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Convert text from database for HTML


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I'm sorry that my previous thread was a little misleading....


I'd like to explain again my request.


I'm pulling text from a database (MySQL) and I'm using the nl2br () function to convert the line breaks


DESCRIPTION="<?php echo nl2br($row_rsttheJobResults['description']); ?>"


This creates the following example


"A new line will be created soon < 'br' >

and here it is."


However the website that receives this cannot accept the characters < and >

So I want to convert this "< br >" into this "<p>"


Could anybody help me add to the nl2br () function to convert the < br > tags?


* the spaces between the < and br are there because they won't show in the message otherwise



Many thanks






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Hi there – OK


I've tried this

DESCRIPTION="<?php echo htmlentities($row_rsttheJobResults['description']); ?>"


The problem is I'm send this in an HTML form to a recruitment site and this <p> has to be physically visible in the text. So if I open my text area form and submit it when I've physically pasted <p> into the line breaks it works - but using htmlentities does not show in the text. Using nl2br () actually shows < br / > in the copy but their system will not accept the < and the > characters.


So I need to use a function that

1) shows the < br > characters

2) converts them to <p> (see how I've changed the b to p)


I found this function



function pc_text2html($s) {

  $s = htmlentities($s);

  $grafs = split("\n\n",$s);

  for ($i = 0, $j = count($grafs); $i < $j; $i++) {

    // Link to what seem to be http or ftp URLs

    $grafs[$i] = preg_replace('/((ht|f)tp:\/\/[^\s&]+)/',

                              '<a href="$1">$1</a>',$grafs[$i]);


    // Link to email addresses

    $grafs[$i] = preg_replace('/[^@\s]+@([-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,}/i',

        '<a href="mailto:$1">$1</a>',$grafs[$i]);


    // Begin with a new paragraph

    $grafs[$i] = '<p>'.$grafs[$i].'</p>';


  return implode("\n\n",$grafs);




Which converts the < br > tag to < p > but I'm not experienced enough to then convert the < and the > to < and >







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So in effect the feed should look like this








DESCRIPTION="This is a test for the paragraphs. This is a test for the paragraphs. This is a test for the paragraphs. This is a test for the paragraphs. This is a test for the paragraphs <p>

This is a test for the paragraphs. This is a test for the paragraphs. This is a test for the paragraphs.This is a test for the paragraphs <p>


TITLE="This is a test for the paragraphs"

REGION="East Anglia"










Because the htmlentities() function does not show the characters in the copy the website does not put them in the text.


Many thanks


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