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[SOLVED] How to make sure array has data


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What I have is a select box with multiple selections turned on.

If a user doesn't select anything how can I find out if the data is empty

so I can stop the error caused by the foreach statement.


like if(array is empty){ do this} else { foreach statement}


here is my code now


$valxx = $_POST['Groups'];


foreach ($valxx as $xx){

          $klg .= "$xx,";


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if (empty($valxx)){
   //it's empty
} else {
   //not empty



I still get this error when using that

Invalid argument supplied for foreach()


if (empty($valxx)){


} else {

  foreach ($valxx as $xx){

          $klg .= "$xx,";





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I think isset might be a poor choice, what if $valxx is a string, or int?? then isset will be true, and your foreach still will fail.


You might want to initialize $klg like I did below:


if(count($_POST['Groups']) > 1 && is_array($_POST['Groups'])){
     $klg = "";
     foreach ($_POST['Groups'] as $xx){
          $klg .= "$xx,";

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Try this...



if (isset($_POST['Groups'])){
   foreach ($_POST['Groups'] as $xx){
      $klg .= "$xx,";



If that doesn't work, post your form HTML...maybe your not setting it up to be an array.


same error.


if (isset($_POST['Groups'])){

  foreach ($_POST['Groups'] as $xx){

      $klg .= "$xx,";




<select name='Groups[]' id="Groups" multiple size=3 >

<option value="City1" >City1</option>

<option value="City2" >City2</option>



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if (empty($valxx)){
   //it's empty
} else {
   //not empty



I still get this error when using that

Invalid argument supplied for foreach()


if (empty($valxx)){


} else {

  foreach ($valxx as $xx){

          $klg .= "$xx,";






to avoid that error the solution is simple define your variable as array eg..

$array = array(); now that is an array and one more you have to check your var if it fits your needs


like if all you need is array then check if that is an array before processing




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I think isset might be a poor choice, what if $valxx is a string, or int?? then isset will be true, and your foreach still will fail.


You might want to initialize $klg like I did below:


if(count($_POST['Groups']) > 1 && is_array($_POST['Groups'])){
     $klg = "";
     foreach ($_POST['Groups'] as $xx){
          $klg .= "$xx,";


ok sort of working it does ok if you select two or more but i need to still get the data if only

one is selected. the error is gone now though so that is awesome. should i change that >1 to >=1

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