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[SOLVED] [Beginner] Cannot access empty property

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Hi all,

I started to learning OOP and just on start I got an error:

Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in (...)books.php on line 16

The php code:

class Books{

var $cena;
var $tytul;

function setCena($par) {
echo $this->$cena = $par;

function getCena(){
echo $this->$cena.'<br />';

function setTytul($par){
echo $this->$tytul = $par;

function getTytul(){
echo $this->$tytul.'<br />';

$fizyka = new Books;
$chemia = new Books;
$matematyka = new Books;

$fizyka->setTytul("Fizyka dla kazdego - cz. I");

$chemia->setTytul("Chemia wokol nas");

$matematyka->setTytul("Pitagoras i ja");

$fizyka->getTytul(); echo"||"; $fizyka->getCena();

Tytul=title, Cena=price


What do I do wrong?

coder_ is correct. when you reference a class member, "$this->" replaces the $


Also your methods get and set are kinda unnecessary (in their current state) as you can access those members because they are public


$b = new Books();

$b->cena = 'some cena'; //this is the same as your setCena() method



And if at all possible, I'd say learn PHP OOP through PHP5

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