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Im having a problem with a subscription script I made. Its a basic script, and the purpose of it is to allow a user to enter their email address, forename, surname, and select weather they are a business user or home user, then click "submit" and the information gets entered into the database/table I made for the script.


Now the problem Im having is the script works, and it submits, the problem is if I go look in the database the script didn't actually insert any information into the database.


Below I have included the html form, and the handle.php (the php script that handles the form information)

I was hoping someone may be able to provide some insight/advice as to why its not inserting whats in the field values into the database. - Thanks


HTML Script:



FORM id=mailinglist name=mailinglist

onsubmit="return emailOnly(this.emaillist.value,'emaillist');"

action="handle.php" method=post <INPUT

type=hidden value="Interactive Systems" name=thispage> <INPUT type=hidden

value=Main name=thissection>

<a title="AIIM Calgary Home Page" target="_self" href="http://www.aiimcalgary.org">Home</a> | 

<a href="http://calendar.aiimcalgary.org">Calendar</a> | Join The Calgary Chapter Mailing List: <INPUT class=small id=emaillist


onblur="return handleEmp(this,'Your Email');"

onfocus="clearThis(this,'Your Email');hideshow('mldetails','on');" align=top

size=24 value="Your email" name=emaillist> <INPUT class=submit id=join type=submit align=top value=Join name=join>


<DIV class=off id=mldetails onmouseover="hideshow('mldetails','on');"



for=mlfname>Forename:</LABEL><INPUT class=small id=mlfname maxLength=50

name=mlfname><BR><LABEL for=mllname>Surname:</LABEL><INPUT class=small

id=mllname maxLength=50 name=mllname><BR>[<A

title="View AIIM' Privacy Policy: How we handle your personal information"


          <SELECT class=small

size=1 name=mltype> <OPTION value=business selected>I'm a Business

  User</OPTION> <OPTION value=home>I'm a Home User</OPTION><OPTION value=home>I'm a New User</OPTION></SELECT> </FIELDSET>


<SCRIPT type=text/javascript>

//hide mailing list options on load







PHP Script:


$con = mysql_connect("mysql105.mysite4now.com","aiim","k7YuHeFv");

if (!$con)


  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

  }mysql_select_db("login", $con);$sql="INSERT INTO subscribe (email, forename, surname, user)


('$_POST','$_POST[forename]','$_POST[surname]','user')";if (!mysql_query($sql,$con))


  die('Error: ' . mysql_error());


echo "1 record added";mysql_close($con)






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I'm going to teach you the OR clause when using functions ;D


$con = mysql_connect("mysql105.mysite4now.com","aiim","k7YuHeFv") or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("login", $con);

$sql="INSERT INTO subscribe (email, forename, surname, user) VALUES ('$_POST[email]','$_POST[forename]','$_POST[surname]','user')";
$query = mysql_query($sql,$con) or die('Error: ' . mysql_error());

if ($query)
  echo "1 record added";mysql_close($con);
  echo "Not added..";


try that code ^


Also, is anything being sent to the $_POST vars?

what error are you getting?

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^ Did you use the code I posted above?


also,  clean up your html.. is is so messy, ive never seen it so bad.. also, put <> tags around your FORM:


<FORM id=mailinglist name=mailinglist onsubmit="return emailOnly(this.emaillist.value,'emaillist');" action="handle.php" method=post>

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