratings


restaurants ==== has 1 ===> rating



restaurant has rating_id

or rating has restaurant_id

or (some intermediary table)

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OK currently the ratings query is working to find the average, if I can combine the 2 queries I can use it in the repeat region for example 20 outlets listed on the page would work out the average votes for each outlet


the relationship for the 2 tables is dine_id

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Ok so assuming what you're telling me is correct, in that the dine_id is the ID index/key of the restaurant in question, your SQL shoud look something like this :

SELECT rest.*
          ,AVG(rat.total_value) as total_value
FROM restaurants rest
JOIN ratings rat ON rat.dine_id = rest.id
WHERE ".$buildsql." 
AND rest.onhold = '0' 
OR (accountname LIKE '$outlet' AND rest.onhold = '0') 
OR (rest.twn LIKE '$town' AND rest.onhold = '0') 
GROUP BY rest.id
ORDER BY rest.old_image DESC


Please check that the column is question is rest.id (line 4 & 9). I'm assuming you've called the primary key of your restaurant "id" but this might not be the case.

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I had to change the code slightly the average is correct but only the outlets rated are showing if i empty the ratings table no results are shown ???


mysql_select_db($database_connDW, $connDW);
$query_rs1 = "SELECT restaurants.*,AVG(ratings.total_value) as total_value
FROM restaurants JOIN ratings ON ratings.dine_id = restaurants.dine_id
WHERE ".$buildsql." AND restaurants.onhold = '0' OR (accountname LIKE '$outlet' AND restaurants.onhold = '0') OR (restaurants.twn LIKE '$town' AND restaurants.onhold = '0') GROUP BY ratings.dine_id ORDER BY restaurants.old_image DESC";
$rs1 = mysql_query($query_rs1, $connDW) or die(mysql_error());
$row_rs1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs1);
$totalRows_rs1 = mysql_num_rows($rs1);

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I think there's something funny about your structure + data, nevertheless here is a modified version of what I was doing :


SELECT rest.*, x.total_value
FROM restaurants rest
  (SELECT IFNULL(AVG(total_value),0) as total_value
     FROM ratings
     GROUP BY dine_id
  ) x ON x.dine_id = rest.dine_id
WHERE ".$buildsql." 
AND rest.onhold = '0' 
OR (accountname LIKE '$outlet' AND rest.onhold = '0') 
OR (rest.twn LIKE '$town' AND rest.onhold = '0') 
ORDER BY rest.old_image DESC

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this works for me i have also added the total votes

couldn't of done it without you thanks  :D


SELECT restaurants.*,AVG(ratings.total_value) as avg_total_value, AVG(ratings.total_votes) as avg_total_votes FROM restaurants LEFT JOIN ratings ON ratings.dine_id = restaurants.dine_id

WHERE ".$buildsql." AND restaurants.onhold = '0' OR (accountname LIKE '$outlet' AND restaurants.onhold = '0') OR (restaurants.twn LIKE '$town' AND restaurants.onhold = '0') GROUP BY restaurants.dine_id ORDER BY restaurants.old_image DESC


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