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A way to get current background?


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I have several websites running on a global script. Some pages, the backgrounds black, other, white. Sometimes people have the taste of posting black font on a black background, or white font on a white background.


What I wanted is to know if theres a way to 'check' the current background color? Because I can then add in the script to 'change' any incorrect colors before posting. I'm not sure if theres a way for PHP to tap into CSS and check, but it would be alot easier to change the global script since its *Checking* for the background color rather then me do it per site and change it manually.


Any suggestions?

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Basicily I have a script that runs real time and changes anything content before posting, like swearing, etc real time. So if I ever want to remove it, or anything, I can, and the original content is there.


Basicly in CSS theres this:

body {
background-image: url(images/whiteback.gif);
background-repeat: repeat-y;
        background-color: #999; /* #fafafa; */
padding: 0; margin: 0;
font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
text-decoration: none;
display: block;
overflow: visible;

Needing to get the background color 'called' somehow. Some way to access the css page, or via a PHP function perhaps that calls whatever color the background is currently?

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phpBB does have styles, basically what it does is just load a different "coloring" style sheet.  Most professional layouts has 2-3 sytle sheets.  1 is  to global level declerations (fonts,  body  * etc) the others deal with structural css and the last is with colors and ascetics.


The last one could be stored in a database with a title, and a user picks which style they want basically.

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phpBB does have styles, basically what it does is just load a different "coloring" style sheet.  Most professional layouts has 2-3 sytle sheets.  1 is  to global level declerations (fonts,  body  * etc) the others deal with structural css and the last is with colors and ascetics.


The last one could be stored in a database with a title, and a user picks which style they want basically.


Not using phpBB though sadly.. kinda confused here though haha.:P


The issue is though people dilbertly lets say use font color white or black on a background thats the same color as the font there using. What I want to do is stop this. since theres a global file attached to all the websites that changes the content (such as swearing) I generally want it so that it 'checks' the background there as well, and then searchs for any <font color=etc> of the same backgroud type/

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