ivygirl Posted November 20, 2007 Share Posted November 20, 2007 I'm a complete to newbie when it comes to php and unfortunately, what I do know is self-taught ??? I've recently started migrating my site over to Wordpress and everything is fine except for the single post script. At first it errored out at the bottom for "similar posts" due to this code: <div class="similiar"> <h2>Related Posts</h2> <?php similar_posts(); ?> </div> And as a result, wasn't showing my sidebar at all (called at the bottom of the page). I removed the above code and now the sidebar shows again, but its pushed way out to the right, outside of the page width. I know its got to be on this single post page somewhere because the index and page templates work fine. Here's the code: <?php get_header(); ?> <div id="content"> <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> <div class="post" id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>"> <h2><a href="<?php echo get_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link: <?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2> <?php the_content('<p class="serif">Read the rest of this entry »</p>'); ?> <?php wp_link_pages(array('before' => '<p><strong>Pages:</strong> ', 'after' => '</p>', 'next_or_number' => 'number')); ?> <p class="postrss"> If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my <a href='http://feeds.feedburner.com/themespack'>RSS feed</a>. Thanks for visiting! </p> <br/> <p class="postmetadatap"> <small> This entry was posted <?php /* This is commented, because it requires a little adjusting sometimes. You'll need to download this plugin, and follow the instructions: http://binarybonsai.com/archives/2004/08/17/time-since-plugin/ */ /* $entry_datetime = abs(strtotime($post->post_date) - (60*120)); echo time_since($entry_datetime); echo ' ago'; */ ?> on <?php the_time('l, F jS, Y') ?> at <?php the_time() ?> and is filed under <?php the_category(', ') ?>. You can follow any responses to this entry through the <?php comments_rss_link('RSS 2.0'); ?> feed. <?php if (('open' == $post-> comment_status) && ('open' == $post->ping_status)) { // Both Comments and Pings are open ?> You can <a href="#respond">leave a response</a>, or <a href="<?php trackback_url(true); ?>" rel="trackback">trackback</a> from your own site. <?php } elseif (!('open' == $post-> comment_status) && ('open' == $post->ping_status)) { // Only Pings are Open ?> Responses are currently closed, but you can <a href="<?php trackback_url(true); ?> " rel="trackback">trackback</a> from your own site. <?php } elseif (('open' == $post-> comment_status) && !('open' == $post->ping_status)) { // Comments are open, Pings are not ?> You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed. <?php } elseif (!('open' == $post-> comment_status) && !('open' == $post->ping_status)) { // Neither Comments, nor Pings are open ?> Both comments and pings are currently closed. <?php } edit_post_link('Edit this entry.','',''); ?> </small> </p> </div> <?php comments_template(); ?> <?php endwhile; else: ?> <p>Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.</p> <?php endif; ?> </div><!--/post --> </div><!--/content --> <?php get_sidebar(); ?> <?php get_footer(); ?> Does anything just jump out at anyone? Thanks for your help! Kate Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/78118-php-post-page-pushing-sidebar-in-wordpress/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
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