Stagnate Posted November 22, 2007 Share Posted November 22, 2007 Hello again, I posted earlier thinking that if i sorted out that problem then i would be able to do the rest myself. After staring at it blankly for a few hours and reading up on "hello world" tutorials, i now realise my knowledge base is far from sufficient. Ill post what im working with, its kind of a lot and hopefully some of you experts can make sense of what im wanting to do. The top form is what I got (great) help with earlier so thats all working. The second bigger part is a script I have downloaded which turns large images into thumbnails. Now what I want to do is get my drop down on the left so that when I change it, the images for that catagory change. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title> Photo Gallery </title> <style type="text/css"> body { font-size:8pt; color:black; font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,san-serif; background-color:white; } td.border { border:1px #808080 solid; font-size:8pt; padding:1px; } table { border-collapse: collapse; } .page { text-decoration:none; } { text-decoration:underline; color:#000099; } .spacer { border:1px #808080 solid; font-size:8pt; background-color:#E2E2E2; } </style> </head> <body> <!-- Dropdown Form --> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function MM_jumpMenu(targ,selObj,restore){ //v3.0 eval(targ+".location='"+selObj.options[selObj.selectedIndex].value+"'"); if (restore) selObj.selectedIndex=0; } //--> </script> <?php ob_start(); session_start(); function listdirs($dir) { static $alldirs = array(); $dirs = glob($dir . '\\*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); if (count($dirs) > 0) { foreach ($dirs as $d) $alldirs[] = $d; } foreach ($dirs as $dir) listdirs($dir); return $alldirs; } $folder = '\\images'; $dirlist = listdirs($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$folder); echo <<<htmltext <form name="form" id="form"> <select name="jumpMenu" id="jumpMenu" onchange="MM_jumpMenu('parent',this,0)"> htmltext; for ($i=0;$i < count($dirlist);$i += 1) { echo "<option value=\"".basename($dirlist[$i])."\">".basename($dirlist[$i])."</option>"; } echo <<<htmltext </select> </form> htmltext; ?> <!-- End of Form --> <!-- START main --> <h3 style="text-align:center;">Photo Gallery</h3> <div style="text-align:center;font-style:italic;font-size:8pt;">(click thumbnail to open in new window)</div> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center"> <?php // date: 5/11/2004 // version: 1.01 // description: gallery script that creates it's own thumbnails if GD or imagemagick is installed // license: freeware under: // max image width/height $config['size'] = 150; // jpeg thumbnail image quality $config['imagequality'] = 70; // rows of images per page $config['rows'] = 3; // columns of images per page $config['cols'] = 3; // max page numbers to show at once $config['maxShow'] = 10; $config['start'] = 0; $config['max'] = 0; $config['page'] = isset($_GET['page'])?$_GET['page']:"0"; // folder where full size images are stored (include trailing slash) $config['fulls']="images/"; // folder where thumbnails are to be created $config['thumbs'] = "$config[fulls]thumb"; // method to create thumbnails. options: gd1, gd2, imagemagick $config['imagemethod'] = "imagemagick"; // (if imagemagick) - Path to Imagemagick "convert" program $config['convert'] = "C:\\imagemagick\\convert.exe"; // (if imagemagick) - Path to Imagemagick "identify" program $config['identify'] = "C:\\imagemagick\\identify.exe"; ####################################################################### //see if dir exits, if not create if(isset($_GET['entry'])){ GetEntry(); }else{ PrintThumbs(); } ####################################################################### #-############################################# # desc: prints out html for thumbnails of images in directory function PrintThumbs(){ global $config; if (!file_exists($config['fulls'])) { oops("directory <b>$config[fulls]</b> does not exist"); die; } //thumb directory if (!file_exists($config['thumbs'])) { if (!mkdir($config['thumbs'], 0755)) { oops("Could not create thumb directory <b>$config[thumbs]</b> - check write permissions"); die; } } $imagelist = GetFileList($config['fulls']); // echo count($imagelist); //processing for how many images to do on current page $config['start']=($config['page']*$config['cols']*$config['rows']); $config['max']=( ($config['page']*$config['cols']*$config['rows']) + ($config['cols']*$config['rows']) ); if($config['max'] > count($imagelist)){$config['max']=count($imagelist);} echo "<tr><td align=\"right\" colspan=\"$config[cols]\" style=\"padding:3px;\" class=\"border\">\n"; #if there is 0 matches, show 0. otherwise show ($start+1) if ($config['max'] == "0"){echo "Showing results <b>0 - 0</b> of <b>0</b></td></tr>\n";} else{echo "Showing results <b>".($config['start']+1)." - $config[max]</b> of <b>".count($imagelist)."</b> entries</td></tr>\n";} echo "<tr>"; $temp=1; //for all the images on the page for($i=$config['start']; $i<$config['max']; $i++){ $thumb_image = $config['thumbs']."/".$imagelist[$i]; $thumb_exists = file_exists($thumb_image); // create thumb if not exist if(!$thumb_exists){ set_time_limit(30); $thumb_exists = ResizeImage("$config[fulls]$imagelist[$i]", $thumb_image, $config['size']); } $imagelist[$i] = rawurlencode($imagelist[$i]); $thumb_image = $config['thumbs']."/".$imagelist[$i]; echo "<td valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\" class=\"border\"><a href=\"$config[fulls]$imagelist[$i]\" title=\"$imagelist[$i]\" target=\"_blank\">"; if ($thumb_exists) { echo "<img src=\"$thumb_image\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$imagelist[$i]\">"; } else { echo "$imagelist[$i]"; } echo "</a></td>\n"; //if the max cols is reached, start new col if(($temp == $config['cols']) && ($i+1 != $config['max'])){ echo "</tr><tr><td colspan=\"$config[cols]\" class=\"spacer\"> </td></tr><tr>\n"; $temp=0; } $temp++; }//foreach img //if there are no results if($config['start'] == $config['max']){ echo "<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"$config[cols]\" class=\"spacer\">No Entries found</td>\n"; } //if there are empty "boxes" in the row (ie; last page) elseif($temp != $config['cols']+1){ echo "<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"".($config['cols']-$temp+1)."\"> </td>\n"; } echo "</tr>"; GetPageNumbers(count($imagelist)); }#-#PrintThumbs() #-############################################# # desc: grabs and prints filename # returns: (bool) worked function GetEntry(){ global $config; if(!file_exists("$config[fulls]$_GET[entry]")){ oops("Entry does not exist"); return false; } echo "<a href=\"$_SERVER[HTTP_REFERER]\">Back</a><br>"; echo "<img src=\"$config[fulls]$_GET[entry]\">"; }#-#GetEntry() #-############################################# # desc: GetFileList # param: [optional] directory to look through # returns: array with list of images function GetFileList($dirname="."){ global $config; $list = array(); if ($handle = opendir($dirname)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (preg_match("/\.(jpe?g|gif|png)$/i",$file)) { $list[] = $file; } } closedir($handle); } sort($list); return $list; }#-#GetFileList() #-############################################# # desc: throw an error message # param: [optional] any custom error to display function oops($msg) { ?> <table align=center> <tr><td class=header> Error: <? print( $msg ); ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class=entry> <br><?=$msg?> <br><br> <hr size=1 noshade width="80%" class=desc> <center>Please hit the <a href="javaScript:history.back();"><b>back button</b></a> on your browser to try again.</center> </td></tr></table> <?php }#-#oops() #-############################################# # desc: chooses method to resize image to correct ratio # param: ($image) image reference of full size img to use ($newimage) what to save thumbnail as ($size) max width or height to resize to # returns: (bool) if image was created function ResizeImage($image, $newimage, $size) { global $config; switch ($config['imagemethod']) { case "imagemagick": return ResizeImageUsingIM($image, $newimage, $size); break; case "gd1": case "gd2": return ResizeImageUsingGD($image, $newimage, $size); break; default: return false; break; } }#-#ResizeImage() #-############################################# # desc: resizes image if GD was used # param: ($image) image reference of full size img to use ($newimage) what to save thumbnail as ($size) max width or height to resize to # returns: (bool) if image was created function ResizeImageUsingGD($image, $newimage, $size) { list ($width,$height,$type) = GetImageSize($image); if($im = ReadImageFromFile($image,$type)){ //if image is smaller than the $size, make it actual $size if($height < $size && $width < $size){ $newheight=$height; $newwidth=$width; } //if image height is larger, height=$size, then calc width else if($height > $width){ $newheight=$size; $newwidth=($width / ($height/$size));//cast the resized width as int } //if image width is larger, width=$size, then calc width else{ $newwidth=$size; $newheight=($height / ($width/$size));//cast the resized height as int } $im2=ImageCreateTrueColor($newwidth,$newheight); ImageCopyResampled($im2,$im,0,0,0,0,$newwidth,$newheight,$width,$height); if(WriteImageToFile($im2,$newimage,$type)){ return true; } } return false; }#-#ResizeImageUsingGD() #-############################################# # desc: resizes image using imagemagick # param: ($image) image reference of full size img to use ($newimage) what to save thumbnail as ($size) max width or height to resize to # returns: (bool) if image was created function ResizeImageUsingIM($image, $newimage, $maxsize) { global $config; Exec("$config[identify] -ping -format \"%w %h\" \"$image\"", $sizeinfo); if (! $sizeinfo ) { return false; } $size = explode(" ", $sizeinfo[0]); $width = $size[0]; $height = $size[1]; if (!$width) { return false; } //if image is smaller than the maxsize, make it actual size if($height < $maxsize && $width < $maxsize){ $newheight=$height; $newwidth=$width; } else if($height > $width){ $newheight=$maxsize; $newwidth= ($maxsize * $width) / $height; } else{ $newwidth=$maxsize; $newheight=($maxsize * $height) / $width; } Exec("$config[convert] -geometry \"$newwidth"."x"."$newheight\" -quality \"$config[imagequality]\" \"$image\" \"$newimage\""); return file_exists($newimage); }#-#ResizeImageUsingIM() #-############################################# # desc: resizes image using imagemagick # param: ($filename) filename of image to create ($type) int of type. 1=gif,2=jpeg,3=png # returns: binary img function ReadImageFromFile($filename, $type) { $imagetypes = ImageTypes(); switch ($type) { case 1 : if ($imagetypes & IMG_GIF){ return $im = ImageCreateFromGIF($filename); } break; case 2 : if ($imagetypes & IMG_JPEG){ return ImageCreateFromJPEG($filename); } break; case 3 : if ($imagetypes & IMG_PNG){ return ImageCreateFromPNG($filename); } break; default: return 0; } }#-#ReadImageFromFile() #-############################################# # desc: resizes image using imagemagick # returns: binary img function WriteImageToFile($im, $filename, $type) { global $config; switch ($type) { case 1 : return ImageGIF($im, $filename); case 2 : return ImageJpeg($im, $filename, $config['imagequality']); case 3 : return ImagePNG($im, $filename); default: return false; } }#-#WriteImageToFile() #-############################################# # sub: GetPageNumbers # desc: gets the pages in the list function GetPageNumbers($entries) { global $config; $config['totalPages']=Ceil(($entries)/($config['cols']*$config['rows'])); // echo number of pages echo "<tr><td colspan=$config[cols] align=center height=20 class=border>Page ($config[totalPages]): "; // echo out PREV if( ($config['page']-1) >= 0){ echo "<a href=\"$_SERVER[sCRIPT_NAME]?page=".($config['page']-1)."\" class=page><b>«Prev</b></a>";} // else no link else{echo "<b>«Prev</b>";} // for each link, echo out page link $start=0; // starting image number $end=$config['totalPages']-1; // ending image number (total / number image on page) // cutoff size < page. or . page != last page (otherwise keep above values) if($config['maxShow'] < $config['page'] || (($config['cols']*$config['rows']*$config['maxShow'])< $entries) ){ // if page >= cutoff size+1 -> start at page - cutoff size if($config['page'] >= ($config['maxShow']+1) && $config['page'] < $end-$config['maxShow']){ $start = $config['page']-$config['maxShow'];} elseif($end < $config['page']+$config['maxShow']+1 && $config['totalPages']-1 >= $config['maxShow']*2+1){$start = $config['totalPages']-1-$config['maxShow']*2;} else{$start=0;} // else start at 0 // if page+cutoff+1 > number of pages total -> end= number of pages total if( $config['page']+$config['maxShow']+1 > $config['totalPages']-1 ){$end = $entries/($config['cols']*$config['rows']);} #&oops("$end,$config['maxShow']"); elseif($start == 0 && $end > $config['maxShow']*2){$end = $config['maxShow']*2;} elseif($start == 0 && $config['totalPages'] <= $config['maxShow']*2){$end = $config['totalPages']-1;} else{$end = ($config['page']+$config['maxShow']);} //end = page+cutoff+1 } // echo out divide marker if($start > 0){echo " ... ";} else{echo " - ";} // echo out each of the numbers for($i=$start; $i<=$end ; $i++){ if($config['page']==$i){echo "<b>[".($i+1)."]</b> \n";} else{echo "<a href=\"$_SERVER[sCRIPT_NAME]?page=$i\" class=page><b>".($i+1)."</b></a> \n";} } // echo out divide marker if(Ceil($end) < $config['totalPages']-1){echo " ... ";} else{echo " - ";} // echo out NEXT if( ($config['page']+1) <= $config['totalPages']-1){ echo "<a href=\"$_SERVER[sCRIPT_NAME]?page=".($config['page']+1)."\" class=page><b>Next»</b></a> ";} // else no link else{echo " <b>Next»</b> ";} echo "</td></tr>"; }#-#end GetPageNumbers() ?> <!-- END main --> </td></tr></table> </body> Thanks for looking through my newbie issues. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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