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I've make a function to create an array of days, hours, mins between two days.

and its only returning 0. I was wondering if someone could advise me on my poor maths skills.


function gtime($st,$nd){
$i['start'] = strtotime($st);
$i['end'] = strtotime($nd);
if($i['start'] !== -1 && $i['end'] !== -1 ){
	if($i['end'] >= $i['start']){
		$dif = $i['end'] - $i['start'];
		if($days = intval((ceil($dif / 86400)))) $dif =$dif % 86400; 
		if($hours = intval((ceil($dif / 3600)))) $dif =$dif % 3600; 
		if($minutes = intval((ceil($dif / 60)))) $dif =$dif % 60;
		$dif = intval($dif); 
		return array('d'=>$days,'h'=>$hours,'m'=>$minutes,'s'=>$dif); 
return false;


called via

$int = '12/11/2007';
$ago =gtime(date("d/m/Y H:i:s",strtotime($int)),date("d/m/Y H:i:s",strtotime("now")));
print $ago[d]." days ago";

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if($i['start'] !== -1 && $i['end'] !== -1 ){
why !==? use !=


I need to use !== in this statement.


I have found the problem, but am unsure of fixing it.

This is fine...

$ago =gtime(date($format[3],strtotime($int)),date($format[3],strtotime("now")));


However this is not...

$i['start'] = strtotime($st);
$i['end'] = strtotime($nd);


strtotime() seems to be removing the date.. and returning blank.

Well i wrote my own function wich calculates the differens between 2 dates, its a bit noob function coz i guess its too big but at least it works 100%


// now TimeStamp returns the curent datetime in mySQL timestamp format
function nowTS() {
$newdate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
return $newdate;	

// extrdate Extracts mySQL timestamp into any date() parameter given
function extrdate($date,$parameters) {
$strtotime = strtotime($date);
$newdate = date($parameters,$strtotime);	
return $newdate;

// since Calculates how many time past since given time
function since($time) {
$nowtime = nowTS();

$nowyear = extrdate($nowtime,"Y");
$nowmonth = extrdate($nowtime,"m");
$nowday = extrdate($nowtime,"d");
$nowhour = extrdate($nowtime,"H");
$nowminut = extrdate($nowtime,"i");
$nowsecond = extrdate($nowtime,"s");

$timeyear = extrdate($time,"Y");
$timemonth = extrdate($time,"m");
$timeday = extrdate($time,"d");
$timehour = extrdate($time,"H");
$timeminut = extrdate($time,"i");
$timesecond = extrdate($time,"s");

$yearsince = $nowyear - $timeyear;
$monthsince = $nowmonth - $timemonth;
$daysince = $nowday - $timeday;
$hoursince = $nowhour - $timehour;
$minutsince = $nowminut - $timeminut;
$secondsince = $nowsecond - $timesecond;

/// Seconds Conf ///
if ($nowsecond < $timesecond) {
	$secondsince = 60 + $nowsecond - $timesecond;
	$minusminut = TRUE;
/// Minuts Conf ///
if ($minusminut == TRUE) {
	$nowminut = $nowminut - 1;

	if ($nowminut == $timeminut) {
		$minutsince =  $nowminut - $timeminut;
if ($nowminut < $timeminut) {
	$minutsince =  60 + $nowminut - $timeminut;
	$minushour = TRUE;
/// Hours Conf ///	
if ($minushour == TRUE) {
	$nowhour = $nowhour - 1;

	if ($nowhour == $timehour) {
		$hoursince =  $nowhour - $timehour;
if ($nowhour < $timehour) {
	$hoursince =  24 + $nowhour - $timehour;
	$minusday = TRUE;
/// Days Conf ///	
if ($minusday == TRUE) {
	$nowday = $nowday - 1;

	if ($nowday == $timeday) {
		$daysince =  $nowday - $timeday;
if ($nowday < $timeday) {
	$daysince =  30 + $nowday - $timeday;
	$minusmonth = TRUE;
/// Months Conf ///
if ($minusmonth == TRUE) {
	$nowmonth = $nowmonth - 1;

	if ($nowmonth == $timemonth) {
		$monthsince =  $nowmonth - $timemonth;
if ($nowmonth < $timemonth) {
	$monthsince =  12 + $nowmonth - $timemonth;
	$minusyear = TRUE;
/// Years Conf ///
if ($minusyear == TRUE) {
	$nowyear = $nowyear - 1;

	if ($nowyear == $timeyear) {
		$yearsince =  $nowyear - $timeyear;
if ($nowyear < $timeyear) {
	$error = "The time you giving seems to be older then todays time";
/////////////// end /////////////	
if (!$error){
	if (!empty($yearsince)) {
	$time = "$yearsince<i>y</i> $monthsince<i>m</i>";	
	if (empty($yearsince)) {
	$time = "$monthsince<i>m</i> $daysince<i>d</i>";	
	if (empty($yearsince) && empty($monthsince)) {
	$time = "$daysince<i>d</i> $hoursince<i>h</i>";	
	if (empty($yearsince) && empty($monthsince) && empty($daysince)) {
	$time = "$hoursince<u>h</u> $minutsince<u>m</u>";	
	if (empty($yearsince) && empty($monthsince) && empty($daysince) && empty($hoursince)) {
	$time = "$minutsince<i>m</i> $secondsince<i>s</i>";	
return $time;
else echo $error;

if someone knows how to do it shorter tell me :)

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