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CSV aka Comma Separated Values - Tutorials and examples

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great php.net has a d few examples ::: but nothing to great - im sure in this community there is a guy or girl who has this csvb knowledge working with arrays + csv etc....


cant fong anything under tutorials or source code snipperts


source == php.net



(PHP 4, PHP 5)


fgetcsv — Gets line from file pointer and parse for CSV fields


array fgetcsv ( resource $handle [, int $length [, string $delimiter [, string $enclosure [, string $escape]]]] )


Similar to fgets() except that fgetcsv() parses the line it reads for fields in CSV format and returns an array containing the fields read.





    A valid file pointer to a file successfully opened by fopen(), popen(), or fsockopen().



    Must be greater than the longest line (in characters) to be found in the CSV file (allowing for trailing line-end characters). It became optional in PHP 5. Omitting this parameter (or setting it to 0 in PHP 5.0.4 and later) the maximum line length is not limited, which is slightly slower.



    Set the field delimiter (one character only). Defaults as a comma.



    Set the field enclosure character (one character only). Defaults as a double quotation mark.



    Set the escape character (one character only). Defaults as a backslash (\)


Return Values


Returns an indexed array containing the fields read.


    Note: A blank line in a CSV file will be returned as an array comprising a single null field, and will not be treated as an error.


    Note: If you are having problems with PHP not recognizing the line endings when reading files either on or created by a Macintosh computer, you might want to enable the auto_detect_line_endings run-time configuration option.


fgetcsv() returns FALSE on error, including end of file.



Version Description

5.3.0 The escape parameter was added

4.3.5 fgetcsv() is now binary safe

4.3.0 The enclosure parameter was added



Example 622. Read and print the entire contents of a CSV file


$row = 1;

$handle = fopen("test.csv", "r");

while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {

    $num = count($data);

    echo "<p> $num fields in line $row: <br /></p>\n";


    for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++) {

        echo $data[$c] . "<br />\n";





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