rtrdogs Posted November 29, 2007 Share Posted November 29, 2007 Hello, I just downloaded a script from hotscripts and when I upload the files, I get this error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting ')' in path/to/api.php on line 289 Can someone help me locate the unexpected "=" please? I don't have dreamweaver to find the line # and when I went through all of the "=" signs in wordpad, I couldn't identify the bad code it was referring to. I appreciate the help in advance. <?php // Copyright (C) 2005 Ilya S. Lyubinskiy. All rights reserved. // Technical support: http://www.php-development.ru/ // // YOU MAY NOT // (1) Remove or modify this copyright notice. // (2) Distribute this code, any part or any modified version of it. // Instead, you can link to the homepage of this code: // http://www.php-development.ru/php-scripts/search-engine.php // (3) Use this code as a part of another product. // If you want to do it you should receive my permission. // // YOU MAY // (1) Use this code on your website. // // NO WARRANTY // This code is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either // expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties // of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. You expressly // acknowledge and agree that use of this code is at your own risk. // ***** Parse HTML ************************************************************ function enclose($start, $end1, $end2) { return "$start((?:[^$end1]|$end1(?!$end2))*)$end1$end2"; } function parse($html, &$title, &$text, &$anchors, $start = false, $end = false) { $pstring1 = "'[^']*'"; $pstring2 = '"[^"]*"'; $pnstring = "[^'\">]"; $pintag = "(?:$pstring1|$pstring2|$pnstring)*"; $pattrs = "(?:\\s$pintag){0,1}"; $pcomment = enclose("<!--", "-", "->"); $pscript = enclose("<script$pattrs>", "<", "\\/script>"); $pstyle = enclose("<style$pattrs>", "<", "\\/style>"); $pexclude = "(?:$pcomment|$pscript|$pstyle)"; $ptitle = enclose("<title$pattrs>", "<", "\\/title>"); $panchor = "<a(?:\\s$pintag){0,1}>"; $phref = "href\\s*=[\\s'\"]*([^\\s'\">]*)"; if ($title !== false) $title = preg_match("/$ptitle/iX", $html, $title) ? $title[1] : ''; if ($text !== false) { $text = $html; if ($start !== false && ($pos = strpos($text, $start)) !== false) $text = substr($text, $pos+strlen($start)); if ($end !== false && ($pos = strpos($text, $end )) !== false) $text = substr($text, 0, $pos); $text = preg_replace("/$pexclude/iX", " ", $text); $text = preg_replace("/<$pintag>/iX", " ", $text); $text = preg_replace("/\\s+| /iX", " ", $text); } if ($anchors !== false) { $html = preg_replace("/$pexclude/iX", " ", $html); preg_match_all("/$panchor/iX", $html, $anchors); $anchors = $anchors[0]; reset($anchors); while (list($i, $x) = each($anchors)) $anchors[$i] = preg_match("/$phref/iX", $x, $x) ? $x[1] : ''; $anchors = array_unique($anchors); } } // ***** URL Functions ********************************************************* // ***** Parse URL ***** function url_parse($url) { $error_reporting = error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE); $url = parse_url($url); error_reporting($error_reporting); return $url; } // ***** Extract Scheme ***** function url_scheme($url, $scheme = 'http') { if(!($url = url_parse($url))) return $scheme; return isset($url['scheme']) ? $url['scheme'] : $scheme; } // ***** Extract Host ***** define('URL_HOST_DEFAULT', 0); define('URL_HOST_APPEND', 1); define('URL_HOST_STRIP', 2); function url_host($url, $www = 0, $lower = true) { if(!($url = url_parse($url))) return ''; $url = $lower ? strtolower($url['host']) : $url['host']; if ($www == URL_HOST_APPEND && strpos($url, 'www.') !== 0) return 'www.' . $url; if ($www == URL_HOST_STRIP && strpos($url, 'www.') === 0) return substr($url, 4); return $url; } // ***** Extract Path ***** function url_path($url) { if(!($url = url_parse($url))) return ''; $url = isset($url['path']) ? explode('/', $url['path']) : Array(); if (reset($url) === '') array_shift($url); if (end ($url) === '' || strpos(end($url), '.') !== false) array_pop($url); return implode('/', $url); } // ***** Extract Filename ***** function url_file($url, $convert = Array()) { if(!($url = url_parse($url))) return ''; $url = isset($url['path']) ? end(explode('/', $url['path'])) : ''; $url = (strpos($url, '.') !== false) ? $url : ''; foreach ($convert as $i => $x) $url = preg_replace($i, $x, $url); return $url; } // ***** Extract Extension ***** function url_ext($url, $convert = Array()) { if(!($url = url_parse($url))) return ''; $url = isset($url['path']) ? end(explode('/', $url['path'])) : ''; $url = (strpos($url, '.') !== false) ? end(explode('.', $url)) : ''; foreach ($convert as $i => $x) $url = preg_replace($i, $x, $url); return $url; } // ***** Extract Query ***** define('URL_QUERY_NOESCAPE', 0); define('URL_QUERY_ESCAPE', 1); function url_query($url, $escape = 0, $exclude = Array()) { if(!($url = url_parse($url))) return ''; if (!isset($url['query'])) return ''; $url = preg_split('/(&(?!amp;)|&)/', $url['query']); foreach ($url as $i => $x) { $x = explode('=', $x); if (!in_array($x[0], $exclude)) unset($url[$i]); } sort($url); return implode($escape ? '&' : '&', $url); } // ***** Concat ***** function url_concat($base, $rel) { $scheme = url_scheme($base); $host = url_host ($base); $path = url_path ($base); if ($rel{0} == '/') return "$scheme://$host$rel"; else if ($path === '') return "$scheme://$host/$rel"; else return "$scheme://$host/$path/$rel"; } // ***** Normalize ***** function url_normalize($url, $scheme = 'http', $www = 0, $convert = Array(), $escape = 0, $exclude = Array()) { $scheme = url_scheme($url, $scheme); $host = url_host ($url, $www); $path = url_path ($url); $file = url_file ($url, $convert); $query = url_query ($url, $escape, $exclude); if ($scheme === '' || $host === '') return ''; if ($path === '') return "$scheme://$host/$file" . ($query ? "?$query" : ""); else return "$scheme://$host/$path/$file" . ($query ? "?$query" : ""); } // ***** Index Website ********************************************************* define('INDEX_HOST_DEFAULT', 0); define('INDEX_HOST_APPEND', 1); define('INDEX_HOST_STRIP', 2); function index($roots, &$urls, $max, $ext_parse, $www, $convert, $exclude, &$titles, &$texts, $extensions, $start, $end) { $time = microtime(true); $parsed = 0; foreach ($urls as $i => $url) $urls[$i] = url_normalize($url, 'http', $www, $convert, URL_QUERY_NOESCAPE, $exclude); for ($ind = 0; isset($urls[$ind]); $ind++) { if (trim($urls[$ind]) === '') { unset($urls[$ind]); continue; } // ***** Check URL ***** $in_root = false; foreach ($roots as $i => $root) $in_root = $in_root || strpos($urls[$ind], $root) === 0; if (!$in_root) { if (!$ext_parse) continue; if ($titles === false && $texts === false) continue; } if (!in_array(url_ext($urls[$ind]), $extensions)) continue; // ***** Get Contents ***** $error_reporting = error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE); $html = file_get_contents($urls[$ind]); error_reporting($error_reporting); if ($html === false) { unset($urls[$ind]); continue; } // ***** Parse URL ***** $parsed++; $title = $titles !== false; $text = $texts !== false; parse($html, $title, $text, $anchors, $start, $end); if ($titles !== false) $titles[$ind] = $title; if ($texts !== false) $texts [$ind] = $text; // ***** Extract Anchors ***** if (!$in_root ||count($urls) > $max) continue; foreach ($anchors as $i => $x) { $x = preg_replace("/#.*/X", "", $x); if ($x == '' || preg_match("/^(\\w)+?!\/\/)/X", $x)) continue; if (!preg_match("/^(\\w)+:\/\//X", $x)) $x = url_concat($urls[$ind], $x); $x = url_normalize($x, 'http', $www, $convert, URL_QUERY_NOESCAPE, $exclude); if (!in_array($x, $urls) && (count($urls) < $max)) $urls[] = $x; } } return Array("time" => microtime(true)-$time, "parsed" => $parsed); } // ***** Separate Links ******************************************************** function separate($roots, $urls, &$int_pages = Array(), &$int_loads = Array(), &$ext_pages = Array(), &$ext_loads = Array(), $extensions = Array('', 'asp', 'aspx', 'cgi', 'htm', 'html', 'php')) { foreach ($urls as $i => $url) { if (trim($url) === '') continue; $in_root = false; foreach ($roots as $j => $root) $in_root = $in_root || strpos($url, $root) === 0; if ($in_root) { if (in_array(url_ext($url), $extensions)) $int_pages[$i] = $url; else $int_loads[$i] = $url; } else { if (in_array(url_ext($url), $extensions)) $ext_pages[$i] = $url; else $ext_loads[$i] = $url; } } } // ***** Debug Query *********************************************************** function mysql_query_debug($str) { $result = mysql_query($str); if (mysql_error()) echo "<hr /><b>Message:</b> " . mysql_error() . "<br /><b>Query:</b> $str<hr />"; return $result; } // ***** TMySQL_KeyVal ********************************************************* class TMySQL_KeyVal { var $tbl = null; var $prefix = null; // ***** Init ***** function Init($tbl, $prefix) { $this->tbl = $tbl; $this->prefix = $prefix; } // ***** CreateTable ***** function CreateTable($drop = false) { if ($drop) mysql_query_debug("drop table if exists {$this->tbl}"); mysql_query_debug( "create table {$this->tbl} ({$this->prefix}id integer unsigned not null auto_increment, {$this->prefix}hash integer unsigned not null default 0, {$this->prefix}key varchar(255) not null unique, {$this->prefix}val text not null, {$this->prefix}weight integer unsigned not null default 0, {$this->prefix}time integer unsigned not null default 0, index {$this->prefix}hash ({$this->prefix}hash), primary key ({$this->prefix}id), fulltext ({$this->prefix}val)) engine = myisam"); } // ***** Set ***** function Set($key, $val, $weight = false) { $hash = '0x' . substr(md5($key), 0, ; $key = mysql_real_escape_string($key); $val = mysql_real_escape_string($val); $time = time(); $result = mysql_query_debug( "select * from {$this->tbl} where {$this->prefix}hash = $hash && {$this->prefix}key = '$key'"); if (!mysql_num_rows($result)) { mysql_query_debug( "insert into {$this->tbl} ({$this->prefix}hash, {$this->prefix}key, {$this->prefix}val, {$this->prefix}time) values ($hash, '$key', '', $time)"); $result = mysql_query_debug( "select * from {$this->tbl} where {$this->prefix}hash = $hash && {$this->prefix}key = '$key'"); } $id = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $id = $id["{$this->prefix}id"]; if ($weight === false) { mysql_query_debug("update {$this->tbl} set {$this->prefix}val = '$val' where {$this->prefix}id = $id"); return $id; } if ($weight === true) { mysql_query_debug("update {$this->tbl} set {$this->prefix}val = '$val', {$this->prefix}weight = {$this->prefix}weight+1 where {$this->prefix}id = $id"); return $id; } $weight = (integer)$weight; mysql_query_debug("update {$this->tbl} set {$this->prefix}val = '$val', {$this->prefix}weight = $weight where {$this->prefix}id = $id"); return $id; } // ***** Get ***** function Get($key, $weight = false) { $val = $this->GetByKey($key, $weight); return $val ? $val['val'] : false; } // ***** GetById ***** function GetById($id, $weight = false) { $id = (integer)$id; $result = mysql_query_debug( "select {$this->prefix}id 'id', {$this->prefix}key 'key', {$this->prefix}val 'val', {$this->prefix}weight 'weight', {$this->prefix}time 'time' from {$this->tbl} where {$this->prefix}id = $id"); $result = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); if ($result && $weight) mysql_query_debug("update {$this->tbl} set {$this->prefix}weight = {$this->prefix}weight+1 where {$this->prefix}id = {$result['id']}"); return $result; } // ***** GetByIds ***** function GetByIds($ids) { if (count($ids) == 0) return Array(); $ids = "(" . implode(",", $ids) . ")"; $result = mysql_query_debug( "select {$this->prefix}id 'id', {$this->prefix}key 'key', {$this->prefix}val 'val', {$this->prefix}weight 'weight', {$this->prefix}time 'time' from {$this->tbl} where {$this->prefix}id in $ids"); $data = Array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) $data[$row['id']] = $row; return $data; } // ***** GetByKey ***** function GetByKey($key, $weight = false) { $hash = '0x' . substr(md5($key), 0, ; $key = mysql_real_escape_string($key); $result = mysql_query_debug( "select {$this->prefix}id 'id', {$this->prefix}key 'key', {$this->prefix}val 'val', {$this->prefix}weight 'weight', {$this->prefix}time 'time' from {$this->tbl} where {$this->prefix}hash = $hash && {$this->prefix}key = '$key'"); $result = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); if ($result && $weight) mysql_query_debug("update {$this->tbl} set {$this->prefix}weight = {$this->prefix}weight+1 where {$this->prefix}id = {$result['id']}"); return $result; } // ***** GetAll ***** function GetAll() { $result = mysql_query_debug( "select {$this->prefix}id 'id', {$this->prefix}key 'key', {$this->prefix}val 'val', {$this->prefix}weight 'weight', {$this->prefix}time 'time' from {$this->tbl} order by {$this->prefix}weight desc, {$this->prefix}id"); $data = Array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) $data[$row['id']] = $row; return $data; } // ***** Clear ***** function Clear($key) { $hash = '0x' . substr(md5($key), 0, ; $key = mysql_real_escape_string($key); mysql_query_debug( "delete from {$this->tbl} where {$this->prefix}hash = $hash && {$this->prefix}key = '$key'"); } // ***** Clear Id ***** function ClearId($id) { $id = (integer)$id; mysql_query_debug("delete from {$this->tbl} where {$this->prefix}id = $id"); } // ***** Clear All ***** function ClearAll($key) { mysql_query_debug("delete from {$this->tbl}"); } } // ***** TMySQL_WordId ********************************************************* class TMySQL_WordId { var $tbl = null; var $prefix = null; // ***** Init ***** function Init($tbl, $prefix) { $this->tbl = $tbl; $this->prefix = $prefix; } // ***** CreateTable ***** function CreateTable($drop = false) { if ($drop) mysql_query_debug("drop table if exists {$this->tbl}"); mysql_query_debug( "create table {$this->tbl} ({$this->prefix}word varchar(255) not null default '', {$this->prefix}id integer unsigned not null default 0, {$this->prefix}count integer unsigned not null default 0, unique index {$this->prefix}ind ({$this->prefix}word, {$this->prefix}id)) engine = myisam"); } // ***** Fill ***** function Fill($id, $word2count) { foreach ($word2count as $i => $x) if ($i != '') $word2count[$i] = "(\"$i\",$id,$x)"; else unset($word2count[$i]); $word2count = implode(",", $word2count); mysql_query_debug("insert into {$this->tbl} values $word2count;"); } // ***** Count Entries ***** function CountEntries() { $result = mysql_query_debug("select count(*) n from {$this->tbl};"); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); return $row['n']; } // ***** Count Words ***** function CountWords() { $result = mysql_query_debug( "select count(distinct {$this->prefix}word) n from {$this->tbl};"); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); return $row['n']; } // ***** Count Ids ***** function CountIds() { $result = mysql_query_debug( "select count(distinct {$this->prefix}id) n from {$this->tbl};"); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); return $row['n']; } // ***** Clear Id ***** function ClearId($id) { $id = (integer)$id; mysql_query_debug("delete from {$this->tbl} where {$this->prefix}id = $id;"); } } // ***** Word forms ************************************************************ function wordforms($words) { if (!$GLOBALS["src_word_forms"]) return $words; $forms = Array(); foreach ($words as $i => $word) { $word = strtolower(trim($word)); $forms[] = $word; if (preg_match("/^(.*([^aeiou]))$/", $word, $matches)) array_push($forms, "{$matches[1]}s", "{$matches[1]}{$matches[2]}ed", "{$matches[1]}{$matches[2]}ing"); if (preg_match("/^(.*)e$/", $word, $matches)) array_push($forms, "{$matches[1]}es", "{$matches[1]}ed", "{$matches[1]}ing"); } return array_unique($forms); } // ***** Excerpt *************************************************************** function excerpt($words, $exact, $text, $maxlen) { $bolds = "([^a-zA-Z>])(" . implode("|", $words) . ")([^a-zA-Z<])"; $words = "[^a-zA-Z](?:" . implode("|", $words) . ")[^a-zA-Z]"; if (count($exact) > 0) { $exact = "[^a-zA-Z](?:" . implode("[^a-zA-Z]+", $exact) . ")[^a-zA-Z]"; $large = preg_split("/($exact)/iX", " $text ", -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $parts = Array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($large); $i++) if (preg_match("/($exact)/iX", $large[$i])) $parts[] = $large[$i]; else $parts = array_merge($parts, preg_split("/($words)/iX", " {$large[$i]} ", -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)); } else { $exact = ".*"; $parts = preg_split("/($words)/iX", " $text ", -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); } $start = 0; $count = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($parts); $i++) { $flag = false; $len = 0; for ($j = $i; $j < count($parts); $j++) { $flag = $flag || preg_match("/($exact)/iX", $parts[$j]); $len += strlen($parts[$j]); if ($len >= $maxlen) break; } if ($flag && $j-$i > $count) { $start = $i; $count = $j-$i; } } $result = ''; for ($i = $start; $i < $start+$count; $i++) $result .= $parts[$i]; if ($start-1 >= 0) { $part = preg_split("/([^a-z])/iX", $parts[$start-1], -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); for ($i = count($part)-1; $i > count($part)-10 && $i >= 0; $i--) $result = $part[$i] . $result; } if ($start+$count < count($parts)) { $part = preg_split("/([^a-z])/iX", $parts[$start+$count], -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); for ($i = 0; $i < count($part) && $i <= 10; $i++) $result .= $part[$i]; } $result = preg_replace("/$bolds/iX", "$1<b>$2</b>$3", $result); $result = preg_replace("/$bolds/iX", "$1<b>$2</b>$3", $result); $result = preg_replace("/$bolds/iX", "$1<b>$2</b>$3", $result); return trim($result); } // ***** Search **************************************************************** function search($words, $allwords, $nowords, $exact, $offset, $limit, &$numrows) { $words = wordforms(array_merge($words, $allwords, $exact)); $count = count($allwords); $somewords = wordforms($words); $somewords[] = '-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-='; $somewords = "('" . implode("','", $somewords) . "')"; $allwords [] = '-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-='; $allwords = "('" . implode("','", $allwords ) . "')"; $nowords [] = '-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-='; $nowords = "('" . implode("','", $nowords ) . "')"; if (count($exact) > 0) $phrase = "urls_val regexp '.*" . implode("[^a-zA-Z]+", $exact) . ".*'"; else $phrase = "1"; $result = mysql_query_debug( "select sql_calc_found_rows urls_key, urls_val, sum(index_count) word_weight, sum(index_word in $somewords) somewords_count, sum(index_word in $allwords) allwords_count, sum(index_word in $nowords) nowords_count from {$GLOBALS['src_index']->tbl}, {$GLOBALS['src_urls']->tbl} where (index_word in $somewords || index_word in $allwords || index_word in $nowords ) && urls_id = index_id group by index_id having somewords_count > 0 && allwords_count = $count && nowords_count = 0 && $phrase order by word_weight desc limit $offset, $limit"); $numrows = mysql_query_debug("select found_rows() NN"); $numrows = mysql_fetch_assoc($numrows); $numrows = $numrows["NN"]; $pages = Array(); while($page = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $url = $page['urls_key']; $val = unserialize($page['urls_val']); $title = $val['title']; $text = $val['text' ]; $pages[] = Array("url" => $url, "title" => $title, "excerpt" => excerpt($words, $exact, $text, 100)); } return $pages; } // ***** Display *************************************************************** function display($results, $words, $allwords, $nowords, $exact, $q, $offset, $limit, $numrows, $time, $template_all, $template_ind, $template_cur, $template_ref, $template_non) { if ($numrows == 0) { echo $template_non; return; } $ind = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < (integer)(($numrows+$limit-1)/$limit); $i++) { $trans = Array("%%page%%" => $i+1, "%%offset%%" => $i*$limit, "%%words%%" => urlencode(implode(' ', $words )), "%%allwords%%" => urlencode(implode(' ', $allwords)), "%%nowords%%" => urlencode(implode(' ', $nowords )), "%%exact%%" => urlencode(implode(' ', $exact )), "%%q%%" => urlencode($q)); if ($i*$limit == $offset) $ind .= strtr($template_cur, $trans); else $ind .= strtr($template_ind, $trans); } $ref = ""; foreach ($results as $i => $result) { $trans = Array("%%url%%" => $result["url"], "%%title%%" => $result["title"], "%%excerpt%%" => $result["excerpt"]); $ref .= strtr($template_ref, $trans); } $trans = Array("%%ind%%" => $ind, "%%ref%%" => $ref, "%%numrows%%" => $numrows, "%%time%%" => $time); echo strtr($template_all, $trans); } ?> Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/79370-syntax-error-unexpected-expecting/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
dewey_witt Posted November 29, 2007 Share Posted November 29, 2007 That is alot of code to look threw for one error do you mind at least putting the line # where the error is occuring? Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/79370-syntax-error-unexpected-expecting/#findComment-401823 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rtrdogs Posted November 29, 2007 Author Share Posted November 29, 2007 Hi there, The error I posted is: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting ')' in path/to/api.php on line 289 Hope that helps and thanks! Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/79370-syntax-error-unexpected-expecting/#findComment-401829 Share on other sites More sharing options...
dewey_witt Posted November 29, 2007 Share Posted November 29, 2007 You forgot to close off your function indication @ line 288 // ***** Separate Links ******************************************************** function separate($roots, $urls, <===RIGHT THERE &$int_pages = Array(), &$int_loads = Array(), &$ext_pages = Array(), &$ext_loads = Array(), $extensions = Array('', 'asp', 'aspx', 'cgi', 'htm', 'html', 'php')) { //it should look like this // ***** Separate Links ******************************************************** function separate($roots, $urls,) //<===this &$int_pages = Array(), &$int_loads = Array(), &$ext_pages = Array(), &$ext_loads = Array(), $extensions = Array('', 'asp', 'aspx', 'cgi', 'htm', 'html', 'php')) { Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/79370-syntax-error-unexpected-expecting/#findComment-401843 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rtrdogs Posted November 29, 2007 Author Share Posted November 29, 2007 Hmm, well that gives me: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting '&' or T_VARIABLE or T_CONST in /path/to/api.php on line 288 Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/79370-syntax-error-unexpected-expecting/#findComment-401854 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dane Posted November 29, 2007 Share Posted November 29, 2007 &$extensions = Array('', 'asp', 'aspx', 'cgi', 'htm', 'html', 'php')) Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/79370-syntax-error-unexpected-expecting/#findComment-401867 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rtrdogs Posted November 29, 2007 Author Share Posted November 29, 2007 Unfortunately, that gives me the error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting '&' or T_VARIABLE or T_CONST in /path/to/search/api.php on line 288 When I change the code to: function separate($roots, $urls,) &$int_pages = Array(), &$int_loads = Array(), &$ext_pages = Array(), &$ext_loads = Array(), &$extensions = Array('', 'asp', 'aspx', 'cgi', 'htm', 'html', 'php') Without the second ')' at the end of the last line, I get: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting '&' or T_VARIABLE or T_CONST in /path/to/api.php on line 288 I'm not sure what the problem is. I've tried the developer's demo and it works fine. I've contacted him to see if I can get a file replacement because it's obviously working on his site. Any other changes you can see that need to be made before I ditch the script and search for a new one? Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/79370-syntax-error-unexpected-expecting/#findComment-402176 Share on other sites More sharing options...
revraz Posted November 29, 2007 Share Posted November 29, 2007 Where are the { } ? Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/79370-syntax-error-unexpected-expecting/#findComment-402178 Share on other sites More sharing options...
averageuser Posted November 29, 2007 Share Posted November 29, 2007 function separate($roots, $urls, &$int_pages = Array(), &$int_loads = Array(), &$ext_pages = Array(), &$ext_loads = Array(), $extensions = Array('', 'asp', 'aspx', 'cgi', 'htm', 'html', 'php')) { really is this... function separate($roots, $urls, &$int_pages = Array(), &$int_loads = Array(), &$ext_pages = Array(), &$ext_loads = Array(), $extensions = Array('', 'asp', 'aspx', 'cgi', 'htm', 'html', 'php')) { so whitespace is the only issue there... line 289, would be "&$int_pages = Array(),", the whitespace might be affecting it, you could also try adding another set of brackets around each parameter containing =. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/79370-syntax-error-unexpected-expecting/#findComment-402195 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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