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Can anybody help me in trying to find out how i can go about passing variables through a URL?


I have results echo'ed out onto a page and they are assigned a unique ID. Uusing that ID is there any way i can pass it through the URL into another page which will then recieve the variable and load all information out of my database associated with it?


Thanks for any help, suggestions, code snippets or tutorials!


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Yes. You use the $_GET array. For example, this might be your display of results:


$sql = mysql_query("SELECT `id`,`title` FROM `yourtable`");
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)){
echo '<a href="info.php?id='.$row['id'].'">'.$row['title'].'</a><br />';


And this might by info.php:

$id = (int) $_GET['id']; //type casting - we only want integers for our ID. This would prevent any SQL injection attack
echo 'No ID selected!';
$sql  = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `yourtable` WHERE `id`=$id") or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql);
//print out the information

Thanks, that has really helped and given me the right idea however i am trying to now adapt the script so that it will work with my flat file databases. Something is wrong with the print '<a href..' part though, could someone take a look for me please?


$lines = file("usercats.txt");
  foreach ($lines as $line) { 
$data[$key] = explode("|", $line);

$user = trim($Data[$Key][0]);
	$catname = trim($Data[$Key][1]);
$id = trim($Data[$Key][2]);
$_SESSION['id'] = $id;

print '<a href="display.php?id='$_SESSION['id']'">$catname</a><br />';





<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>

$id = (int) $_GET['id']; //type casting - only want integers for our ID. This would prevent any SQL injection attack
echo 'The Category information could not be found!';
$file = file("usercats.txt");

foreach($file as $Key => $Val){

   $Data[$Key] = explode("|", $Val);
     $username = $Data[$Key][0];
     $id = $Data[$Key][1];
     $thumbid = $Data[$Key][2];
 $title = $Data[$Key][3];
     $desc = $Data[$Key][4];
     $date = $Data[$Key][5];
//print out the information
print "$username";
print "$id";
print "$thumbid";
print "$title";
print "$desc";
print "$date";






print '<a href="display.php?id='.$_SESSION['id'].'">$catname</a><br />';


Next time, give us the actual error message - dont just say theres 'something wrong' with it.



Also, i suggest you change your foreach loop to:



foreach($file as $Key => $Val){
$Data[$Key] = explode("|", $Val);
$loop_id = $Data[$Key][1];
if($loop_id == $id){//each time the loop runs, check if it is the ID we are looking for if it is display the info
	$username = $Data[$Key][0];
	$thumbid = $Data[$Key][2];
	$title = $Data[$Key][3];
	$desc = $Data[$Key][4];
	$date = $Data[$Key][5];
	//print out the information
	print $username;
	print $loop_id;
	print $thumbid;
	print $title;
	print $desc;
	print $date;
	break;//once found, we can exit out of our foreach loop


Otherwise you'd be showing all the information regardless of the id.


Oh, and finally, is there any reason why you're storing the id in a session? I don't suppose it'll be needed again after display.php, and it's already being passed to display.php in the URL, so its not really needed.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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