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online multiplayer Risk


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I've been think about writing something fun as of late.  My idea for an application is an online multiplayer browser based knock-off of the classic board game Risk.  I would design it using PHP and JavaScript/Ajax and use MySQL as my backend.  Is this something that you think would catch on if it had a ladder system, tournaments, unranked games, and stuff like that?  Perhaps this is something that has been done too much and is not worth my time (in the interest of being original).

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ive never played risk but keep in mind, the game doesnt need to be exactly based off risk. u can make ur own ideas and change the rules around to be fit. i say go for it. one thing that turns alot of people away from web based games are limited turns per day or paying money to get an advantage. i say ads should be a factor on your site but dont make them annoying :)

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