Lilyfox Posted November 30, 2007 Share Posted November 30, 2007 I posted before about help with my ticker script, and I finally got that bit sorted. I have everything working almost how I would like, but there are a few things I would like to tweak but I don't know how to. Any help would be much appreciated. Here is an example of a working ticker: (The whole script is attached to this message) 1) I want to change the font & size of the generated text. I would like it to be Arial, or Verdana with the size at about 10. How can I change this? 2) It's start and end date on the ticker itself is too close to the edges. How can I move this in more so it appears something like this: 3) How do I remove the numbers? In the first ticker, you see the numbers in between the rope and the countdown text. It's not in the original graphic. 4) Is there a way to add a starting date to the script? It only has an ending date. I'd love to be able to pick a starting date rather than it choosing today's date. I think that's all I need changed. I hope one of you can help me! Thank you in advance. [attachment deleted by admin] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lilyfox Posted December 1, 2007 Author Share Posted December 1, 2007 I know this is a lot to ask, but even if someone could help with some of it, I would so appreciate it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wes1890 Posted December 1, 2007 Share Posted December 1, 2007 Post you're code so someone can tell you what to do.. most people do not want to bother with downloading and unzipping a file to give support... we are doing it for free you know Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lilyfox Posted December 1, 2007 Author Share Posted December 1, 2007 Sorry, the last time I asked for help that is what I did and I thought it was fine. Thank you. The config file: <? /* CONFIGURATION FILE. GD Ticker using PNG banners and sliders. By: Josh Houghtelin <[email protected]> */ $sql_username = "mysql-username"; // SQL username $sql_password = "mysql-password"; // SQL password $sql_database = "mysql-database"; // SQL database name $sql_host = "localhost"; // Normally localhost. $default_ticker = 40; // Standard ticket number when called without a serial number. $default_banner_image = "banners/ruler-10722.png"; // Failsafe banner $default_slider_image = "sliders/icon-88.png"; // Failsafe slider $use_modrewrite = "no"; // "yes" or "no" .. Default:no My SQL file: <?php class db { function db($sql_host,$sql_username,$sql_password,$sql_database){ // CHANGE THESE TO CORRECT VALUES mysql_connect($sql_host,$sql_username,$sql_password) or die("MySQL Connection Failed"); mysql_select_db($sql_database) or die("Could Not Select Database"); } function query($sql){ $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error() . "<br>" . $sql); return $result; } function fetch($sql){ $result = $this->fetch_row($this->query($sql)); return $result; } function fetch_row($set){ $result = mysql_fetch_row($set); return $result; } function fetch_array($set){ $result = mysql_fetch_array($set); return $result; } function insert_id(){ $id = mysql_insert_id(); return $id; } function dbCall($field, $table="config"){ list($ret) = $this->fetch_row($this->query("select $field from $table limit 1")); return $ret; } function setting($setting){ list($ret) = $this->fetch_row($this->query("select value from Config WHERE setting='$setting'")); return $ret; } function num_rows($set){ $result = mysql_num_rows($set); return $result; } function getCount($table, $where=''){ $sql = "select count(*) from " . $table; if ($where != ''){ $sql .= " where " . $where; } list($count) = $this->fetch_row($this->query($sql)); return $count; } function getDatabaseDetails(){ global $database; $result = $this->query("show table status from $database"); $size = 0; $oh = 0; if ($result){ while( $row = $this->fetch_array($result)){ $size += $row[Data_length] + $row[index_length]; $oh += $row[Data_free]; } } $ret[size] = number_format($size/1048576, 2) . " MB"; $ret[overhead] = $oh . " bytes"; return $ret; } } $db = new db($sql_host,$sql_username,$sql_password,$sql_database); ?> Index.php <?php /* GD Ticker using PNG banners and sliders. By: Josh Houghtelin <[email protected]> */ header("Content-type: image/png"); //This script IS the image. require_once('includes/'); // Keep the config seperate. require_once('includes/'); // Never forget the MySQL abstraction layer. if(isset($_GET['serial'])){$serial = $_GET[serial];} else{$serial = $default_ticker;} $result = $db->query("SELECT start, end, event, banner, slider FROM Ticker WHERE id='$serial'"); list($start_date, $end_date, $event, $banner_image, $slider_image) = $db->fetch_row($result); $today_date = time(); $current_step = round(((($today_date - $start_date)/60)/60)/24) - 1; $interval = round(((($end_date - $start_date)/60)/60)/24); $remaining = $interval - $current_step; if($remaining == 0){ $string = $event." has arrived!"; }elseif($remaining == 1){ $string = "Only $remaining day left until ".$event; }else{ $string = "$remaining days until ".$event; } if(!is_file($banner_image)){ $banner_image = $default_banner_image; //"banners/ruler-10300.png"; } if(!is_file($slider_image)){ $slider_image = $default_slider_image; //"sliders/icon-104.png"; } $banner = imagecreatefrompng($banner_image); $bannerheight = imagesy($banner); $bannerwidth = imagesx($banner); $one_step = (($bannerwidth - 20) / $interval); $black = imagecolorallocate($banner,0,0,0); // Numbers on the bottom of the banner. $count_step = round($interval / 12); $count = $interval; $count2 = 0; while($count>=0){ $px = (($bannerwidth - 20) / $interval) * $count2 + 5; $interval_height = $bannerheight - 25; imagestring($banner, 2, $px, $interval_height,$count, $black); $count = $count - $count_step; $count2 = $count2 + $count_step; } $slider = imagecreatefrompng($slider_image); $sliderheight = imagesy($slider); $sliderwidth = imagesx($slider); $slider_location = $one_step * $current_step + 5 - ($sliderwidth / 2); imagecopy($banner,$slider,$slider_location,0,0,0,$sliderheight,$sliderwidth); $string_height = $bannerheight - 13; $px = (imagesx($banner) - 7.5 * strlen($string)) / 2; imagestring($banner, 3, $px, $string_height, $string, $black); imagepng($banner); imagedestroy($banner); //imagedestroy($slider); ?> new.php (the page that creates a new ticker) <LINK href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <? require_once("includes/"); require_once("includes/"); if(isset($_POST[event])){ $today_date = time(); $end_date = date("U",mktime(0,0,0,$_POST[eventmonth],$_POST[eventday],$_POST[eventyear])); if($end_date < $today_date){ echo "<b>Ending Date MUST come after todays date.</b> <br />"; echo "<a href='./new.php'>Try Again</a>"; exit(); } $initial_gap = round(((($end_date - $today_date)/60)/60)/24); if($initial_gap < 6){ $start_date = date("U",mktime(0,0,0,date("n"),date("j")-6,date("Y"))); }else{ $start_date = date("U",mktime(0,0,0,date("n"),date("j"),date("Y"))); } $end_date = date("U",mktime(0,0,0,$_POST[eventmonth],$_POST[eventday],$_POST[eventyear])); $event = strip_tags($_POST[event]); if(strlen($event)==0){$event = "it is time!";} if(!is_file($_POST[banner])){$banner = "banners/ruler-10722.png";} else{$banner = $_POST[banner];} if(!is_file($_POST[slider])){$slider = "sliders/icon-88.png";} else{$slider = $_POST[slider];} $insert = $db->query("INSERT INTO Ticker (start, end, event, banner, slider) VALUES('$start_date','$end_date','$event','$banner','$slider')"); if($insert){ echo "<b>You have created a new banner</b> <br />"; $banner = $db->insert_id(); if($user_modrewrite=="YES"){ echo "<img src='./$banner'> <br />"; echo "Link: <a href='./$banner'>Link to Image</a>"; }else{ echo "<img src='./?serial=$banner'> <br />"; echo "Link: <a href='./?serial=$banner'>Link to Image</a>"; } echo "<hr><br />"; } } ?> <form method=post action='new.php'> <table class='dashedoutline'><tr><td>Event Date:</td><td></tr></table> <select name=eventmonth class='1'></td></tr></table> <? $count = 1; while($count<13){ $display_date = date("M",mktime(0,0,0,$count,0,date("Y"))); $numeric_date = date("n",mktime(0,0,0,$count,0,date("Y"))); if($numeric_date == date("n")){ echo "<option value=$numeric_date SELECTED>$display_date</option> \n"; }else{ echo "<option value=$numeric_date>$display_date</option> \n"; } $count++; } ?> </select> <select name=eventday class=1> <? $count = 1; while($count<=31){ if($count == date("j")){ echo "<option SELECTED>$count</option> \n"; }else{ echo "<option>$count</option> \n"; } $count++; } ?> </select> <select name=eventyear> <option SELECTED>2007</option> <option>2008</option> <option>2009</option> <option>2010</option> </select> <br /> <br /> Event Name:<input type=text name=event maxlength=30> <br /> Select Banner <br /> <table border=0> <?php if ($handle = opendir('banners')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { echo "<tr><td valign=top><input type=radio name=banner value='banners/$file'></td><td><img src='banners/$file'></td></tr>"; } } closedir($handle); } ?> </table> Select Slider <br /> <table border=0> <?php if ($handle = opendir('sliders')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { echo "<tr><td valign=top><input type=radio name=slider value='sliders/$file'></td><td><img src='sliders/$file'></td></tr>"; } } closedir($handle); } ?> </table> <input type=submit value='Generate Ticker'> </form> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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