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Show html files in a folder


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I am not a great php programmer, but I eventually get things done :-)

I am trying to create a script that will parse the folder it's containing php page is in for html files. Create a drop down list of links to the html files.

Anyone know how I might do this?

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$html_files = glob("*.htm*");//this will get all htm and html files

$holder = "<select name='file'>\n";

foreach($html_files as $file){
$holder .= "\t<option value='$file'>$file</option>\n";

$holder .= "</select>\n";


Echo out the $holder variable where you want the dropdown list of html files to show on the page... You can include this in a form, submit it and do stuff with it :-o

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*sighs* Copy the WHOLE CODE below straight into the php file, meaning that the only thing in the php file is the code below, no html, no anything.



$html_files = glob("*.htm*");//this will get all htm and html files

$holder = "<select name='file'>\n";

foreach($html_files as $file){
$holder .= "\t<option value='$file'>$file</option>\n";

$holder .= "</select>\n";

echo $holder;


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You would want it to re-direct as a new window? Or open in the current window? (Current window seems to be more applicable these days, so do this)


$html_files = glob("*.htm*");//this will get all htm and html files

$holder = "<select name='file' onchange='window.location = this.value;'>\n";

foreach($html_files as $file){
$holder .= "\t<option value='$file'>$file</option>\n";

$holder .= "</select>\n";

echo $holder;

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yes I agree, the current window is more the norm these days, but currently, all our document in this section open in a new window and that is how it needs to be.


this does work, so openning in a new window is the only part left.

I appreciate it.

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Here's the problem with new windows. Ever since the release of tabs in FireFox and IE, opening in a new window almost always opens up in a new tab, defeating the point... If you REALLY want it in a new window... try this (untested, but should work)


$html_files = glob("*.htm*");//this will get all htm and html files

$holder = "<select name='file' onchange=\"window.open(this.value,'mywindow','width=400,height=200,toolbar=yes,

foreach($html_files as $file){
$holder .= "\t<option value='$file'>$file</option>\n";

$holder .= "</select>\n";

echo $holder;

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Let's try with regular links, hmmmm


$html_files = glob("*.htm*");//this will get all htm and html files

$holder = "Current HTML Files on our server:\n<br>";

foreach($html_files as $file){
$holder .= "<a href='$file' target='_blank'>$file</a><br>\n";

echo $holder;

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