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Hello phpfreaks,


I am trying to pass a unique variable through a URL into my display.php page so that i can then use it to match and print out all associated information from my flat file database. So far my script isn't working in that there is just a blank page, no error messages so there must be  simple something i am missing. I'll firstly show you the function to pass the variable and then the page which matches the id and prints the relevant information.




function view($id){

$lines = file("usercats.txt");
  foreach ($lines as $line) { 
$data[$key] = explode("|", $line);

$user = trim($Data[$Key][0]);
	$catname = trim($Data[$Key][1]);
$id = trim($Data[$Key][2]);
$_SESSION['id'] = $id;

print '<a href="display.php?id='.$_SESSION['id'].'">$catname</a><br />';





$id = (int) $_GET['id']; //type casting - only want integers for our ID. This would prevent any SQL injection attack
echo 'The Category information could not be found!';
$file = file("usercats.txt");

foreach($file as $Key => $Val){
$Data[$Key] = explode("|", $Val);
$loop_id = $Data[$Key][1];
if($loop_id == $id){//each time the loop runs, check if it is the ID we are looking for if it is display the info
	$username = $Data[$Key][0];
	$thumbid = $Data[$Key][2];
	$title = $Data[$Key][3];
	$desc = $Data[$Key][4];
	$date = $Data[$Key][5];
	//print out the information
	print $username;
	print $loop_id;
	print $thumbid;
	print $title;
	print $desc;
	print $date;
	break;//once found, we can exit out of our foreach loop



Forgive e if i am doing something stupid, i have been practising using functions and flat files for not very long.

Any help , comments or snippets would be most appreciated! Thanks

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Try changing these two lines:


$file = file("usercats.txt");

foreach($file as $Key => $Val){




$Data = file("usercats.txt");

foreach($Data as $Key => $Val){


You use the $Data variable inside you loop, but you called it $file.

Is that what you expected to see?


Just to be sure, are we now using this code?


$id = (int) $_GET['id']; //type casting - only want integers for our ID. This would prevent any SQL injection attack
echo 'The Category information could not be found!';
$Data = file("usercats.txt");

foreach($Data as $Key => $Val){
$Data[$Key] = explode("|", $Val);
$loop_id = $Data[$Key][1];


If anything in the code has changed but that, please re-post the revised code.




ok, hehe, well what I'm trying to do here is show you how to walk through an array, and verify along the way that you are getting expected results... so now, you want to explode the parts between |..?


Let's look at the state of your array... you have 2 keys, so:

$Data[0] and $Data[1]


You want to explode 0 => dom|291107020533

and assign to $Data[0]...?


That's going to create $Data[0][0] and $Data[0][1]


Is that what you expected? Seems so... let's verify our next state of the variables:


foreach($Data as $Key => $Val){
    $Data[$Key] = explode("|", $Val);
echo "<pre>";


Post results



Ok, so still as expected...


so next we are going to assign $loop_id to 291107020533 - correct?


what is the state of $id? Let's do this:


foreach($file as $Key => $Val) {
    $Data[$Key] = explode("|", $Val);
    $loop_id = $Data[$Key][1];
    var_dump($loop_id, $id);
    echo "<br>";




Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\apachefriends\xampp\htdocs\books1\area\display.php on line 23

Array ( [0] => dom|291107020533 [1] => |1196432585.jpg|Motion|ym,y,|30/11/07 )


is what i got so i changed your snippet from $file to $Data:


foreach($Data as $Key => $Val) {
    $Data[$Key] = explode("|", $Val);
    $loop_id = $Data[$Key][1];
    var_dump($loop_id, $id);
    echo "<br>";


This then gave me:


string(13) "291107020533 " int(2147483647) 
string(14) "1196432585.jpg" int(2147483647) 
Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => dom [1] => 291107020533 ) [1] => Array ( [0] => [1] => 1196432585.jpg [2] => Motion [3] => ym,y, [4] => 30/11/07 ) ) 

Ok, well:


loop_id: string(13) "291107020533 "
id: int(2147483647)


Notice that space at the end (after last 3) of loop_id? That's going to be a problem when we try to compare values...


So, I think you can see now where you might need to adjust your code for the result you seek. Back to the drawing board... refer back to the walk-through as needed to stay focused on the state of your variables!


Best of luck...



This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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