redrocco Posted December 4, 2007 Share Posted December 4, 2007 I know absolutely nothing about scripting :/ I'm hoping someone here has the time and inclination to help me out here. The script accesses a remote page and reformats the data and calculates averages. It used to work. Is there a simple work-around to deal with allow_url_fopen being disabled? heres the code : <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="es-mx"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <title>Top 20 Guilds</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#000000" text="#FFFFFF" style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; color:#FFFFFF"> <P><CENTER><FONT SIZE="+1">Brought to you by </FONT><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE="+1">RED</FONT><FONT SIZE="+1">/</FONT><FONT COLOR="#008080" SIZE="+1">NSZ</FONT></CENTER> <div align="center"> <table border="1" width="640" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bordercolor="#666666"> <tr> <td width="167" bgcolor="#800000" align="center"><b><font size="2"> Guild Name</font></b></td> <td width="41" bgcolor="#800000" align="center"><b><font size="2"> Tag</font></b></td> <td width="77" bgcolor="#800000" align="center"> <a href="guilds.php?4"><span style="text-decoration: none"><b><font size="2" color="#FFFFFF"> Total members</font></b></td> <td width="77" bgcolor="#800000" align="center"> <a href="guilds.php?2"><span style="text-decoration: none"><b><font size="2" color="#FFFFFF"> Total levels</font></b></span></a></td> <td width="65" bgcolor="#800000" align="center"> <a href="guilds.php?3"><span style="text-decoration: none"><b><font size="2" color="#FFFFFF"> Average Level</font></b></span></a></td> <td width="61" bgcolor="#800000" align="center"> <a href="guilds.php?2"><span style="text-decoration: none"><b><font size="2" color="#FFFFFF"> Top 100 Pos</font></b></span></a></td> <td width="61" bgcolor="#800000" align="center"> <a href="guilds.php?3"><span style="text-decoration: none"><b><font size="2" color="#FFFFFF"> Average Pos</font></b></span></a></td> <td width="77" bgcolor="#800000" align="center"> <a href="guilds.php?1"><span style="text-decoration: none"><b><font size="2" color="#FFFFFF"> Quality Index*</font></b></span></a></td> </tr> <? $page = file(""); $bandera = 0; $j=0; $gnum = 0; for($i=0;$i<count($page);$i++) { //FINDING EACH <TR> AFTER THE WORD EXPERIENCE (table start) if ( trim($page[$i]) == "Experience" ) { $bandera = 1; } if ( ( $bandera == 1 ) AND ( trim($page[$i]) == "<tr>" )){ //READIN CODE TO MAKE IT VARIABLES $name = str_replace ("</font>", "", trim($page[$i+6]) ); $tag = str_replace ("</font>", "", trim($page[$i+8]) ); $members = str_replace ("</font>", "", trim($page[$i+10]) ); $exp = str_replace ("</font>", "", trim($page[$i+14]) ); $gnum = $gnum + 1; $i = $i + 12; if ( $gnum == 100 ) { $bandera = 0; } //ONLY 100 guilds listed so no more <TR>s //Magic formula of the experience average $expaverage = (round($exp/$members , 2)) ; //gettin all info into an array $array[$j][1]= $expaverage + 1000.001; $array[$j][2]= $name; $array[$j][3]= $tag; $array[$j][4]= $members + 10000; $array[$j][5]= $exp; $array[$j][6]= $expaverage; $array[$j][7]= $gnum + 1000; $j = $j+1; }//end of if tr }//end of for $i // all file read, now sort first time to find Average pos and store it rsort($array); for($i=0;$i<count($array);$i++) { $array[$i][8]= $i+1001; } //Now I want to get que quality index and make it another field for($i=0;$i<count($array);$i++) { $array[$i][9]= $array[$i][7] + $array[$i][8]; } //NOW SORT IT DEPENDIN ON WHAT USER LIKES.. $sorting = $QUERY_STRING; if ( $sorting == "" ) { $sorting = 1; } echo "Results sorted by "; if ( $sorting == 1 ){ echo "Quality Index"; for($i=0;$i<count($array);$i++) { $array[$i][1]= $array[$i][9]; } sort($array); } if ( $sorting == 2 ){ echo "Top 100 (Total levels)"; for($i=0;$i<count($array);$i++) { $array[$i][1]= $array[$i][7]; } sort($array); } if ( $sorting == 3 ){ echo "Average Position (Average Level)"; for($i=0;$i<count($array);$i++) { $array[$i][1]= $array[$i][8]; } sort($array); } if ( $sorting == 4 ){ echo "Number of Members"; for($i=0;$i<count($array);$i++) { $array[$i][1]= $array[$i][4]; } rsort($array); } //NOW THAT ARRAY IS SORTED AS USER WANTED, SHOW DATA for($i=0;$i<count($array);$i++) { ?><tr><td width="167" align="center"><font size="2"<? $color = "#FFFFFF"; if (trim($array[$i][3]) == "RED") { $color = "#FF0000"; } if (trim($array[$i][3]) == "NSZ") { $color = "#008080"; } echo " color=$color>"; echo $array[$i][2] . "</font></td>\r\n<td align=center width=41><font size=2 color=$color>"; echo $array[$i][3] . "</font></td>\r\n<td align=center width=77><font size=2 color=$color>"; echo ($array[$i][4] - 10000) . "</font></td>\r\n<td width=77 align=center><font size=2 color=$color>"; echo $array[$i][5] . "</font></td>\r\n<td width=65 align=center><font size=2 color=$color>"; echo $array[$i][6] . "</font></td>\r\n<td width=61 align=center><font size=2 color=$color>"; echo ($array[$i][7] - 1000) . "</font></td>\r\n<td width=61 align=center><font size=2 color=$color>"; echo ($array[$i][8] - 1000) . "</font></td>\r\n<td width=77 align=center><font size=2 color=$color>"; echo ($array[$i][9] - 2000) . "</font></td></tr>"; }//END FOR ?> </table> <p><br> *Quality position = Average position + Top 100 position</div> <p align="center"><font size="1" >Source data obtained automatically from www.endless-onlinnt></div></td></tr></table> <div id="eXTReMe"><a href=""> <img src="" style="border: 0;" height="38" width="41" id="EXim" alt="eXTReMe Tracker" /></a> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- var EXlogin='rednsz' // Login var EXvsrv='s10' // VServer EXs=screen;EXw=EXs.width;navigator.appName!="Netscape"? EXb=EXs.colorDepth:EXb=EXs.pixelDepth; navigator.javaEnabled()==1?EXjv="y":EXjv="n"; EXd=document;EXw?"":EXw="na";EXb?"":EXb="na"; EXd.write("<img src=", "/"+EXvsrv+".g?login="+EXlogin+"&", "jv="+EXjv+"&j=y&srw="+EXw+"&srb="+EXb+"&", "l="+escape(EXd.referrer)+" height=1 width=1>");//--> </script><noscript><div id="neXTReMe"><img height="1" width="1" alt="" src="" /> </div></noscript></div> </body> </html> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
priti Posted January 2, 2008 Share Posted January 2, 2008 Hi, Try use fsockopen() or CUrl to access remote urls. regards Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rajivgonsalves Posted January 2, 2008 Share Posted January 2, 2008 well if that setting is off in PHP you cannot use any of the functions with a url... so basically I never seen a workaround for that... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
priti Posted January 2, 2008 Share Posted January 2, 2008 Hello, I think fsockopen() or CURL doesn't depend on this parameter.I had tested it.pls reproduce 1.switch of allow_url_fopen the below script with filename changes <?php if( ini_get( 'allow_url_fopen' )) { echo 'url fopen is open'; } else { echo "url fopen is off" ; } $fp = fsockopen("localhost", 80, $errno, $errstr, 30); if (!$fp) { echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />\n"; } else { $out = "GET test.txt HTTP/1.1\r\n"; //change file name $out .= "Host: localhost \r\n"; $out .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n"; echo $out; fwrite($fp, $out); while (!feof($fp)) { echo fgets($fp, 128); } fclose($fp); } ?> allow_url_fopen paramter affects functions like fopen(remote url),file(),file_get_content. anywayz i would be googling more for this issue and as far as i know CURL is an external lib and never read that it depend on this parameter. kindly let me know weather above script worked or not. Regards Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rajivgonsalves Posted January 2, 2008 Share Posted January 2, 2008 I think your right.. the fsockopen should work... don't know about the other functions... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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