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i am using fckeditor to create content on my website, but i need soething to create and edit php scripts. i want to be able to edit any pages code in any directory on my server and also create new pages and save them anywhere


does anyone know where i could get this started? i am happy to try to code it myself if sme one could point me in the right direction for a good tutoirial or i amhappy to edit an existing script.. i just can find anything to get started.


thanks in advance.

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Yes i aggree it normally would be a bad idea. but. this is on a corperate network with limited access.


i will only have the access to the pages which can have this sort of access along with 2 other people. the network has no internet access and the people accessing it would not even know what php is.. it is mainly for my own benifit and the couple of other people using it.

umm.. may seem like too obvious of an answer, but... what's wrong with whatever text editor you're currently using? If you can't write PHP in plain text, then let us know what you need this editor to do for you. You say you can 'write it yourself' if you have to, so I would naturally assume you are an intermediate to professional PHP programmer, which would mean you can easily program from Notepad if necessary. I'm lost on the concept here...



Oh sorry,


i am ok with writing it its just quit a hassle to get stuff on to the machine, its a windows network with all windows mashines and most machines cant justbrowse to the shared folders and ftp seems to be blocked. so i figure a web bases systm will make things eisier.



what code do i need to write a textarea contents to a plain text file? if i can get that working i should beable to try get the rest going slowly

i take my usb stick to the computer and copy the files to it but its not practical because i have to get the keys to the room the pc is in and go to the floor it is on etc..


i work in  a call centre its just a support site ive made so i do most the work while im on the phone. would just be nice to beable to easly do it from any pc i am on or the other couple of guys do it from thiers.. (we change desks every day)..


if you know of a better option that doesnt invole changing the network im on i would love sugestions..

AAHH.. i havent tested that one.. pretty smart idea. i cant believe i didnt think of that.. lol


a few questions though..

can i select the directory i upload it to? easly as it will be a few people doing it who do allknow the full directory structre

can i also browse to and  edit the files already on there?


last but not lease if i cando those things can you point me in the direction of a good tutorial to get started?

The answers are 'yes' to all those questions...


Easy task to create the upload template. There's tons of free classes written in OOP to handle everything you would need (Google php upload class). As far as browse and edit, well... browse would be pretty intense. Kind of depends on whether or not the server will allow exec calls. If you can remember paths and filenames yourself, then just simply entering the info blindly into a webform would get you the file, without the browsing overhead.


Can't offer much more now, I'm rather busy with a project, so I can only answer quick questions. Hope your server will allow this solution, and if so, everyone here is capable of helping you get it up and working.



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