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[SOLVED] Calendar tutorial help


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Hello, I had a post about this before, but i have since found a tutorial that answers my questions. The problem now is as follows.


The tutorial  doesn't show you how to echo out the calendar. I have been trying for hours to get this to work and have resulted in nothing. Can someone push me in the right direction. The code below is for my calendar.


function daysInMonths($time){
    if(!$time) $time=time();
    return cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN,$month,$year);
function renderCalendar($time){
    if(!$time) $time=time();
    //Get Month And Year
    //Render Current Calendar
        if($yearWeek>52) $yearWeek-=52;
            "time" => $tmNow,
            "mday" => ($day+1),
            "wday" => (int)strftime("%w",$tmNow),
            "yday" => (int)strftime("%j",$tmNow)
        if(!$dayInfo['wday']) $dayInfo['wday']=7;
//Get Next Month
    $nextmonth=$month+1; $nextyear=$year;
    if($nextmonth==13){ $nextyear++; $nextmonth-=12; }
//Get Previous Month
    $prevmonth=$month-1; $prevyear=$year;
    if($nextmonth==0){ $prevyear--; $prevmonth+=12; }
//Return Calendar
    return $cal;

$Calendar = renderCalendar(); //Generate for current month
$Months = $Calendar['Info'];
$Calendar = $Calendar['Calendar'];

//These are all Unix Timestamps
$PreviousMonth = $Months[-1];
$CurrentMonth = $Months[0];
$NextMonth = $Months[1];

//These are the year weeks from 1-52
//that fit in the month of the calendar.
$YearWeeks = array_keys($Calendar);

//We parse the $Calendar array by $YearWeeks

foreach($YearWeeks as $YearWeek){
    $WeekDays = $Calendar[$YearWeek];
    // And we further parse the $WeekDays for output
    foreach($WeekDays as $WeekDay){
        $DayTimeStamp = $WeekDay['time'];
        $MonthDay = $WeekDay['mday'];
        $YearDay = $WeekDay['yday'];
        //Keep in mind on next line I loose the $WeekDay initial value
        //but I assigned all it's children to dedicated variable so who cares?
        $WeekDay = $WeekDay['wday'];
        //Here be dragons! Keep reading ...


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Are you sure you got everything the tutorial provided? I don't see any point to a tutorial that has no output.


The code comments read:



// And we further parse the $WeekDays for output

then a few lines later,

//Here be dragons! Keep reading ...


then the script ends. What are we supposed to keep reading...?


Anyways, what are your needs for a calendar? I just developed one for a form I'm putting together for another user here. It works, it has output. Let me know what you expect the calendar to do for you...



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Well the keep reading bit is where we add in the MYSQL for the database interaction. This is where i got the tutorial from http://www.tellinya.com/read/2007/10/19/201.html. It just say i should be able to work it out, which is not helpful.


What i want is a simple calendar that interacts with a database. I.e the days where an event is happening to be shaded grey and if the user clicks on that day the page displays all the event info


Thanks for any help.

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I did my best and took the tutorial as low as possible (for me). If you do not understand how to use it after reading that page ... no offense ... but you really need to get the PHP manual and dig harder!

I made it making sure it will fit anyone's needs for a calendar. I took the coder 90% but I need 10% from him to be worthy of using my code.


Others had the same problem with the original php calendar script but this second detailed mysql integration tutorial solved their problem.


OP, next time your copy / paste source code do mention where you got it from!


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That is pretty harsh. I am new to php and love it. I like setting challenges for myslef. I follow tutorials and learn how they work. I get the basic idea of how your caledar works. Like i said


Can someone push me in the right direction.
I dont want people to write it for me. Just give me an idea how. Therefore i can become worthy of your Precious code.
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LOL... seriously...


Well Adam, I am very busy, but I threw together a small example of code to get this Elite Programmer's calendar to output something. It prints the current month, and that's all the time I could spend on something I don't intend to use. Read through the code I added, and you'll pick up on how his arrays work. There are much easier ways to traverse his array structure, but I coded to allow a beginner coder see what's happening. If you are not really up to speed on arrays, then you won't go far with his script, however, forcing yourself to understand this script will increase your understanding of arrays, which I do believe is vital to grasping the power of any programming language. If you just need a frickin' calendar, and need it now, keep googling for it, this isn't it. To use this calendar, you do need a certain level of programming. If you're not in a real big hurry, I'm sure a lot of the folks around here will help you integrate a 'event' feature into this, but in all honesty, there are tons of these PHP Calendars out there... this is as far away from brain surgery as you can get.



We hang out in this Forum to help people who are just learning. We try to be teachers, not look down our noses at them as if they are not worthy. Ok, so it's obvious you are not a teacher-type. I accept that, but please keep your condescending comments to your blog. I find your attitude offensive on this particular Support Forum, which exists to teach and help newcomers to PHP. If you do not wish your code to be experimented with by newcomers or professionals alike, do not post your code publicly.


function daysInMonths($time){
    if(!$time) $time=time();
    return cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN,$month,$year);
function renderCalendar($time){
    if(!$time) $time=time();
    //Get Month And Year
    //Render Current Calendar
        if($yearWeek>52) $yearWeek-=52;
            "time" => $tmNow,
            "mday" => ($day+1),
            "wday" => (int)strftime("%w",$tmNow),
            "yday" => (int)strftime("%j",$tmNow)
        if(!$dayInfo['wday']) $dayInfo['wday']=7;
//Get Next Month
    $nextmonth=$month+1; $nextyear=$year;
    if($nextmonth==13){ $nextyear++; $nextmonth-=12; }
//Get Previous Month
    $prevmonth=$month-1; $prevyear=$year;
    if($nextmonth==0){ $prevyear--; $prevmonth+=12; }
//Return Calendar
    return $cal;

$Calendar = renderCalendar(time()); //Generate for current month
$Months = $Calendar['Info'];
$Calendar = $Calendar['Calendar'];

echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>PHP Calendar</title>

echo "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"1\">
    <td colspan=\"7\">" . date("F Y", $Months[0]) . "</td>
foreach($Calendar as $key => $val) {
    echo "  <tr>
    for ($x=1 ; $x < 8 ; $x++) {
        if ( empty($Calendar[$key][$x]['mday']) ) {
            $Calendar[$key][$x]['mday'] = ' ';
        echo "    <td>" . $Calendar[$key][$x]['mday'] . "</td>
    echo "  </tr>
echo "</table>

//These are all Unix Timestamps
$PreviousMonth = $Months[-1];
$CurrentMonth = $Months[0];
$NextMonth = $Months[1];

//These are the year weeks from 1-52
//that fit in the month of the calendar.
$YearWeeks = array_keys($Calendar);

//We parse the $Calendar array by $YearWeeks

foreach($YearWeeks as $YearWeek){
    $WeekDays = $Calendar[$YearWeek];
    // And we further parse the $WeekDays for output
    foreach($WeekDays as $WeekDay){
        $DayTimeStamp = $WeekDay['time'];
        $MonthDay = $WeekDay['mday'];
        $YearDay = $WeekDay['yday'];
        //Keep in mind on next line I loose the $WeekDay initial value
        //but I assigned all it's children to dedicated variable so who cares?
        $WeekDay = $WeekDay['wday'];
        //Here be dragons! Keep reading ...




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That is pretty harsh. I am new to php and love it. I like setting challenges for myslef. I follow tutorials and learn how they work.


I follow tutorials and learn ... is not a statement that makes me happy.

Just wondering? Have you ever read a PHP book? Something over 250 pages?

You really think copy / pasting code others give you and working your a$$ off to understand it is productive in any way?

Maybe you have a lot of free time and like to bang your head against walls but do consider the easy way out!

Learn, understand and reverse engineering of code will be a breeze.


Buy a book first! Learn it by heart. Reach a medium level and then start learning from tutorials online.

As many know, sometimes you must pay for knowhow. That's why books are not free!


I know I'm a jerk but I also know you know I'm right!

Take this kick in the a$$ as a step forward and, if you wanna go PRO, read books first! And you'll save a lot of time too.


Hit the bookstore and buy a decent PHP book ... you'll thank me later!  ;)

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I don't think anyone will thank you at all.


Most of us know to buy books.  I read your two links you posted here, and I must say your remarks even in the tutorial would make me never read anything you write again.


Also, you should run a spell checker on your tutorial site.


That is pretty harsh. I am new to php and love it. I like setting challenges for myslef. I follow tutorials and learn how they work.


I follow tutorials and learn ... is not a statement that makes me happy.

Just wondering? Have you ever read a PHP book? Something over 250 pages?

You really think copy / pasting code others give you and working your a$$ off to understand it is productive in any way?

Maybe you have a lot of free time and like to bang your head against walls but do consider the easy way out!

Learn, understand and reverse engineering of code will be a breeze.


Buy a book first! Learn it by heart. Reach a medium level and then start learning from tutorials online.

As many know, sometimes you must pay for knowhow. That's why books are not free!


I know I'm a jerk but I also know you know I'm right!

Take this kick in the a$$ as a step forward and, if you wanna go PRO, read books first! And you'll save a lot of time too.


Hit the bookstore and buy a decent PHP book ... you'll thank me later!  ;)

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Sure, but only if you let me write it on your b00b!


Where I come from ... Legends outnumber beginners!


PS: Phreek ... I would really reconsider adding HTML code within PHP.

It won't look great in WYSIWYG editors one may use to build the UI and have an idea of the outcome.

Further updates will be a PITA also if HTML is not in separate blocks from PHP.


Open <? tag, close ?> tag ... sing with me!

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ok, i have another question. I have looked at the code given by PHP_PhREEEk. As i am wanting to connect it to a database and shade event days in grey. Would i do something like the following?


$result = mysql_query( "SELECT `date` FROM `table` ") or die('Query failed. ' . mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$adam = $row['date'] ;


Then you i do an if statement along the lines of


if ( $adam ==$Calendar['time']{
echo "    <td bgcolor="#666666">" . $Calendar[$key][$x]['mday'] . "</td>
echo "    <td>" . $Calendar[$key][$x]['mday'] . "</td>


Is this the right idea?

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