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[SOLVED] php questionnaire that delivers answers depending on the responses

stupid girl!

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Hi All


I am trying to build a questionnaire that once submitted returns a page that will provide answers and products dependent on wha the response of the individual is.


does my form have to be a get rather than post (im presuming it does). and how do i sort the conditions so that if one answer is selected it writes a unique response?



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The Get Method is seen in the address bar and available in $_GET array after submitting the form.


The Post Method is invisible and available in the $_POST array after submitting the form.


Set the action of the form to be the page that will use the values of the $_POST array.

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I usually double-quote my strings when inserting array variables, even standard variables actually, and encapsulate with brackets to signify the insertion of a variable...like this...


echo "Hello, {$_POST['name']}.";


if you hate the brackets, you can remove the internal single quotes from the $_POST array key like this...


echo "Hello, $_POST[name].";

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yeah added something like that in already! good to know im on the right lines lol


basically ill give you an example. one of my form inputs is the following:

<select name="mattbudget" id="mattbudget">
            <option value="under100">Under £100</option>
            <option value="100-500">£100-£500</option>
            <option value="501plus">£501 plus</option>
            <option value="Please Select One" selected="selected">Please Select One</option>


so i want the php to write a response dependent on the option selected

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Form Code:

<form action="response-generator.php" method="post">
     <select name="mattbudget" id="mattbudget">
            <option value="under100">Under £100</option>
            <option value="100-500">£100-£500</option>
            <option value="501plus">£501 plus</option>
            <option value="Please Select One" selected="selected">Please Select One</option>


Response-Generator.php Code:

// Only when content is posted, do this... //
if (!empty ($_POST)){

     if ($_POST['mattbudget'] == '100-500'){

          echo 'Matt has a good budget.';




For multiple responses, populate a variable and echo it at the finish like this...


// Only when content is posted, do this... //
if (!empty ($_POST)){

     $string = '';

     if ($_POST['mattbudget'] == '100-500'){

          $string .= 'Matt has a good budget.<br>';

     if ($_POST['matttaxes'] > 1000){

          $string .= 'Matt has a good tax return.';


     echo $string;


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