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[SOLVED] Custom functions, cant see whats wrong!


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Hi folks! Basically I;m constructing the version 2 of the content management suite in work, and up to now its gone well until now, there's one function I;m working on (entitled uploader) which takes a file, uploads it, and resizes it if required, creates a thumbnail if requested, and stores the upload in the images table if required (using a custom insertsql function) but it falls over at the point of entering the info into the database, and I cannot see why.


On its own the insertsql functions like a dream but I cannot see whats up when used within my upload function. The code is below and the output of the actual script working on a server at http://click.sjwright.co.uk/click2.php

$msg = 'Start';
// Functions
function insertsql($dbselect, $dbuser, $table, $cols, $values, $no_response) {
if ((!isset($table)) || (!isset($cols)) || (!isset($values))) {
	$msg = $msg.'» SQL input parameters incorrect \n';
} else {
	$insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO ".$table." (".$cols.") VALUES (".$values.") ");
	mysql_select_db($dbselect, $dbuser);
	if (mysql_query($insertSQL, $dbuser)) {
		if (!($no_response == "true")) {
			$msg = $msg.'» Data entered into table ".$table." successfully \n';
	} else {
		die('» SQL Encountered some problems: '.mysql_error());
function resizer($source, $output, $r_width, $quality, $no_response) {
if ((!isset($source)) || (!isset($output)) || (!isset($rwidth))) {
	$msg = $msg."» Resizer input parameters incorrect \n";
} else {
	list($src_width, $src_height) = getimagesize($source);
	$ratio = ($r_width / $src_width) * 100;
	$r_height = round(($ratio * $src_height) / 100);
	$resized = imagecreatetruecolor($r_width, $r_height);
	$original = imagecreatefromjpeg($source);
	if(imagecopyresampled($resized, $original, 0, 0, 0, 0, $r_width, $r_thumb, $src_width, $src_height)) {
		imagejpeg($resized, $source, $quality);
		if (!($no_response == "True")) {
			$msg = $msg.'» Image resized successfully \n';
function uploader($filename, $saveloc, $record, $resize, $no_response, $thumb, $width, $thumbwidth) {
if ((!isset($_FILES['userfile']['name'])) || (!isset($saveloc))) {
	$msg = $msg."» Uploader input parameters incorrect \n";
} else {
	$imgtypes = array('.jpg','.gif','.bmp','.png');
	$filename = date("ymdHis")."_".$_FILES['userfile']['name']; 
	$ext = substr($filename, strpos($filename,'.'), strlen($filename)-1);
	if(!is_writable($saveloc)) {
		$msg = $msg.'» You cannot upload to the specified directory, a permissions error occured';
	} else {
		if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'],$saveloc.$filename)) {
			if (in_array($ext, $imgtypes)) {
				if (($resize == "true") && (isset($width))) {
					resizer($saveloc.$filename, $saveloc.$filename, $width, 100, 'false');
					list($a_width, $a_height) = getimagesize($saveloc.$filemame);
					insertsql($database_click_sql, $click_sql, "images", "site_id, page_id, ident, name, loc, description, width, height", "'$row_login['site_id']', '$_POST['page_id']', '$_POST['ident']', '$_POST['name']', '$saveloc.$filemame', '$_POST['description']', '$a_width', '$a_height'");
					if (($thumb == 'true') && ($isset($thumbwidth))) {
						resizer($saveloc.$filename, $saveloc."thumbs/".$filename, $thumbwidth, 100, 'false');
				} else if ((in_array($ext, $imgtypes)) && (!isset($width))) {
					if (!($no_response == "True")) {
						$msg = $msg.'» No width is defined \n';
		} else {
			if (!($no_response == "true")) {
				$msg = $msg.'» Your upload failed, undefined error \n';
echo "If you can see this in the browser the custom functions are fine";


Any help would be received with thanks.


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insertsql($database_click_sql, $click_sql, "images", "site_id, page_id, ident, name, loc, description, width, height", "'$row_login['site_id']', '$_POST['page_id']', '$_POST['ident']', '$_POST['name']', '$saveloc.$filemame', '$_POST['description']', '$a_width', '$a_height'");


should be

insertsql($database_click_sql, $click_sql, "images", "site_id, page_id, ident, name, loc, description, width, height", "{$row_login['site_id']}', '{$_POST['page_id']}', '{$_POST['ident']}', '{$_POST['name']}', '$saveloc.$filemame', '{$_POST['description']}', '$a_width', '$a_height'");


also change

if (mysql_query($insertSQL, $dbuser)) {
		if (!($no_response == "true")) {



if (mysql_query($insertSQL, $dbuser) or die(mysql_error())) {
		if (!($no_response == "true")) {

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